Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 415: Rule the universe and travel through time and space!

The cracks on Gu Yi's body are getting bigger and bigger, and the purple light in the cracks is getting more and more dazzling.

Facing death, Master Gu Yi's mentality was very calm, and there was no expression on his face.

This is very similar to Odin, the lord of the gods.

Soon, the purple light burst, and Gu Yi's rotten body was completely annihilated into ashes.

However, for a strong person of her level, the body is just a burden, and only by abandoning the body can the soul be free.

Jason had anticipated this for a long time, and at the moment when the soul of the ancient master left the body, he used the soul gem to tear the soul into pieces, and then sacrificed all of them.

This end is worse than the tyrant, at least the soul of the tyrant is complete.

Watching Master Gu Yi completely vanish, Jason slowly fell to the ground, and looked at his party members with a smile: "I'm back, everything is over."

The party members were excited and cheered in unison.

it is finally over!

From now on, the clown organization finally does not have to hide.

They can walk on the street with dignity and openness, and announce their names with their heads held high.

The biggest obstacle has disappeared, and anyone who dares to resist will only have a dead end.

Jason led them to the skies over New York.

Looking down on this magnificent city, they have the feeling of being the master of God.

No, in a sense, they are the gods of these people now.

God who rules birth, old age, sickness and death, rich and poor.

Harry took Jason's hand and said with a bit of concern: "Mage Gu Yi left the Time Stone to her disciples, but unfortunately I can't track them."

Jason said indifferently: "Don't worry, these idiots will give me the gems sooner or later."


In a distant galaxy, there is a planet whose environment is highly similar to that of Earth.

On an island far from the city and crowds, there is an old wooden house.

The shape, style, and structure of the house are out of tune with this planet.

For some unknown reason, once the humans and aircraft on this planet approach here, they will all lose contact with each other completely.

Over the centuries, it has become a legendary place of death.

The coast was choppy, and on the snow-white sky, a red circle suddenly appeared, and flames were blazing around.

In the next instant, several people appeared from the circle and fell on the green lawn.

Tony supported the grass with both hands, stood up panting heavily, smelling the salty and wet sea breeze, he breathed a long sigh of relief: "I'm saved, I almost thought I was going to die there."

"Who are you?"

Sol clenched Thor's hammer tightly, and looked at the curly-haired long-faced man in a red cloak with vigilance.

Brother Curly Hair seemed to have something on his mind, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he frowned and said, "Doctor Strange."

The corners of Loki's mouth twitched, and he said sarcastically, "Oh... It turns out that doctors on Earth can also do magic, which is really good."

Curly glanced at him and didn't seem to like him very much, and explained: "Doctor is my former profession, and now I am a magician and a disciple of the ancient master."

Everyone suddenly realized that they were the apprentices of the Supreme Master, no wonder they were able to save them from Jason.

Tony frowned, his expression and mood were very unhappy, he walked up and asked.

"You are the disciple of Master Gu Yi? Then do you know how long it took us to find her? How much energy? Why didn't you show up earlier... Why do you have to wait for so many people to die before you act like a savior? Appear? Is it the only way to satisfy your poor self-esteem?"

Strange looked at him, sighed and said, "The Supreme Mage monitors threats from the dark side and alien planets. When the Asgardians came to Earth, the Ancient One Mage knew."

Hearing this, Sol's blue veins burst into anger: "So you all just watched us searching all over the world like fools."

Strange shook his head and explained: "The Ancient One Mage has long predicted that Jason will bring disaster to the universe, and even she can't stop it."

Hearing this, Sol didn't understand even more, and asked: "Those more than ten years ago, when the ancient master had a chance, why didn't he kill Jason directly, but let the tiger return to the mountain?"

Strange said: "Because Jason can't be killed! Oh, this is what Master Gu Yi said personally. I know you don't understand, but this is after Master Gu Yi traveled to the future countless times and watched hundreds of millions of endings. The best way to find. Because only by exiling Jason, you can live in peace and stability on earth for more than ten years."

