Marvel’s Big Villain

: Finish this testimonial

After typing the words "completed the book", I thought I would feel relieved and relaxed, but I didn't expect the fart feeling, and I was a little depressed...

Maybe I was numb to the end of the writing, so I didn't feel much, and I couldn't express my emotions at length.

Let's talk about the new book...

When I was writing this book, I was very tormented every day after the creative explosion period, and I felt that I was not satisfied with how I wrote it.

Of course, there are many reasons, but in the final analysis, there is not enough ink in my stomach, so it is time for me to pick up the book and learn to charge it.

The time may be relatively long, and I will also update the extras or special articles from time to time to prevent long-term failure to code words and lead to hand birth.

You can also leave a message below this article to talk about the style and genre of the novel you like. You can be more detailed or brief. I hope you can draw inspiration from the message!

Finally, I wish the book friends who see here, a happy new year and a happy family!

Hope we can meet again in the days to come!


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