Marvel’s Infinite Power

Chapter 278 The Evil Will in the Girl's Body (2/5, Please Customize)

The girl named Phil is actually unlucky enough. She was pulled by her friends to destroy it. The destruction failed. Instead, she encountered so many demons. She was shocked and was drenched in the blood of one of them. on oneself.

The whole process can be said to have completely exceeded her expectations and her ability to endure, making her life without danger and causing huge amounts of turbulence.

I believe that it will be difficult for her to return to a normal life in the future. Don't think that it is impossible. Regardless of other things, what she experienced today is enough to make her unforgettable forever.

I am afraid that from now on, she will not dare to walk at night, for fear of encountering some monsters!

Demons have everything, let alone other creatures, and it happens that night is the time for evil creatures to act. I am afraid that "807" will not be able to go out at night for a long time in the future, and even will Locked in your own home.

This is a common problem for all people!

This is just the result of the shadow on her mind, there are some other changes in her body, and these changes make her very difficult to live a normal life.

"Lu Yi, come and see!" A naughty voice suddenly sounded.

Lu Yi looked in the direction of the little naughty, just in time to see the little naughty squatting beside the girl named Phil, showing an expression that he knew would be like this.

"I already guessed it!" Looking at the girl, Lu Yi said lightly.

Huge amounts of changes occurred on the girl named Phil wrapped in demon blood. The pungent and jet-black demon blood did not dry up as time passed, turning into pieces of blood.

Instead, it remains as fresh as it should be, but this is only now. With the coma of the girl named Phil, all the blood is as if alive, constantly infiltrating along the girl's skin.

In just a few tens of seconds, the blood on the ground had lost most of it, and all entered Phil's body.

The reason why the little naughty shouted was because she couldn't figure out what was going on.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Lu Yi was very clear about this, the little naughty asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just that this demon is a little special. The power of the whole body comes from its blood, and some evil wills of it exist in the blood!"

"So what?" the little naughty asked.

"Although the devil is dead, the blood in its body still retains its evil will. In order to survive, it chose to parasitize in the little naughty body."

Sometimes although I don't want to admit it, the devil is a higher level species than humans in the final analysis. Even if it is death, blood, body and some things can retain a lot of power.

As a result, "What about it?" The little naughty asked curiously.

"The best ending is to struggle between the control of the previous demon's will, become grumpy, become a devil, and gain the power of the devil, but there is a risk of being controlled at any time, and once controlled, the six will disown! "

"so poor!

The little naughty looked at the girl on the ground, and inexplicably thought that the two of them were the same age, and they were ordinary people before, but they turned into monsters that were hated by others.

Fortunately, I still have Lu Yi!

The little naughty peeked at Lu Yi with blushing cheeks, and was relieved to see that Lu Yi didn't notice her, and turned to say, "Is there any way to help her?"

However, Lu Yi knew that Xiao Tao's heart was filled with sympathy.

Lu Yi has nothing to deny about this little naughty, which can better highlight the kindness of the little naughty, which is a very good quality.

"Of course there is a way. In fact, not only can I do it, but you can too. I remember that I once gave you a magic book for exorcism. The content in this magic book can help you expel the evil will. Solve the hidden dangers of this girl!

There are some things that a little naughty can't do for Lu Yi, but there are things that a little naughty can do, but Lu Yi has no intention of doing it for him.

Not because of the trouble, but because the little naughty can only stand behind Lu Yi, can't get rid of the shadow Lu Yi gave her, can only live in the shadow of Lu Yi, and can't grow 0.

The little naughty is obviously aware of Lu Yi's good intentions, and is also noncommittal.

"I understand!"

Leaving such a sentence, the little naughty swiped in front of him, used himself to recover a lot of magic power, opened a space door leading to her room, and walked in without closing the space door.

About half a minute later, she returned from the space door with a lot of things and returned to the girl.

"He, it's so scary!" The little naughty glanced at the current girl and couldn't help being taken aback.

After half a minute of absorbing the devil's blood, all the blood had entered the girl's body, and the girl began to show her new appearance.

The girl seemed to be enduring huge amounts of pain, her chest was raised high, and her bones made a sound like fried beans. Between the girl's arms and forehead, the same horniness as the previous demon also began to slowly appear. Little by little, it covered the whole body of the girl.

"Is this the devil? It's really evil enough to actually move in the opposite direction of the devil!" The little naughty glanced at the horny girl's arms and forehead, and said: "It's fortunate that you met us, otherwise you 1.5 This life is ruined!"

Saying so, the little naughty's movements did not stop at all, she placed all kinds of materials around the girl's body, and finally, she used magic to re-bless a magic circle that expelled evil. A cross-shaped necklace was worn around the girl's neck.

The moment the necklace was put on, the changes on the girl's body stopped, which gave the little naughty time to stand in front of the girl, waving her hands, and drawing a magic under her that connected to what she had put before array.

A burst of strong light flashed, the magic circle released a strong light, the girl was in more severe pain than before, and she kept making strange noises, her closed eyes also opened at this moment, a pair of evil eyes imprinted into Naughty little eyes.

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