Tony was surprised and muttered to himself: "Can't kill him? He's just a human..."

Strange explained: "Jason has a mystery that a wizard can't see clearly, maybe this is the root of the curse. From the moment the root of the curse was buried, the universe seems to be suffering from an incurable disease, and can only find a way to prolong it. life, but there is no way to cure it.”

Knowing this news is a heavy blow to everyone.

It turned out that for more than ten years, they tried their best to kill Jason, but in the end it was a waste of time.

Sadly, many people lost their lives for this pointless thing.


After a long silence, Steve looked at the seaside and the hillside in the distance, and asked, "Where is this place?"

Strange said: "The Supreme Mage's holiday cabin, located on a planet in Centaur. It's safe here, at least for the time being."

Falling across the galaxy directly, the ability of the magician is really convenient.

Sol remembered something, raised his head suddenly and asked, "What about the Asgardians? I left them on the island."

Tony quickly added: "And Pepper and Morgan."

Strange reached out and pointed not far away, there was a peculiarly shaped wooden building: "When you fought Jason, I rescued everyone."

Hearing this, Sol and Tony immediately flew towards the wooden house, and the rest walked over at a walking speed.

On the way, Steve asked worriedly: "Asgardians are safe, what about the civilians on Earth?"

Strange comforted: "Jason is not a murderer. People on earth have no injustice or enmity with him, and they will be fine. What he pursues is absolute rule. If everyone is dead, he will still rule. Who is it?"

Hearing this sentence, although Steve was not happy, he was also a little relieved.

The vacation hut of the Supreme Master is not large enough to accommodate thousands of people.

Those Asgardians are learning to use tools such as axes and hammers under the leadership of Heimdall. They are going to cut down some trees and build temporary houses.

Tony also found Pebble and Morgan, both mother and daughter well and uninjured.

The Asgardians are so slow at building houses that several superheroes have to help out with carpentry work.

Finally, before night came, they helped build a large wooden house.

Although the wooden house is extremely simple, there is no bed or bathroom, but at least it can keep out the wind and rain.


Late at night, Tony went out for a walk alone after telling a story to put his daughter to sleep.

He was in a very heavy mood at the moment, he was always sighing when he was working, he couldn't see a smile on his face, and he didn't have the heart to complain when he encountered interesting things.

However, he was not alone in the insomnia, including Strange, everyone was sitting around the table outside.

It wasn't easy for everyone tonight.

Captain Marvel suffered the biggest setback of her life, which severely hit her self-confidence.

Strange has lost his beloved mentor and is at a loss for the path ahead.

Thor learns that Jason is immortal, quenching his vengeful anger, turning into a full of resentment and helplessness.

Others leave their hometowns and come to this strange planet, and they are completely separated from their friends and family, and they will definitely not be in a good mood.

"So...that's what we're going to be like for the rest of our lives...staying in this **** the country life of the last century."

Everyone was drinking and reluctant to speak, but finally Tony opened the conversation.

"What else do you want to do? Go back to Earth to die?" Captain Marvel answered unhappily.

"No, I don't want to die, and I don't deserve to die. It should be Jason, the Joker Organization." Tony's voice became louder.

I thought you could beat Jason before, so I was polite to you for three points.

Now that everyone is screwed, who cares who you are.

"Tony, we all want to kill Jason... but you've also heard that this **** can't die." Banner lowered his head in frustration.

"This is just what the ancient one said, maybe she is wrong, maybe there is some way we don't know." Tony expressed his suspicion.

It may be that he has not seen Gu Yi's strength with his own eyes, and Tony is not very interested in this elusive Supreme Mage.

She said that Jason couldn't die if he didn't die. Maybe her mouth was still open.

Tony was born with a rebellious spirit, and he never liked the words of those authoritative experts.

