Marvel’s Infinite Power

Chapter 234 Phil Coulson's Contact (3/5, Customize)

Seeing this scene, all the people present felt bad, it was a bit beyond reality.

As a client, Ward was even more ashamed and angry in the humming sound in his mind and the constant vomiting feeling. He had said too much before, but now he feels like a Joker.

It's just that the people present have no intention of paying attention to him now, and everyone's eyes are shifted to Skye. They want to know what happened to Skye, including Phil Coulson.

Phil Coulson, as Skye's recruiter and his immediate superior, knew Skye very well, and he knew exactly what Skye had.

But suddenly Skye had such an ability, which really surprised him a bit.

"Zemma, Fitz, take Ward to heal the wound, we are going to leave soon, we can't drop the chain at this time, Mei, you are responsible for the transportation of materials, Skye, you come with me!

After speaking, Phil Coulson turned and walked towards the fighter plane.

Skye had already guessed that such a situation would happen, and it didn't feel too strange. He followed behind Phil Coulson and walked towards the fighter plane.

The two walked in one after the other, no one said a word, only the sound of footsteps echoed in their ears.

Finally, the two stopped in a room made of special metal and sat down face to face.

"I think I need an explanation!" Phil Coulson was silent for a while, speaking to a man like Skye who was fairly handy.

"The explanation is very simple, I am an Inhuman!"


Phil Coulson is not particularly familiar with the Inhumans, and is full of curiosity about the Inhumans that Skye said.

"That's right, Inhumans! Actually, I don't particularly know what Inhumans are, I just heard Lu Yi talk about it!"

"Lu Yi?" Phil Coulson couldn't help but fell silent again when Skye mentioned Lu Yi.

-Ji Anything that involves Lu Yi is absolutely no small matter, he has an instinctive headache for Yi.

To the silent Phil Coulson, Skye didn't mean to disturb, and looked around curiously. She was very curious about everything in the fighter plane.

"You shouldn't have the ability before, but after meeting Lu Yi this time, you have the ability, right?" Phil Coulson finally said, looking at Skye, who was looking at everything around him curiously.

That's right", Inhumans have a special ability, but this special ability is usually hidden in the genes, it is not able to be turned on at birth, this time I met Lu Yi, he helped me turn on the ability!

Hearing this, Phil Coulson couldn't help but gave Skye a deep look, which made Skye feel a little inexplicable.

If Skye could know what Phil Coulson was thinking, he wouldn't be inexplicable, and he might even give Phil Coulson a Vibe.

Phil Coulson thought in his heart: If this is the case, then the relationship between Skye and Lu Yi is really too unusual. No one will help a person who has nothing to do to open Ability. Skye should be Lu Yi's girlfriend or someone you like.

There have been such guesses between them, and now it is only right to turn such guesses into affirmative words.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it's normal. Skye, who is a half-race, is also a beautiful woman. It's normal for Lu Yi to like it. Maybe the two of them have already had a relationship.

If Skye heard this, he would definitely be furious.

"Is it convenient to tell me about your ability?" Phil Coulson's tone subconsciously changed a lot when he understood the relationship between Skye and Lu Yi.

"Convenient! My Ability is actually Vibe, which is the force that makes objects vibrate, and because of this Ability, other abilities are extended. The human body also vibrates, and the beating of the heart will also produce Vibe. I can judge from this. Is a man lying!

"So you judged something about Ward?" Phil Coulson couldn't help but cheer up and asked Skye.


After hearing Skye's affirmative words, Phil Coulson had countless ideas in his mind, all of which were about the use of Skye's Ability. Compared with combat, Skye's other aspects were more effective, such as judging who to use. It's HYDRA.

Ward is actually well hidden. If it wasn't for a chance that Nick Fury learned about it and told Phil Coulson, Phil Coulson wouldn't have seen any abnormality just from the appearance.

But Skye saw it, in a matter of hours.

The search for HYDRA people within S.H.I.E.L.D is currently in a predicament. Skye's existence Yan Yan is to break this predicament. Coupled with her relationship with Lu Yi, it can be a good promotion.

"You go back first, remember not to reveal anything that found you!" Phil Coulson thought for a long time before speaking to Skye.

Skye naturally did not refuse, opened the door and walked out, leaving only Phil Coulson to continue thinking in place.

After thinking for a long time, Phil Coulson walked out of this room, came to a secret room on the fighter plane, and called Nick Fury through an encrypted single-line landline phone in this room.

"Phil Coulson, you just called me at the beginning, don't tell me you are trying to test if the phone is working?" Nick Fury's voice came from the (Zhao Qianhao) tube.

"Definitely not, it is like this, we have a new breakthrough here!"

"Who discovered HYDRA?"

"No, it's Skye's problem, Skye seems to know her background to a certain extent through Lu Yi, and she also got the ability belonging to the Inhumans!

Hearing this, Nick Fury was silent. Unlike Phil Coulson's unclear Inhumans, he was very clear and knew some things about Skye's life experience.

Not waiting for Nick Fury to say anything, Phil Coulson continued: "According to Skye, her ability can judge whether a person is right or not, and she seems to have a strong attack power!"

"Any more?"

"One more thing, our guess should be correct, Skye should be Lu Yi's favorite person or simply Lu Yi's girlfriend!"

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