Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 678: Runaway


At the center of the explosion, Hulk looked at Kaiila, who was lying in his arms, and let out a roar of grief.

With the surge of anger, a large number of cracks began to appear in the entire world of thinking.

An angry Hulk, his will actually broke through the illusion created by [Bill Seifer].

"Yes, Hulk, focus your anger."

"Let everyone feel this anger and despair."

Floating in the universe of thinking space, [Bill Seifer] felt the changes in Hulk, and his eyes flashed with pride.

He raised his hand and grabbed the top hat on his head, and at the same time, the entire figure disappeared from the world of thinking like a phantom.

With the departure of [Bill Cypher], Hulk, who was originally suppressed in the thinking world, instantly broke through all the restrictions with his angry will.


In the SHIELD base, Hulk opened his eyes.


At the same time, Charles in the wheelchair also made a "difficult" cry.

"Hulk went wild..."

Everything that happens in the mental world seems to be a long time, but in the real world, the time elapsed is only a moment.

Therefore, from the perspective of everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D.

I only saw that Charles used his psychic power to control the out-of-control Hulk, and then Hulk seemed to be stimulated by some kind of rampage and out of control.

"Hulk, revenge!"

He raised his head and let out an angry roar.

For the Hulk, everything that happens in the mind world is as if it had experienced it firsthand.

Driven by this great grief and anger, the Hulk's huge body actually swelled again, a lot of muscles were bulging all over Hulk's body, and Hulk's dark green eyes were full of hatred. In its simple thinking, everyone in front of him is the culprit that caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people on the planet.


He waved his unbelievably thick arms and made a terrifying sound of breaking through the air.


Opposite the Hulk, Captain Marvel raised his arm to block in front of him, feeling the huge power from his fist, and his face wrapped in photon energy showed a shocked look.

The power Hulk exerted on his fist at this moment was more than twice as strong as before.

The huge force from the fist made the resolute face on Captain Marvel's face distorted, she gritted her teeth, and the splendid photon energy on her body soared a little again, which was enough to block the eyes from Hulk. The impact of the fist said.


Controlling the splendid photon energy on his body to maintain his body, Carroll looked at the berserk Hulk in front of him, but the look in his eyes had already changed from the eagerness before to the solemnity.

Obviously, at this time, the powerful power displayed by Hulk, even Captain Marvel, who has the ability to travel freely in the universe, felt the threat.


He opened his mouth and let out a roar, compared to the fear shown by Captain Marvel.

Hulk's performance is much simpler.

Driven by a planet's racial hatred and anger, the Hulk's powers have almost reached the limit of rage.

Under the blessing of the ultimate power, even if it is just a roar.

The resulting sonic shock also gave everyone around S.H.I.E.L.D. a splitting headache.

"Jarvis, I need soundproofing."

In the [Anti-Hulk Armor], Tony's expression was distorted by the impact of the sound waves. He made an order with difficulty, and controlled the armor on his body to deform a sound insulation device in the helmet to block most of the sound wave impact.

With the isolation of the sound insulation device, the painful expression on Tony's face has weakened a lot. Just looking at the rampant Hulk through the [Anti-Hulk Armor], the expression on his face is full of bad.

Hulk's state at the moment made him very uneasy.

This kind of runaway has never been seen before.

"Notify Phil to retreat."

The scattered rubble left bloodstains on Nick Fury's face, but the SHIELD director had no time to take care of his physical injuries.

Through the headset, he gave orders to Agent Phil in the base. Nick Fury looked up at the Hulk who was running wild in the base. He could only secretly pray in his heart that Captain Marvel could subdue him.

"If everything gets out of hand, then it's all over."

call out--

Pulling the bowstring, Hawkeye Clinton distracted the Hulk by shooting arrows incessantly.

The development of the situation has made it impossible for everyone in the base to keep their hands, and they must stop the Hulk from continuing to run rampant.


He raised his hands to launch miniature missiles and hit the Hulk in front of him, but the impact of the explosion couldn't even shake the Hulk's body.

