Marvel’s Infinite Power

Chapter 209 Verifying the Conjecture (3/5, Customize)

It only saw that it was about to be favored by Mephisto, but didn't think about how powerful Lu Yi was. It only thought that Lu Yi was a lucky guy before.

But what I didn't expect was that Lu Yi was not or not only a lucky guy, but also a powerful person, and his strength was simply not comparable to himself.

With one punch, just one punch, its entire arm was broken, and the hot, sulphur-smelling substance flowing on the ground was nothing else, it was all its flesh and blood.

It was originally a fire demon, skilled in the magic of fire, and the flesh and blood in its body was comparable to magma.

Ordinary people can be incinerated by touching them, but all of them were blocked by an invisible barrier in the face of Lu Yi, which had no effect at all.


There was only one word left in the devil's mind, and his head was empty.

This word then drove its huge body, and the frenzy on its face disappeared, replaced by a thick panic.

Then, as soon as its body turned, it was about to run away.

Want to run "? Stay!"

Another Lu dodged and appeared beside the demon, and one kicked, directly smashing one of the demon's legs.

Although a demon is a creature with strong recovery ability, it is not so easy to recover from losing a whole leg, let alone in a short period of time, the body directly loses its balance and falls to the ground with a thud.

Looking at the fallen demon, Lu Yi didn't let it go. A golden magic circle appeared under his feet and stomped on the back of the demon on the ground.

The demon on the ground wanted to use magic to resist, but under the influence of the golden magic circle under Lu Yi's feet, the power in its body was instantly restrained, and magic could not be activated.

Even, because the one behind him belongs to Lu Yi's foot, it only feels like the top of Mount Tai, without even the strength to stand up, it is firmly pressed to the ground.

"Master, what are you going to do with it?" Yuriko asked curiously as she watched Lu Yi subdue the demon without killing it.

"The devil is a good material. The previous devils didn't meet my requirements and didn't mean to stay. The current one can stay and play!"

"Master doesn't want to use it for experiments?"

"It's not an experiment, but use it to try to transform something and verify my conjecture!"


Lily seems to understand but does not understand!

But Lu didn't care about her expression. After thinking about it, he took out the Dark Divine Book from the treasure of the king.

Looking at the Book of Darkness in Lu Yi's hand, Yuriko didn't show any special expression yet, and the demon on the ground, who could see clearly what it was with the corners of her eyes, let out a startled sound.

"What is this?"

The evil aura in the Dark Book of Gods is too strong, and it is many times stronger than the evil aura on the devil's body. This must not be a simple thing.

What does Lu Yi want to do with this thing?

"You don't need to worry about what it is. You shouldn't pay attention to these things now, but you should pay attention to yourself!"

After Lu Yi finished speaking, he didn't give it a chance to continue. He put the Dark Divine Book on his left hand, and his right hand stretched out to point to the demon on the ground.

"What the hell do you want to do?" the demon on the ground roared frantically.

Although the demon was roaring frantically, its roar couldn't hide its panic at all. It was afraid, not just ordinary.

Lu Yi's actions are very simple, but from Lu Yi's actions, it feels the crisis of life and death, as if these simple actions can kill it, or even make it irreversible.

This feeling is very strong, it does not think it is fake, there must be something wrong.

Facing its question, Lu Yi didn't have the slightest intention to answer. The magic power surged on his body, and a special force appeared in the hand that Lu Yi pointed to it from afar.


It only felt a special force hit, and then the power, evil will and everything in its body flew towards Lu Yi's right hand uncontrollably, and its body even appeared as a double image, one by one belonging to it. An illusory shadow appeared between it and Lu Yi's right hand.

One by one they flew towards Lu Yi's right hand, turning into a mass of gray matter before Lu Yi's right hand, and suspended.

The devil who was trampled under his feet by Lu Yi tried to struggle hard with his only remaining hands and feet, but this struggle had no effect at all.

On the contrary, with the passage of time, the strength of its own struggle is constantly decreasing, the flesh and blood with hot breath is constantly flowing on its body, and it is gradually cooling down, and the exoskeleton that glitters with metallic luster becomes dull.

It is not only absorbed by power, but also many others, which are being swallowed and absorbed by the whole.

It also panicked, and immediately asked for forgiveness, "", let me go, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I am willing to be your slave and tell you everything I have mastered!"

For a stronger demon, it is not known how long he has lived, and he really does not know how much he has mastered. Magician is very tempting and attractive to some weaker demons who do not have much magic.

It's a pity that it is facing Lu Yi, and such a thing means nothing to Lu Yi at all, everything goes on. (Zhao Zhaohao)

Seeing that Lu Yi didn't feel any heartbeat, it panicked even more, and then used various words to try to make Lu Yi let him go.

It's just that these are all useless!

Lu Yi didn't feel a heartbeat at all, on the contrary, he wasted a lot of time because of constantly talking, and now he was so weak that he couldn't even utter a word, and could only look at Lu Yi resentfully.

Lu Yi didn't have any interest in this, and withdrew his arms, and with a puff, his entire body turned into gray-white powder and fell to the ground, raising a burst of flying ashes.

After doing this, Lu Yi didn't do anything else, he stuffed the clump of things in his hand into the Dark God Book, and quietly waited for the Dark God Book to change.

Seeing this scene, Yuriko also looked at the Dark Divine Book in Lu Yi's hand, and wanted to see if there was any change.

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