Su Han's eyes flashed with horror! Collapse of the mother planet! What a tragic situation this is.

Su Han imagined a situation in his mind in which the earth collapsed and exploded.

But just thinking about it already made him breathless.

Although the earth is inconspicuous in the vast universe.

But no matter how inconspicuous or ordinary it is, it is still the home of the people on earth, and it is his final destination.

Once the earth is gone.

They face only two choices.

One is to become a space refugee, and you can only spend forever on a spaceship, in the boundless universe.

Future generations may never see what the real earth looks like in their lifetimes.

Just like a family of symbiotes.

The second is to become a slave to the planet and an appendage of other planets. You will be marked as a slave for the rest of your life, unable to hold your head up and be a human being, allowing others to take your life and death.

Tragic! Extremely miserable! Thinking of these situations, Su Han's back felt cold unconsciously and he clenched his fists.

At this moment, Su Han was suddenly extremely eager to become the master of the earth! He wanted to truly control the earth and become the master of the earth.

Only in this way can he better protect this land!! "Venom, do you know how to find the will of a planet?"

Su Han asked.

"You want to find the will of the earth, right?"

Venom asked rhetorically.

"Yes! I need to find the will of the earth, no matter what

Whether it is sleeping or dying, at least let me know the result."

Su Han bit his lip, his eyes solemn.

Venom was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking about something.

Finally, he said: "Under normal circumstances, the will of the planet will not appear. Even if it appears, you will not notice it, unless you are very lucky and encounter it by chance, just like meeting my wife.

But that rarely happens."

"Of course, there are ways to find them proactively.

It is to make it feel the threat of death! Or the threat of the planet’s fall!”

"Under this situation, as long as the star is still there, even if it is sleeping, it will show its traces as soon as possible. After all, it involves life and death,"

Su Han nodded.

He took a deep breath and already had a crazy plan in his mind.

"Since it doesn't take the initiative to come to me, then I have to take the initiative to find it!"

Su Han swallowed hard and seemed to have made a big decision.

Venom put his round head in front of Su Han and asked in an extremely serious tone: "Su Han, you have to think clearly, are you really planning to use the will of another planet to force the will of the earth to appear? "

"If you do this, you may really be able to force the earth's will out, but once an accident occurs, what the earth will face is most likely...


Then you will be like me before, without even a home!!"

"Have you thought it through?"

Venom's words made Su Han feel great pressure.

However, he did not hesitate.

"I have thought it through. Ancient One once said: When the will of darkness comes, it is my opportunity to rule the universe! Only by swallowing the will of darkness and activating the will of the earth can I become the true master of the earth."

"What Gu Yi said has never been missed."

"So I choose to believe in her, and I can definitely become the true master of the earth!"

Su Han clenched his fists and said.

"Okay, since you have confidence, I will definitely be by your side, life and death!"

Venom's claws changed slightly and formed a fist. Seeing this, Su Han's eyes were full of gratitude and expectation. He also extended his fist and wanted to touch it! Three days later! Su Han Manor! "Is everyone ready?"

Su Han asked as he looked at everyone in the garden.

This group includes all the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Star-Lord, Gamora, Destroyer, Raccoon and Groot, as well as Vision and Spider-Man.

As for Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and others, they stood aside.

"Wanda, Quicksilver, I will leave this home to you to protect it."

Su Han said to the two siblings.

"Well, don't worry, we will definitely protect our homeland."

Wanda gave Su Han a firm look.

Su Han was also extremely relieved.

Then, he looked at the others and said, "Okay, let's set off!"

Immediately, Su Han took out the cosmic magic and activated it.

In an instant, there was an instant in the void.

A portal appeared.

Su Han led everyone in one step and left the earth together.

Kirita Star! "Welcome my king!"

Archie and the soldiers from Kirita Star all knelt down and shouted loudly.

"Welcome Master!"

Ultron was also beside Archie, his face full of respect.

"Everyone get up!"

Su Han said calmly, then walked past them and sat directly on the throne.

Sitting on the throne, Su Han stared at all living beings.

Looking at the powerful army in front of him, the blood in Su Han's body boiled instantly.

He had never had the ambition to conquer the universe before. Everything he has today is based on the current situation step by step.

Completely by chance.

However, he was very glad that he conquered the Kirita planet, because from here he would start the clarion call to conquer the universe! "Archie, take Star-Lord to pick out the best battleship and fill it with supplies. I want Go somewhere with him!"

"As you command!"

Archie immediately.

Go get ready.

The vision next to Su Han said: "Master, where are we going?"

When Su Han heard this, he smiled calmly.

"I don't know where I'm going, but I know that as long as I follow Star-Lord, his father will definitely come to my door."

"He is a big fish that I want to catch! I can't let him run away at any cost."

Soon, the space battleship will be ready.

The whole group got on the battleship.

This was Su Han's first time traveling far away, so he felt a little weird.

But Star-Lord laughed loudly.

"Brothers, sit tight, let's set off!"

Chapter 122 Space Beasts

Chapter 122 Alien Beasts in Space The space universe is always a place full of mysterious unknowns and infinite reveries.

It gave birth to countless planets and at the same time destroyed countless civilizations.

Any individual life is just a drop in the ocean in front of it, so insignificant that no trace of itself can be seen.

This is the first time Su Han has been far away from the earth.

When he left the Kirita planet in the space battleship, the vast sea of ​​​​stars and colorful galaxies immediately appeared.

It attracted all Su Han's attention.

There is an old saying in China: He who cannot reach the Great Wall is not a true man.

But now Su Han wants to say that it is a waste of life not to explore the sea of ​​​​stars in this life! After finally coming to the human world, if he cannot enter the vast starry sky and appreciate the beauty of the boundless stars, his life will really be in vain.

"Master, this power of nature is so ingenious that it turns decay into magic.

Look at this vast galaxy, it’s really beautiful. I really hope that one day I can freely travel in this boundless sea of ​​stars and explore every star civilization in this boundless universe.”

Vision sat next to Su Han, also admiring the beautiful scenery outside the window.

After hearing this, Su Han smiled calmly: "You have great ambitions, but do you know how many stars and civilizations there are in this vast galaxy?"

"Not to mention that you can explore the entire galaxy and sea, as long as you can explore all the stars in the solar system, you will already be a great person in the sky and on the earth."

When Vision heard this, he smiled awkwardly.

He also knows that he thinks too much.

As the teacher said, there are countless stars born in this vast sea of ​​​​stars and infinite galaxies. I am afraid that no one can fully explore them. Not to mention fully exploring them, even one tenth or 10% is still a supreme existence.

However, this does not prevent him from fantasizing about traveling in space.

"By the way, teacher, you are so strong now, can you move freely in this space?"

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