Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 406: Thor Warning, Heroes Assemble!

After being angrily scolded by Angelina, Brian seemed to suddenly wake up.

A sweet date with Gwen in the evening, instead of dozens of sports cars driving the road, nor a nightclub party, it becomes as ordinary as most couples.

Eating, shopping, watching movies...and doing homework.

When the time was almost up, he did not force Gwen to go to the hotel, but took her home by taxi.


Sitting in the cab home, Brian reminisced about tonight's date and couldn't believe it was arranged by himself.

But what Angelina said is right. If he shows off his wealth in such a high-profile way, he will definitely be targeted by those who are interested.

Once his identity is exposed, he has to obediently return to Wakanda and bid farewell to this flowery world completely.

So in order to be able to enjoy happiness for a long time, he must restrain himself.

Brian leaned on the back seat and tilted his head to admire the night view of New York.

After entering Long Island, the high-rise buildings gradually faded away, leaving only the endless darkness outside the window, as well as the chirping of insects and birds.

Suddenly, a dark blue light lit up in the distance.

Bryan guessed that it was an electrical spark from a fault in the wiring, so he didn't care that he continued to sit in the back seat and wait for the driver to take him home.


The blue light that Brian discovered was not a spark from a fault in the power grid, but Sol used the cosmic Rubik's Cube to open the door to that dark blue space.

In order to avoid Jason's pursuit, Sol and Loki decided to use the cosmic Rubik's Cube to travel around the universe and deliberately leave clues.

They wanted to use this method to paralyze Jason and prolong the time he was found.

After wandering around the universe for more than ten days and leaving behind many clues, Thor finally led the refugees from Asgard to the final destination... Earth.

A coast on Long Island.

Thousands of refugees walked out of the portal and sat around the rocks by the beach.

The feeling of being uprooted is always sad, with expressions of concern and unease on the faces of refugees.

These days they gradually learned the truth.

After hearing the news of the death of Odin, the lord of the gods, these refugees felt that the sky above their heads collapsed.

Asgard under the rule of Odin is definitely a pure land.

The people here live and work in peace and contentment, never worry about their livelihood, and spend their days with laughter and laughter.

But Odin protected them too much!

These people are not diligent in their limbs, and they do not have any skills to make a living, and their thinking is simply like a child.

Sudden with this catastrophe, dragging them from heaven to hell, these people are completely helpless, all like helpless sheep, huddled together and weeping.

Seeing the dejected look of the people, Sol felt the pressure.

But remembering his father's exhortation, he still held the Thor's Hammer tightly, jumped on a stone wall to face everyone, and then imitated his father's appearance and encouraged loudly:

"Come to Earth for refuge is only a temporary measure! As long as I am here, you don't have to worry! After killing Jason, we will go back immediately to our beautiful homeland..."

It turns out that being loud is also beneficial.

Sol's shallow speech made those refugees a little relieved, and hope was rekindled in their hearts.

Holding the Rainbow Sword, Heimdall silently watched Sol with a gratified smile on his face.

The emergence of the father, the powerful enemy, the expectations of the people...

So many heavy burdens fell on Sol at once.

But instead of being knocked down by the pressure, he quickly completed his transformation.

From a reckless warrior to a wise king.

As an old friend for many years, he was very happy to see this day.

After the speech, Thor found Heimdall and Loki and said: "The most important thing for us now is to find the Avengers, but there are many Jason's remnants on the earth, so we must be careful and not reveal their identities. "

Hearing this, Loki immediately suggested: "You can go to Tony Stark! The other members of the Avengers are all inseparable, only he lives in that tall and ugly building, separated by You can see it from afar."

Several people raised their heads and looked at the high-rise buildings in Manhattan.

Sol thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Good idea, then the two of you will stay here and take care of the people in Asgard."

"No..." Loki immediately objected: "You are wearing armor and holding a hammer. This look is too eye-catching. Don't forget, you are also a member of the Avengers, and maybe there are fans of you on the street."

