The Grandmaster's watchmen dropped a morsel of food on Drax the Destroyer and left.


Only Drax the Destroyer and the parasite remained here.

Drax the Destroyer looked at the solid walls around him, and bumped tentatively.

But even with the power of Drax the Destroyer strengthened by the parasite, he still couldn't shake the walls around the cell.

At this time the parasite said.

"Give up, it's useless. The surroundings look like rock walls. In fact, these things are cosmic alloys. They have strong defense power and a very high melting point. Even flames or low temperatures can't affect them."

"We couldn't even break through that cage just now, let alone this cell that doesn't even have any gaps. Appointment. The collar around your neck makes it absolutely impossible for us to struggle."


Drax the Destroyer angrily hammered the surrounding walls, venting his inner anger.

Now I have finally obtained the power of the parasite, but now I am locked up again.

But even if Drax the Destroyer could go to the Cree Empire, but with the current strength of the Cree Empire, with the current strength of Drax the Destroyer, he would be blasted into scum every minute if he went there.

The supreme wisdom transformed by Rhodes is not built.

After a while, Drax the Destroyer accepted his current situation and began to calm down.

Waiting for the chance to regain freedom one day.

Then the door of the cell opened.

One of the master's subordinates held the remote control and said to Drax the Destroyer.

"Come out, it's your turn to play."

Drax the Destroyer did not expect his first battle to come so quickly.

Drax the Destroyer was controlled by the master's people, and he had no way to resist, but could only obediently obey orders.

Drax the Destroyer was taken by the Grandmaster's men into a large elevator.

The Grandmaster's men told Drax the Destroyer.

"After this door opens, the only person you will see is your opponent. If you want to survive, you must kill the opponent. If you can't kill him, then you will die."

"Out of this door, there are helmets, armors and weapons next to you, you can choose whatever you want." Soil.

Chapter 174: Parasite Duel

"There are no restrictions or rules, as long as you kill the opponent within the scope of the arena."

"Of course, you can't go out of the range of the arena."

The master's subordinates sneered.

They all know that there are very strong energy barriers around the arena on the planet Saka.

Once the arena fighters want to escape, the powerful energy barrier around the arena alone can kill them.

Drax the Destroyer didn't speak, but glanced at the remote control in the hands of the master's subordinates, thinking that if he could **** the remote control from the master's subordinates, he might have a chance.

But at this time the parasite communicated with Drax the Destroyer in his mind.

"Don't think about it, this remote control is only "August 17" is just one of many remote controls. The real most dangerous remote control is in the hands of the Grandmaster. Even if we **** this remote control, we can't possibly Got out alive."

Drax the Destroyer cursed angrily, he didn't expect these people from Planet Saka to be so sinister.

At this moment, the face of the master's subordinates suddenly became unhappy, thinking that Drax the Destroyer was scolding himself.

"What did you say?"

The master's subordinate picked up the remote control in his hand.

said Drax the Destroyer.

"I'm just scolding my opponent, warming up, relax, I didn't do anything."

Seeing Drax the Destroyer say this, the master's subordinates couldn't say anything more.

Soon as the elevator rose rapidly, the elevator door in front of Drax the Destroyer opened.

The master's men pointed to the end of a long passage ahead and said.

"At the end, it's your battlefield."

Drax the Destroyer moved his shoulders, and the body of this 300 kg strong man made a rattling sound.

Drax the Destroyer walked up to the door, which slowly opened.

At this time, the noisy voice flooded into the ears of Drax the Destroyer, and a huge arena appeared in front of Drax the Destroyer.

There are many aliens sitting in the huge arena, and these aliens are holding a piece of paper in their hands, shouting crazily, and their emotions are more excited than the dueling warriors.

The grandmaster used the dueling fighters in the arena to open the game.

These spectators watching the duel in the arena used their own money to buy dueling fighters they liked, intending to use them to make a fortune.

Many aliens with strange shapes and colorful skins kept shouting at Drax the Destroyer.

"Macho, quickly let the other side see your strong body and terrifying strength."

"Tear up the other side, macho, we are optimistic about you, all our wealth is bet on you, kill them, smash their heads, and eat their brains."

There are also aliens in the audience blowing kisses to Drax the Destroyer.

This time Drax the Destroyer was a little confused.

What's the situation?

These guys are just crazy.

It was the first time he came to the arena on Planet Saka, and Drax the Destroyer was still a little confused about the situation.

But with a roar and the sound of the door opening, Drax the Destroyer saw his opponent in the distance.

His opponent is not a person, to be precise, it is not a humanoid alien, but an alien monster with a height of three or four meters.

This alien monster stands on all fours, with thick black scales all over its body and sharp teeth that are more than ten centimeters long. It looks a bit like a wild boar with black scales, but there is a sharp one on its head. corner.

It definitely looks like a ferocious carnivorous alien creature, but what this thing is, even Drax the Destroyer, who has been to many places with the Guardians of the Galaxy, doesn't know.

At this time, the parasite of Drax the Destroyer reminded.

"Be careful, this alien creature is parasitized by a parasite. It is not an ordinary alien monster with a simple IQ. Our parasite can control and command this low-IQ alien creature."

"It looks like the guy opposite has found a good host."