In [War Machine], James frowned and shouted.

"Think of a way, if the Hulk continues to destroy, I'm worried that it's not just the SHIELD base that will be attacked next."

Based on the devastation caused by the Hulk's past runaways, James is clearly worried that things will get worse.

And the illusion shown in the prophecy buried a haze in his heart.

"I'm trying now."

What [War Machine] thought, Tony also thought about it.

Looking at the madly rampant Hulk not far away, Tony in the [Anti-Hulk Armor] took a deep breath, and complex deformation structures began to appear outside the thick armor on his body, and a huge shock gun appeared in the [Anti-Hulk Armor] ] of the shoulder pads.

"Jarvis, arc blaster, up to maximum power."

The energy from the arc reactor at the chest of the armor poured into the muzzle of the shoulder armor, and the blue light began to appear on the [Anti-Hulk Armor].


In the next instant, a dazzling arc blaster beam was fired from the muzzle of the shoulder armor.

The power of the shock cannon made the heavy armor of the [Anti-Hulk Armor] also step back a few steps, and the entire base was rendered a faint blue tone by the beam.

After a few seconds, the light accompanying the arc blaster gradually faded.

It was revealed that Hulk was half-kneeling on the ground with his hands folded on his chest.

The charred dark green flesh in Hulk's palm began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It actually blocked the arc shock cannon fired by the [Anti-Hulk Armor] with its own palm.

Standing up, he lifted his thick thighs and knees from the shattered ground. Hulk looked at Tony who fired a shock cannon at him, clenched his fists and slammed his chest against his chest, making a dull crashing sound, showing obvious disdain on his face. look.

"Hulk, invincible!"

The next second was followed by a roar.

Hulk stepped on the potholes, ignoring Captain Marvel on the other side, like a prehistoric beast revived from the ancient times, and rammed in the direction of Tony's [Anti-Hulk Armor].

In the world of Hulk thinking, Tony is also one of the culprits who expelled him into the universe.

With the thickness of the [Anti-Hulk Armor], it is obviously impossible to avoid the Hulk's impact through flexible movements, and it is too late to control the armor to deform at this time.

Therefore, there is no other choice, Tony can only stand in place and control the [Anti-Hulk Armor] to resist.

"Hopefully it holds up."

However, even in Tony's heart, he didn't have much confidence that this set of [Anti-Hulk Armor] on his body could stop the running Hulk.


The furious Hulk collided with Tony who installed the [Anti-Hulk Armor], and a louder crash sounded than before.

The shock wave formed by the violent impact caused a gust of wind around, and at the very center of the impact, the frontal collision from the Hulk was suffered, and Tony in the [Anti-Hulk Armor] was obviously not feeling well.

Even though the steel armor on the body has buffered most of the force of the impact, even a small part of the impact shock has already caused obvious damage to Tony's body.

After all, he was actually just a mortal, excluding the steel battle suit on his body.

Under the impact of the anti-shock, [Anti-Hulk Armor] Nettoni's expression was painful.

The Hulk in front of him had no intention of keeping his hands at all. Driven by hatred and anger, Hulk let out a deafening roar.

His arms were like two heavy hammers, and they smashed down towards Tony in front of him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Every collision between the fist and the armor made a huge impact sound. Under the huge burst of power, the entire base continued to vibrate in the impact sound. On the ground under the feet of the [Anti-Hulk Armor], a large number of cracks appeared. It spread like a spider web, and the thick armor was dented by Hulk.

"Mr...Zizi...Hulk's...attack...Ma...rk58...Unable to receive red envelopes] Follow the public.. Public account [Book Friends Base Draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

In the [Anti-Hulk Armor], Jarvis's voice reported to Tony intermittently, indicating that the situation was not good.


Looking at Tony, who was completely in decline under the attack of Hulk.

[War Machine] The expression on James' face immediately became tense, and the prophesied image of Iron Man being defeated by the Hulk flashed in his mind.