"It's okay, I can change a dress!"

Loki continued: "Okay, so how do you explain to the doorman when you come to Stark Tower? Hey, the doorman, I'm in a hurry to find Tony Stark, let me in? Or, I'm Thunder God Thor, get out of the way at once, or Odin's wrath will come upon you?"

These are Thor's usual catchphrase that might work in other universes, but it sounds embarrassingly tingling at the moment.

Heimdall grinned and Thor looked embarrassed.

Loki said, "Dude, you don't know anything about the world, so let me go with you."

Hearing this, Sol frowned and stared at Loki with a bad look.

His expression seems to be saying, my worry-free brother, won't he be playing some crazy ideas again?

"Don't look at me like that!" Loki said, "My father has emerged, and Asgard has fallen to this point, and I don't feel well. And we are on the same front when it comes to killing Jason. "

Loki's words made sense, and Heimdall also helped: "Sol, let's go together. In terms of interpersonal communication, Loki is indeed better than you."

Seeing that old friends have said so, Sol can only nod in agreement.

"Okay, let's go!"


Half an hour later, the brothers appeared on the streets of Manhattan.

In order not to attract the attention of passersby, Loki applied a layer of illusion to both of them.

In the eyes of outsiders at this moment, they are just ordinary people dressed in ordinary clothes.

"They rebuilt the city!"

Walking on the sidewalk, Loki raised his head and looked around with interest.

"Yeah, it's all thanks to you. Should the earthlings give you an award? What kind of Nobel Prize?" Sol couldn't help but sarcastically.

The last time Loki visited the earth, it caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, a city was completely reduced to ruins, and the earth was enough to be sentenced to death 10,000 times.

Now Saul walks him on the streets of New York, always feeling guilty, as if he is a wicked person who covers up criminals.

Loki took the initiative to speak, but he was bored, so he kept his mouth shut and only focused on speeding up the road.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the two finally came to the gate of Stark Tower.

Even though it was late at night, the building was still brightly lit, and dozens of security guards in bulletproof vests were still looking around at the door.

The two stopped, and Loki asked with a smile, "Are you going or me?"

Thor rolled his eyes at him and remained silent.

I have to admit that Loki is much more proficient in dealing with people than he is, and Thor is just a reckless man who will do it if he doesn't agree.

Loki smiled proudly and walked towards the front of the building.

"Stop! Please show your ID!"

After a few steps, a security guard stopped him.

Sol stood not far away to observe, and saw that Loki didn't know what to say to the security, and the other party obviously relaxed his vigilance.

The two stood in front of the door and pointed, and after a while, Loki turned around and walked over alone.

Sol asked, "Failed?"

Loki shook his head. "Stark sold the building and moved to a base in the upstate."

Sol frowned: "Is that base far from here?"

Loki nodded and said, "It's quite far, so I asked that friend to drive us there."

Hearing this, Sol was taken aback and asked curiously, "What did you tell him? He was willing to drive you?"

"Speaking skills are only part of it, the most important thing is this..." Loki took out a thick stack of banknotes from his pocket.


Sol suddenly realized, feeling that a door to a new world had opened.

The security guard was about to leave work, and after getting a stack of dollar bills, he drove the two to the base in upstate in a Ford pickup.

Along the way, Loki had a very pleasant chat with the security guard, and he covered up all the information of the earth over the years without a trace.

And Thor was deprived of the right to speak by Loki, and could only tilt his head to look out the window in boredom.


After arriving at Stark's new base, Loki once again used his words to secure security.

After some twists and turns, the brothers finally stepped into the base and saw Tony Stark, who had just been pulled up from the bed in his pajamas.

Tony glanced at Loki badly, and then complained at Sol: "Can't you come earlier, or come back tomorrow morning?"

Thor looked sad and said slowly: " father died...Asgard was also destroyed..."