But what he said was not unreasonable. Could it be that they all were sentenced to death just because of a word of others.

Home will not return, revenge will not be revenge, the rest of his life will stay on this strange planet, and then eat and wait to die.

Others may accept this result.

But these are all arrogant superheroes, and they can't accept it.

"I agree!"

For the first time, Steve, who cherishes words like gold, expressed his opinion, and he still agreed with Tony.

Tony looked up at Steve, in a complicated mood, and the muscles on his face trembled.

Steve stood up and said, "Even if the chances are slim, I think we have to fight for those who died and those who will come."

Tony also stood up and echoed: "Maybe Jason won't start killing people, but you really want to see people in the future living under his reign of terror forever? At least I don't want Jr. Morgan to grow up and want to Surrender to that **** Jason."

Sol stood up the third, gritted his teeth and said, "I agree! Jason killed my father and destroyed my homeland. I must avenge this revenge."

Banner looked up at them, hesitated for a moment, then stood up and said, "Natasha... Rose... I want to avenge them."

Captain Marvel followed Banner and stood up: "My dream is to eliminate violence and injustice in the universe. I have been busy for decades, and it was all in vain when I was mixed up by Jason. If you don't get rid of him for a day, the universe will There will never be peace."

Six of them stood up and five of them looked at Doctor Strange in unison.

They were all willing to rebel against Jason, but none of them knew what to do and could only count on this apprentice mage.

Strange smiled helplessly, stood up and said, "Actually... I have a plan!"

Several people's eyes lit up, as if they saw hope in the dark.

"Jason's strength is very strong, everyone knows that. And most of his strength comes from Infinity Stones, so if you want to kill him, you must collect all six Infinity Stones, this is the only way."

"But the six gems Jason has absorbed five."

"Yes, but we can go back in time, before the gems were absorbed by Jason, and collect them."

With that said, Strange cast magic and opened the Eye of Agamotto hanging around his neck.

A green light shot out and shone on everyone's faces.

Sol understood what he meant and said in surprise: "You want to use the time gem to send us back to the past?"

Strange spread his hands and said, "That's right, or do you have a better way?"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke.

I have to admit, Strange's plan is the most perfect.

As long as they have the Time Stone in their hands, they can travel through time and space at will and obtain the Infinity Stone in the easiest way.

Tony hesitated: "I have no problem with this plan. But I'm worried that Jason's people will find this place after we leave."

Strange explained: "Time is marked by ticks. We leave the current ticks, go to other ticks to collect the Infinity Stones, and then come back to the present, for them only a few seconds have passed."

Hearing this sentence, Tony finally felt relieved: "Then let's Go early and return early."

Captain Marvel nodded and said, "Yes, the longer it drags on, the stronger Jason will be."

"OK!" Strange walked to the open space aside: "Everyone gathered around."

People came and formed a circle.

At this time, Pepper Pepper ran out of the wooden house and said, "Wait, Tony, I'll go with you."

Hearing this, Tony was furious and reprimanded: "What are you kidding? This is not a tour. This trip is very dangerous. If we can't come back, what about Morgan?"

Pebble stepped closer, and said with a serious expression, "Morgan will not be happy without you. So I'm going with you to help you eliminate all dangers."

Sol said with disgust: "Ma'am, you don't even have the ability to protect yourself..."

Pebble turned and showed him the necklace around his neck. "Look, I can protect myself and help you by the way."

It was Tony's gift to Peb, a new set of nano armor.

Putting on this suit of armor, Pebble's combat power has skyrocketed, not much worse than the current Banner.

Seeing his wife's insistence, Tony's attitude was a little loose.

"Okay, I can promise you, but if you are in danger, you must leave immediately."

"No problem." Pebble walked into the circle happily and took her husband's hand.

"Everyone is ready! Goal 2008, countdown, three, two, one..."

The Time Stone on Strange's chest burst into a dazzling green light, shrouding everyone in it.


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