Marvel: Play as Naruto at the Beginning

122 Hawkeye Of The Two Five Boys (4/4)

Namikaze Minato didn't expect that he could hold Thor's Hammer!

If I remember correctly, there is a blessing from Odin, the great god, on Thor's Hammer, "Whoever holds this hammer and deserves it, he will have the power of Thor"!

Odin's original intention was that when Thor's heart grew, he had the mentality of a king and a hero. At that time, Thor would become the Thor of Asgard again!

But even Odin didn't expect that Captain America and Vision could pick up Thor's Hammer.

Now, even Namikaze Minato played by Wu Chenying's avatar can pick up Thor's Hammer.

Doesn't this mean that Minato Namikaze is also a person of high moral character like Captain America and Vision?

Since the Namikaze Minato played by me, Wu Chen, is a person of high moral character, then rounding it up, doesn't it mean that I, Wu Chen, are also such a person?

I can also hold Thor's Hammer, so I have a chance to become Thor?

Wu Chen, the shadow clone playing Namikaze Minato, thought this way: In the future, if there is a chance, I must let the main body try to pick up Thor's Hammer!

After tugging hard, he found that a slight deviation was already the limit, so Minakame withdrew his hand.

Then, he saw Hawkeye Button's shocked eyes.

Originally, Barton already felt that he was not as good as Minato Namikaze, and now the hammer, which he couldn't move at all, was moved by Minato Namikaze.


Fortunately, Hawkeye Barton has a strong ability to adjust his mentality. He keeps hinting in his heart not to compare himself with Minato Namikaze...

Namikaze Minato came to Barton, raised his hand and shook, "Hey? Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Barton shook his head, and then he summoned up his courage and asked, "Mr. Bofeng, can you see if I have the talent to cultivate Chakra?"

When he said this, Barton had already exhausted all his courage.

It wasn't that he was too timid to speak, but that Barton was worried that he would hear a negative answer.

He wants to become stronger, and wants to control his own destiny in this world where stronger people are emerging day by day!

Barton still wants to marry his girlfriend and have cute and well-behaved children. He doesn't want his life to be controlled by others all the time.

According to our Chinese old saying, Barton is born with a rebellious bone in the back of his head, and has the potential to become a twenty-five boy.

Namikaze Minato saw this, and immediately moved his mind.

The reason why Wu Chen became a consultant of S.H.I.E.L.D. was not only for the welfare and backing of S.H.I.E.L.D., but also because he wanted to join the Avengers!

They have already come to the Marvel world. If they are not born villains, who would not want to join the Avengers and fight side by side with their favorite superheroes?

Wu Chen also wanted to do that, and this was the real reason why he became a consultant of S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, even if Wu Chen joined the Avengers, he only had Tony as his ally.

And Tony's character is destined to cause trouble easily. If Wu Chen has been firmly maintaining a united front with Tony, then he is likely to be hated by others.

Therefore, there must be a new helper!

So, where to find new helpers?

Wu Chen eliminated candidates one after another, and finally only the Hulk Dr. Bruce Banner remained.

Because Minato Namikaze had helped him before, Bruce would definitely help Wu Chen for Minato Namikaze's sake.

But the problem is, Bruce is just as insecure as Tony, he turns into a Hulk when he gets angry, maybe even Wu Chen wants to hit him!

So this helper won't work!

Now it seems that two new helpers have appeared!

One is Hawkeye in front of him, and the other is Thor, who is lying in a hospital who is unknown.

As for Hawkeye, as long as he accepts Namikaze Minato's love, he will definitely help Wu Chen in the future.

As for Sol, in Wu Chen's plan, he also intersects with him, so Namikaze Minato will also help Sol in the future.

In this way, after Wu Chen joins the Avengers, he won't be weak and alone, and he will still have a group of friends.

Even, it is not impossible to transform the entire Avengers into their own 'harem group'.

However, right now, Hawkeye and Namikaze Minato need to change some words.

After all, he was originally going to say something like "You don't have talent, give up!"

Speaking now, Namakaze Minato said with Hawkeye's expectant eyes: "I have already explored it during the space movement just now."

"Barton, is it okay to call you that?" After getting Hawkeye's approval, Namikaze Minato continued: "Barton, you have the talent for chakra cultivation. It's just that your talent is very little, just a little more than ordinary people. Practicing Chakra will not achieve much.”

As soon as these words came out, Hawkeye Barton was pleasantly surprised at first, and then half-cooled.

Either yes or no, why only one point!

Barton was going crazy.

At this time, Namikaze Minato said: "But in fact, there is still a way. After this matter is over, you bring one million to me, and I will get you something through my relationship."

"At that time, you should be able to practice Chakra normally."

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