Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 26: Jessica Jones

The violent knock on the door made Li Ran in the antique shop subconsciously frown.

He turned his head, and the first thing he smelled was a pungent smell of alcohol.

"Are you the owner of this shop?"

Immediately afterwards, a woman in a hoodie with messy hair walked in staggeringly with a wine bottle in hand.

"It's me, that's right."

Li Ran looked up and down at the woman in front of her. The other party looked thin, but she frowned all the time, as if she was irritable.

"Help me see how much this thing is worth."

With that said, the woman took out a ring from the pocket of her clothes and threw it on the table in front of Li Ran. Then she raised the bottle nonchalantly and took a sip, as if she were a drunk.

Li Ran raised his eyebrows and picked up the ring that had jumped up in front of him. He looked left and right for a moment, then looked up at the drunken man opposite, and then replied, "Up to one hundred."


"One hundred, hiccup~"

After a big wine burp, the woman heard the price Li Ran gave, and immediately put down the wine bottle in her hand in dissatisfaction. There was a loud noise when the bottom of the bottle collided with the table, and the woman immediately stretched out her hand to face her. Li Ran, who was in front of him, pulled it in front of him, and asked with a drunken face: "You guy, do you want to take advantage of me by seeing that I'm drunk, and deliberately lie to me!"

Li Ran turned his head, avoiding the pungent odor in front of him, moved his body and struggled for a while, but found that the woman's strength was unexpectedly huge, and he couldn't get rid of it easily. This made him stare, and he began to face the sudden guest in front of him.

"The condition of this ring is not good, and there are still obvious scratches on it. One hundred is the most reasonable price I can give."

Although he was surprised at the strength of the woman, which was different from the thin appearance, Li Ran didn't show too much panic, but calmly gave the result of his appraisal.

"If you think the price is unsatisfactory, you can go to another place to have a look, but I don't think it will make much difference."

The woman opened her drunken eyes and looked at Li Ran silently, and then she pouted and released her hand with an impatient expression. While scratching her messy hair, she continued to drink wine and said: "F****K, well, 100 is 100, that damned guy, dare to use this kind of thing to deceive me, don't let me touch him again!"

After cursing for a while, the woman took the banknotes that Li Ran handed over and put them into her pockets.

Immediately afterwards, she looked at the arrangement of the antique shop with her drunken eyes. When she walked in, she just saw the shops on the side of the road that were pleasing to the eye, and didn't think much about it. Now I look at it again and realize that this antique There's actually a lot of stuff in the store.

Although, most of them are fakes.

Due to the keenness of a private detective, the woman could see at a glance that most of the items in the store were just so-called fake goods.

Her eyes swept around the antique store, and the woman quickly lost interest. She touched the one she just got in her pocket, which was also the only one hundred dollars left on her body, and turned to look at the store. Li Ran hesitated for a moment before saying, "Boss, are you interested in cooperating with me?"

"Cooperation?" Li Ran raised his head and looked at the woman in front of him.

"That's right." After drinking the last sip of wine in the bottle, the woman threw the bottle in her hand: "My name is Jessica Jones, I am a private detective resident in Hell's Kitchen. The job is to resolve some disputes between men and women, such as whose wife is cheating or whose husband has a lover outside..."

Jessica Jones, a private detective, and the extraordinary strength she just showed on herself, Li Ran finally remembered the identity of the other party when she heard the woman's name.

A member of the Future Defenders League, a female superhero with a tragic past.

Of course, none of this is important. The most important thing is that for Li Ran, the appearance of Jessica Jones undoubtedly represents a new target for gaining popularity.

Moreover, it was the kind that was delivered to the door by yourself.

"...It seems that I have talked a little too much." After babbling for a while, Jessica Jones seemed to realize that under the influence of alcohol, she became a little too nagging, and she rubbed herself With a vaguely swollen forehead, he immediately continued: "Actually, my purpose is very simple. If there is another reward like a ring in the future, boss, you can help me exchange it for banknotes like today."

Because of her own experience and personality, Jessica Jones's work as a private detective is not smooth, and occasionally she receives a job, and her final salary is often discounted due to her excessive performance.

"If you can bring the things, I have no problem at all."

Considering Jessica's identity and the fame she can bring to him in the future, Li Ran has absolutely no possibility of rejecting it.

"Then it's settled, boss!" After successfully determining a way to exchange money, Jessica Jones' frowning brows stretched a little, and she reached out to shake Li Ran's hand, and then burped again. He took a plate from the shelf of the antique store, looked back and forth a few times, and said, "This thing is good, I took it away, and regarded it as a symbol of our happy cooperation."

"This plate is not cheap..."

Seeing that Jessica Jones took the things from her store in such a grand Li Ran subconsciously wanted to say something, but when she saw the other party, she ran out without looking back. .

"...It cost me a full dollar."

Looking at the back of Jessica Jones leaving in a hurry, Li Ran silently said the second half of his words.

As I said before, most of the items in Li Ran's antique shop, no, it should be said that 99% of the items are wholesale goods from Chinatown, which naturally includes Jessica Jones's hands. to the plate.


She took her eyes away from the back of Jessica Jones.

Although the identity of the other party has been recognized, it is known that in the future, it will be transformed into a poor version of the Avengers - one of the members of the Defender Alliance.

But Li Ran didn't expect to get fame from Jessica Jones as soon as they met.

There are many ways to obtain fame, the easiest of which is naturally to directly play a game like the previous Hulk battle. Although Jessica Jones' superpower is good, there is still a big gap between the comparison and the Hulk. Therefore, if Li Ran makes up his mind, he will obviously be able to gain a lot of popularity from her.

However, in the first place, this reckless approach is obviously not in line with Li Ran's plan.

Come here, he is very satisfied with his current identity as the owner of the antique shop, and does not want to expose it so quickly.

So, shaking his head, Li Ran turned around and picked up the empty wine bottle that Jessica Jones threw in the store and was about to dispose of it.

Just heard a jingle.

With the sound of the bell at the door, a man in a purple suit walked in.

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