Marvel King of Glory

Chapter 286 Infinite loop of time

"You see, even Strange abandoned you and entered the dark space. What else can you struggle with?" Kaecilius laughed wildly after seeing Doctor Strange rushing into the dark space.

Yi Han looked at Kaecilius in disdain: "You are just a silly X, I advise you to stay still, or else I won't be able to wait for Dormammu to call you."

While speaking, Yi Han has a powerful murderous intent tumbling. This murderous intent is only able to gather after killing countless lives, and it can almost be condensed into substance. Whether it is Kaecilius, Mordu and others, they are shocked and speechless. .

"When does Kamar-Taj need a murderer to guard it? It seems Ancient One has really stepped into the darkness, hahaha..." Kaecilius laughed and looked at everyone with pity.

Yi Han looked at Kaecilius who was laughing loudly, with a speechless expression. Can such a brain-dead have so many mad believers? Are people so mindless nowadays? Having killed so many aliens and HYDRA, it is normal to accumulate such a heavy murderous intent.

But seeing that Kaecilius didn't do it, Yi Han didn't bother to do it, standing outside watching what happened in the dark space.

Both Mordur and Kaecilius were a little puzzled. The dark space was pitch black. They couldn't see anything. They didn't know what Yi Han was looking at alone.

However, only Yi Han who is in charge of 920 time magic can feel the violent fluctuations in the dark space. He dare not enter the dark space with mental power. If he accidentally falls into the cracks of time, it will be difficult for him to get out. .

In the dark space, after Doctor Strange entered, he imposed an infinite loop of time magic on himself. In the holy place outside Hong Kong, Yi Han performed the time retrospective. The interaction of these two magics forms a strange cycle. As long as the magic is Existence, this period of time has been there, and everything in the magic envelope will be repeated indefinitely and repeatedly.

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms!" Doctor Strange yelled in the dark world. He had never seen Dormammu. He didn't know what Dormammu looked like. He could only attract Dormammu's attention by shouting.

"You are here to die!" A cold roar sounded, and two orange lights lit up in the darkness. When Doctor Strange saw it clearly, they realized that these two lights were exactly Dormammmu's eyes. Dormammu was a strange and huge one. Incomparable creatures, Dormammu's head alone has the file size of a planet, and it is constantly changing, not real.

(bifi)   "Your world is mine now, just like other worlds, it will become a part of me." While talking, Dormammu has already launched an attack. He is another creature in the multidimensional Level Universe, and Doctor Strange is like a creature in his eyes. Ant, where is the right to negotiate with him, his attack is very simple, it is a huge beam of energy across the sky, directly turning Doctor Strange into gray.

"An ant-like existence, vulnerable..." Dormammu sneered. Now he will be able to enter the earth immediately, and soon this world will become a part of his life, making him feel very beautiful.

But soon Dormammu was a little surprised. The same situation as before happened again, and Doctor Strange flew in from outside the space.

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms!" The tone of Doctor Strange's words was exactly the same as before.

"You're here to die...what...what's going on?" Dormammu couldn't help but wonder. He had obviously killed Doctor Strange, and the powerful beams penetrated Doctor Strange's body again.

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms!" Doctor Strange smiled and said, he has mastered the meaning of time loop.

"Just like the Ability you brought to Kaecilius, I also brought some gifts from my world, the infinite loop of time, how about it, do you still like this gift?" Doctor Strange looked at Dormammu without any fear. In the infinite loop of time, he is relatively immortal, no matter how many times he is killed by Dormammu.

Dormammu was completely Raged. His majesty was provoked by a tiny ant. The angry Dormammu began to try different attacks, constantly destroying the Doctor Strange that appeared one by one.

"Dormammu, don't waste your energy, it's useless, it's time!" Doctor Strange pointed to the magic circle around his hand, "In the endless loop of time, we are all in the cracks of this time, no one wants to go out."

Dormammu was surprised, but he didn't believe that Doctor Strange could be maintained forever: "You can't keep circulating like this!"

"Actually, I can." Doctor Strange looked at the Eye of Agamotto, the Time Gem with a green light on his chest. "My infinite energy can be spent with you all the time, isn't it like this now."

"Then you die countless times!" Dormammu said coldly, even in the infinite loop time, he could kill Doctor Strange countless times.

Doctor Strange nodded: "You can do it, but the people on earth will survive. This is my goal."

"Then you have to suffer!" Dormammu ruthlessly destroyed the Doctor Strange.

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms!"

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms!"




"Stop, stop for me!" Dormammu's patience was exhausted. Before Doctor Strange could speak, he destroyed him. As the king of the great dark space, he was threatened by an ant, making him very accurate.

But after this situation continued many times, Dormammu finally calmed down. If he has been spending time with Doctor Strange in this world, then he will never be able to leave. Apart from the earth, there are endless planets waiting for him to devour.

"Ant, let me out!" Dormammu shouted.

Doctor Strange jumped out again: "No, I'm here to negotiate terms."

"What conditions do you want to talk about?" Dormammu's eyes almost turned into burning flames.

When Doctor Strange heard that Dormammu was finally willing to compromise, the smile at the corner of his mouth widened. It seems that the time magic given to him by Yi Han finally made Dormammu succumb: "We concluded a contract, and you took your followers to leave the earth and stop on the earth. Do evil and never come back."

"If you agree, I will stop the loop."

"If you disagree, then you will never have a chance to leave here again. We can have fun."

Doctor Strange looked at Dormammu firmly, without giving in the slightest.

After a long time, Dormammu let out a deafening roar: "I promise you!".

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