Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 89: The truth emerges! Police riot!

After adding the pictures to the text, the network technicians of the Crow Organization anonymously posted them on social media using the cover of hundreds of broilers.

The popularity of Michelle and the robbers has always been high. Once this photo was exposed, it was wildly reprinted and commented by netizens.

In just half an hour, the number of reprints exceeded 5 million, and the comments under the account also exceeded 1 million.

After the photos were interpreted by professionals, the truth of the Los Angeles incident finally surfaced.

Apparently, after escaping the blockade in New York, Jason went to Los Angeles, where he committed a major crime.

After the Los Angeles government learned of the incident, it notified the new New York government as soon as possible, and New York used an unknown price to get Los Angeles to conceal the incident, and shrugged off the crime to trumped-up terrorists. Tricked like a fool.

Some people also questioned the authenticity of the photo, but today's PS technology is not developed, this slightly blurry selfie is obviously taken from a mobile phone, and it is difficult to fake it under the current conditions.

It can be said that it is a stone hammer!

This photo has been passed around a hundred times. After learning the whole truth of the Los Angeles incident, the people of the United States were completely outraged.

They did not vent their anger at Jason, but at the Los Angeles government that concealed the truth and the new New York government that was unfavorable in prevention and control.

"A despicable and shameless government, a despicable and shameless politician!"

"Jason is the main culprit, and the government is their accomplice!"

"One person's blood, let these shameless politicians step down!"

"California crushes should come to our state in Nevada. This shameless government is not trustworthy."

As the incident gradually fermented, the government departments involved in the case were under pressure from the whole society, and the New York government was the first to bear the brunt.

He paid a huge price to suppress the matter of Jason. As a result, just after they paid the money, Jason exposed the matter.

This not only made the New York government's efforts completely wasted, but also charged with the crime of unfavorable prevention and control and distorting the facts.

Come today, the new government in New York may face another round of reshuffle.


At the same time, the family members of the deceased police officers who were waiting at the gate of the Los Angeles Police Department also got the news, which made their already angry mood even more fueled.

Originally, although they were demonstrating and protesting, they were all obediently guarding the gate of the police station without any drastic actions.

But after this photo and remarks came out, they completely defeated their rational defense line.

Everyone started to get angry and rushed into the police station building with a roar. The police officers guarding the door held high bulletproof shields and desperately resisted, and then quickly notified the leaders above.

In the conference room, the three bosses sat in office chairs with ashen faces.

They just received a phone call from their superiors. On the phone, the superiors criticized them for their incompetence and their stupidity.

The influence of this incident has swept the whole country. In order to quell public anger, the superiors had to abandon the three as abandoned sons, and let the three of them bear the accusation of concealing the truth together.

Hanging up the phone, the three of them felt sad.

They thought that after transferring power to the military, they would be able to withdraw from the case smoothly.

Unexpectedly, Jason actually played a trick to expose himself at this time, involving all of them.

"Damn Jason! Why don't those stupid cops in New York just kill him when they catch him!"

"Don't complain, let's think about what to do in the future!"

At this moment, a policeman knocked on the door and came in and said, "Director, the family members outside started rioting, and they are about to break through the defense line."

"Reverse them! I'll deal with it!"

The director slapped the table, stood up with a dark face, and walked downstairs.

When the family members who were guarding outside saw the Director come out, they immediately yelled at him with passion.

Under the protection of the special police, the chief stood on the steps more than ten meters away, and announced the pension plan for the sacrificed police officers to the families of the police officers.

The federal and state governments of the United States have set up special pension programs for police officers and firefighters who have died in the line of duty.

According to the economic conditions of each state, a one-time pension ranging from $280,000 to $350,000 will be issued. For families with children, special education funds will be provided until the children reach adulthood.

California is one of the richest states in New York, and the financial situation is very good, so the Commissioner directly pulls the pension to the highest, and each family will receive a pension of 350,000 US dollars.

If Jason hadn't exposed this matter, this generous pension would be enough to calm the anger in the family's heart.

But after the photo was widely circulated on the Internet, and after being over-explained by the unscrupulous media, the Los Angeles government became an accomplice in the mass death of police officers.

Since they are accomplices, they must pay enough compensation. How can a mere $350,000 be enough to satisfy their appetite.

The family members were dissatisfied and continued to roar at the director. Many even picked up stones from the ground and threw them at him.

The director managed to dodge a few rocks with agility, but he was still smashed on the forehead.


The forehead was bruised, and a smear of blood dripped down the eyelids.

The SWAT officers were shocked and quickly raised their bulletproof shields to block the stones.

The director took out a handkerchief and covered his forehead, and returned to the building with a grim face.

The deputy also came over and asked, "Director, the family members have started rioting again, what should we do?"

The director was furious and said, "What should I do? Use tear gas and high-pressure water cannons to suppress We must not let them rush into the building."

"But... they are all family members of the police officers who sacrificed themselves. Will the forcible suppression with violence chill the hearts of the police officers below?"

The director put down the silk scarf in his hand, pointed to the wound on his forehead and said angrily: "Look at it! Look at it! This is what your family members have done! What they're doing now is a riot, and quickly send someone to suppress it. If something goes wrong, your position as deputy director will end!"


The deputy's expression changed, and he immediately went to execute.

After hearing the suppression order, the front-line police officers were stunned.

They never dreamed that such an order would be issued from above.

Those people outside the door are not thugs. They are the wives of colleagues in the police station for many years, the children of their best friends, and the parents who were considerate of their seniors when they first entered the industry.

Let them use weapons to suppress these people, they absolutely can't do it!

The police officers at the bottom are always more conscientious and loyal than the high-ranking officials at the top. They throw down their weapons and refuse to carry out orders.

Even if they were punished afterwards, they would not hesitate!

The police failed to organize an effective defense, and the human wall was quickly breached. The family members rushed into the police station like crazy and smashed it.

Not long after, gunshots were heard in the police station.

And all this was filmed by a helicopter at a high place, and the whole country was able to see this scene through live TV broadcast.


Thank you [Book Friend 20180405123929639] [Snow Judgment] [Si Hu 覅] [My Emperor Ten Thousand Sleeps] [Fashion Thirteen] [KIHJL;KN] for the 100-point reward!

Thank you [Jia House Scholar] for the 500-point reward!

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