Immediately unable to sit back and watch, he rushed towards the direction of the battle flight.

"Don't come here, James!"

In front of Hulk, Tony controlled the [Anti-Hulk Armor] on his body to continuously deform the thick armor to resist the impact from Hulk's fist, but his friend James's actions made the expression on his face suddenly change.

Through the communication system in the [Anti-Hulk Armor], Tony blocked the [War Machine].

However, obviously, James, who controls [War Machine], did not follow Tony's advice.

The black steel armor rushed into the battle at a very fast speed, and James raised his hands to launch missiles and flew towards Hulk.


Although the fire and impact formed by the explosion did not cause much damage to Hulk, it undoubtedly had a certain impact on its vision.

Under the interference of the flames, Hulk had to raise his hand to cover his eyes.

Under such an instant buffer, a large number of mechanical structures on the [Anti-Hulk Armor] in front of Hulk were detached, and Tony flew into the air in a relatively simple armor form.

"You shouldn't have come here, James."

After getting rid of Hulk's attack, Tony in the simple armor breathed a sigh of relief, but expressed dissatisfaction with his friend's practice of putting himself in danger.

"If I don't come here again, you may have been smashed into patties by the Hulk."

In the face of Tony's words, [War Machine] James immediately refuted.

Here, the dangerous Tony and James are having a conversation.

On the other side, recovered from the explosion of flames.

Hulk looked at the detached parts of the [Anti-Hulk Armor] in front of him, turned his head to see Tony suspended in mid-air, and the anger in his eyes was even stronger.

He opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar. He grabbed his hands on the ground and in a shattering sound, a huge cement rubble was grabbed by Hulk.

The rock was tilted to make a huge sound of breaking in the air, and the whole piece of rock flew towards Tony like a cannonball.

"Be careful!"

Looking at the boulder tilted by Hulk, Captain Amazement Carroll issued a reminder, raised his hand and flashed brilliant photon energy in his palm to form a photon shock wave that shattered the boulder flying towards Tony.



However, the boulder that Captain Marvel shattered was just the beginning.

Inside the base, the angry Hulk turned into a crazy catapult.

It tirelessly tilted the stones under its feet, turning them into deadly cannonballs that flew around.

In the face of these flying boulders, Captain Marvel began to become exhausted.

Under the protection of photon energy, although she is not afraid of the damage of boulders, it is obvious that everyone in the base is not the same as her.

Clenched your hands to form a photon shock wave to shatter these scattered boulders.

However, even so, there are still a lot of stones out of the shock wave range of Captain Marvel.

In mid-air, control the crude armor on his body to avoid a flying boulder.

However, before Tony could breathe a sigh of relief.

From the corner of his eye in the armor, he noticed that the direction of the boulder that he avoided was actually Professor Charles's position.

In the wheelchair, facing the flying boulder, Charles had no choice but to watch the stone fall.

After all, as far as the psychic power he manifests, it only works on beings with consciousness.

Seeing, Charles is about to die under the boulder.

At the critical moment, a figure suddenly rushed towards Charles in the wheelchair.

Nick Fury swooped and pushed Charles in his wheelchair away from the boulder.

However, he inevitably fell under the boulder.

"Really, shit..."

Looking up looking at the huge shadow and oppression on his head, Nick Fury only had time to make a curse, and then his consciousness was completely shrouded in darkness.


"No, Nick!"

Captain Marvel cried out in pain as he watched Nick Fury, possibly his last friend on Earth, perish under a boulder.

At the same time, Hawkeye Clinton's non-stop shooting action also stopped.

Hawkeye's expression was shocked, obviously unbelievable, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the legendary agent, Nick Fury, whose face was always silent, as if everything was planned, simply died in front of him.

And just after a few seconds of pause, the arrow in Hawkeye's hand shot again.

It's just the look in his eyes that has brought a bit of hatred and killing intent.

Nick Fury's death made everything irreversible.

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