Hearing this, Tony felt sleepless and said in surprise, "Oh Maiga! Isn't your father the lord of the gods, who can kill him?"

Sol stared at him seriously: "Jason Walter!"

"What!" Tony jumped up from the sofa instantly.

Sol took a long sigh and slowly revealed the information about Jason.

Knowing that Jason inhaled four Infinity Stones into his body and formed a huge cosmic fleet, Tony couldn't say a word in surprise.

Jason has been away from the earth for more than ten years, and those tragedies in the past have been gradually forgotten by Tony under the erosion of time.

He is married and has a lovely daughter, and he likes the quiet life now.

But this beauty is still broken!

Jason, it's him again!

Everyone thought that he had already killed his star, but he didn't expect that he not only didn't die, but became stronger!

Tony walked to the wine cabinet and poured himself a glass of wine.

When he calmed down a little, he asked, "What are your plans?"

Thor said: "There is no way but to fight hard! Jason's goal is the Infinity Stones, so he will definitely come to Earth eventually. I have made some arrangements in the universe to block his pace a little and gather allies for us. To gain time."

Tony's face sank: "Allies?"

"That's right!" Sol said: "You, me, Steve, and the big guy... Of course, the most important thing is to find the Supreme Mage!"

Tony said: "Steve seems to have something related to the Supreme Mage in his hands."

Hearing this, Sol was overjoyed: "That's great, hurry up and contact Steve and visit the Supreme Mage together another day. As long as she is willing to join, we have a chance of winning!"

Tony took a sip of wine, lowered his head and said nothing.

Sol's excitement has not yet passed, and he urged: "Don't be stunned, make a phone call."

Tony shook his head and continued drinking.

Sol was puzzled: "What happened to you?"

At this time, Loki said: "I guess, the two of them have completely cut off contact."

In the car just now, Loki got a lot of information from the security mouth.

These include the presidential assassination that shocked the world ten years ago, and the subsequent fallout between Iron Man and Captain America.

After Sol was reminded by Loki, he suddenly remembered what the security guard had said.

He was neither surprised nor concerned about the conflict between the two.

Now that the situation is so critical, it is not the time for them to get angry.

He pressed: "You must have his address or contact information."

Tony raised his head, opened the virtual screen, and said, "Not bad! I'll tell you the address, you can find him yourself."

Thor persuaded: "Tony, it's better for you to go! I'm not from Earth, I can't read your address. And even if I can convince Steve, won't you meet each other when you finally fight Jason? Everyone is teammates who used to fight side by side, there is no hatred to let go."

Tony knocked the wine glass on the table heavily, and sighed: "You don't understand, things are not as simple as you Sol doesn't believe in evil, and asked: "Then tell me, what happened between the two of you? what? "

"I..." Tony hesitated and said, "I killed his best brother!"

"What?" Thor looked confused: "Why?"

"It's not my was his brother who killed my parents first!" Tony quickly explained: "You should understand this feeling, I have to avenge my parents' revenge!"

Knowing the whole story, Sol didn't know how to persuade him.

He had no choice but to nod in agreement and said, "Okay, I can go to Steve, but... you guys can make up! Although I know it's not easy!"

Tony's expression was a little sad. He didn't want to talk about these things, so he changed the subject.

"I will send people to bring the refugees from Asgard here. Before the matter is over, they are not suitable for public appearances, otherwise they will be shocked."

"Okay, it's all up to you!"

"Also, you have to be careful, the current situation on Earth is very bad."

"What happened to Earth?"

Tony said in a heavy tone: "Clown! I thought that without Jason, they would be nothing to worry about, but everyone underestimated them!"

"The clown organization disappeared for three years in Africa, and then suddenly accumulated wealth and occupied Wakanda. Then used Hydra and the inner ghost hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D. to control Steve to kill the president, and then manipulate the vice president to support him on the presidency throne."

"The current earth, whether it is politics, business, media or the military... are all firmly controlled by the clown organization. You must be extremely careful in your next actions!"

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