Drax the Destroyer was taken aback.

"Damn it, wouldn't it be more troublesome for such an alien monster to have a parasite?"

"That's right, it's like this, man, if we don't show our full strength this time, we might die..."

However, Drax the Destroyer wasn't very scared, instead he moved his arm.

"Whatever it is, just kill it."

Drax the Destroyer originally wanted to hammer the opponent to death with his own fist, but with such a powerful alien creature as his opponent, Drax the Destroyer also got two long knives from the weapon rack.

After all, this family's weapons are long on their body, so I can't compare with others.

At this time, when the audience who bought Drax the Destroyer saw Drax, they cursed angrily.

"It's not fair at all. How can such a big guy fight?"

But no one paid any attention to these angry audiences. On the contrary, the audience who bought this alien monster were extremely excited. The disparity in size made them extremely excited.

"Come on, kill that little guy, bite off his head and eat it."

In the tall spectator seats in the arena, the grandmaster in yellow clothes with a blue stripe on his chin drank the fine wine in front of him, quietly waiting for the start of the game.

The host looked at the master.

Grandmaster nodded, indicating that the game can begin.

The host shouted into the microphone.

"Okay, audience, this Mr. Drax is a new product we just caught from the outside, and this battle is his first battle, but don't underestimate him in 2.9, he has very strong strength of."

"Let them wait and see, and see whether the warriors slaughtered the alien monsters, or the alien monsters ate the warriors? By the way, they are all creatures that have been parasitized by parasites and gained great power. Let us see Let's see who is stronger."


The audience in the arena cheered wildly, no matter what kind, as long as they see the brutal fighting and **** corpses, they will be satisfied, and they don't care who will die in battle.

Seeing Drax the Destroyer in the distance, the alien monster immediately became excited.

The excited monster let out a roar, this alien monster has been starving for several days, seeing Drax the Destroyer means that his takeaway has been secured.

Chapter 175: Grandmaster's Hospitality

Drax the Destroyer's height of 1.9 meters is particularly attractive to this alien monster, because it proves that the opponent has a lot of flesh. Looking at Drax the Destroyer's naked body, various totem patterns emerge from it.

The saliva of this alien monster flowed down the big mouth full of fangs, like a leaking bucket, sprinkling all the way.

Seeing the alien monster rushing towards him, Drax the Destroyer held the two knives in both hands, and rushed towards the alien monster without the slightest thought of avoiding it.

Seeing the bravery of Drax the Destroyer, the audience in the auditorium of the arena suddenly became excited.

Drax the Destroyer has the power provided by the parasite at this time, and his speed is not slow.

Drax the Destroyer and the alien monster collided in the middle of the arena after a few breaths.

Drax the Destroyer raised the two knives in his hands, and rushed forward bravely. In the confrontation of strength, Drax the Destroyer has never been wrong. Drax is the master of the little green men. Even if the other party is a parasitic alien monster.


With a muffled sound, Drax the Destroyer and the alien monster collided.

The alien monster grew its own mouth and wanted to bite Drax the Destroyer, but Drax the Destroyer stabbed the alien monster's face fiercely with the two knives in his hand, and used his own strength to face the alien monster. Tough this alien monster.

The terrifying power of the alien monster did not knock Drax the Destroyer into the air as imagined.

Instead, it was Drax the Destroyer who held the alien monster tightly, and Drax the Destroyer's feet had already been squeezed into the ground at this time.

Cracks appeared on the ground, and Drax the Destroyer's footsteps slowly sank into the ground.

Then Drax the Destroyer's ankles sank into the ground.

Drax the Destroyer continued to exert strength at this time, and roared, and with the roar of Drax the Destroyer, the alien monster was pushed back a certain distance by Drax the Destroyer.

The alien monster was shocked when he saw that he had been beaten back by the power of Drax the Destroyer.

He hastily pawed the ground with his front and back paws, trying to provide himself with strength.

But Drax the Destroyer had already entered the warm-up phase, and his body's fighting instinct was constantly being awakened.

The surrounding alien audiences were dumbfounded. The physique of this alien monster is more than twice that of Drax the Destroyer in terms of height, not to mention the size, which is quite a lot. The star monster can eat half of Drax the Destroyer by opening its mouth wide.

However, in such a confrontation with such a disparity in size, Drax the Destroyer unexpectedly gained a firm foothold, and even gained the upper hand in terms of strength, which excited the audience who were originally not optimistic about Drax the Destroyer.

Some spectators who threw away their Drax tickets silently picked up the tickets they bought.


At this time Rhodes and Hella came to the planet Saka.

During this period of time, Asgard received many parasites from cosmic forces, bounty hunters, and even space pirates. Some of these parasites were alive and some were dead.

However, Rhodes accepted all the orders and paid the other party a generous reward, which made all the forces in the universe very happy.

Rhodes heard from these people that the planet Saka has an arena duel parasitized by parasites.

Showdowns between parasites and their hosts can be watched.

The Saka planet appeared in Rhodes' ears, which made Rhodes a little curious.

Rhodes, the planet of Sara, knew it. At that time, Thor and the Hulk were singled out, and the place where they were blasted.

However, the duel between the parasites made Rhodes a little interested, so Rhodes planned to take a look.

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