After saying that, Su Han ignored him and continued to sit cross-legged, closing his eyes and concentrating.


Doctor Strange pouts.

When Doctor Strange thought that this boring life would continue forever.

The entire space suddenly experienced a terrible reaction.

I saw countless Death Stars around me begin to tremble. However, these Death Stars were disintegrating at an alarming rate.


Doctor Strange jumped up in shock when he saw this scene.

At first he thought it was Dormammu who did it himself.

But when he heard Dormammu's roar, he looked at Su Han in shock.

"You did it"

When Su Han heard this, there was a hint of joy between his eyebrows, and he neither admitted nor denied it.

Dormammu's voice moved from far to near, and finally came to the two of them.

"Damn bastards, you are trying to decompose my body and devour my will. You are asking for your own death."

Upon hearing this, Doctor Strange's eyes were bigger than lychees! "Decompose its body and devour its will."

Doctor Strange instantly lay down in front of Su Han.

“You really can do it”

Su Han had already noticed it when he saw Dormammu, so there was no need to hide it.

"Yes, I can decompose his body and swallow his will.

Although I can’t do it now, it will be soon, at least I’ll hurt him first.”

Yes, Su Han hurt him.

In fact, just after Su Han entered this space, he began to try to decompose Dormammu's body and swallow Dormammu's great dark will.

However, compared to Dormammu, Su Han's ability is too humble.

He was so humble that even Su Han tried to decompose the other party's body, but the other party didn't notice.

It's like an ant biting an elephant.

Although the ant tried its best to bite the elephant, the elephant couldn't even feel the pain.

This is the difference.

But now, this ant has grown and become stronger.

Grow to tiger 0.

1 When it is so powerful that even if you bite him, you will bleed, and the other person will wake up.

"How did you do it? You are obviously so weak and vulnerable!"

Dormammu's voice was full of shock and disbelief.

Su Han, on the other hand, smiled slightly.

"How did you do it? Of course you have to try again and again and work hard to achieve it."

"Have you forgotten that time here is an infinite loop?"

"Since time is infinite, then I can use this infinite time to hone my decomposition ability and my devouring ability, making it stronger little by little, so strong that even you will be afraid and surrender. Even when it’s time to kill you.”

Shocked! Stunned:! Doctor Strange and Dormammu were completely confused.

Yes, although time loops infinitely.

But your proficiency in your own abilities will grow! Love Reading reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading to collect and recommend. Remember to collect and save chapter m.

Chapter 111 What about planetary life? punish! !

Chapter 111 How to kill planetary life!! Obviously, neither Doctor Strange nor Dormammu realized this.

Su Han also looked at Doctor Strange with a face filled with relief.

"Boy, you are worthy of being the successor chosen by Ancient One. Just the fact that you have realized the [Infinite] move is enough for you to grow infinitely in the future."

"When one day you understand the law of time profoundly enough and can freeze external time like you do today, then you can create an [infinite] space again, and then you can temper yourself in this [infinite] space. "

Su Han made the key point.

[Infinite] space is based on the situation where time is frozen in the outside world.

The reason why [infinite] space can be created today is thanks to Dormammu himself.

It was his arrival and his great dark will that froze the time of the earth.

That's why Doctor Strange was given the opportunity to create [infinite] space.

It also gave Su Han the opportunity to develop powerful devouring and decomposing abilities in this [infinite] space.

The only pity is that Su Han was afraid that Dormammu would find out that he was secretly practicing the ability to kill him, so he did not tell Doctor Strange about it, causing him to miss this good opportunity to hone his strength.

If Doctor Strange can meditate or do something else during this time, then Doctor Strange can also gain huge gains like Su Han.

"I see, that's how it is! I'm such a fool, I wasted such a good opportunity."

When Dr. Strange wakes up from a dream, he boasts that he slaps himself twice.

He didn't blame Su Han, he just blamed himself for being stupid.

However, the opportunity must not be missed, and it will never come back again.

"Su Han, can you kill Dormammu now?"

Doctor Strange looked at Su Han expectantly, his eyes full of excitement.

After all, Su Han had the power to kill a planet's life without his help.

Planetary life, it is an extremely powerful existence.

It's not difficult to kill someone.

It is not difficult to kill a god.

But if you want to kill a planetary life, that is extremely difficult.

But Su Han, with his own help, gained the ability to kill life on the planet.

This makes him proud, makes him proud.

"It's not close, but it's getting closer."

Su Han's eyes gleamed, and he was filled with excitement.

At this time, Dormammu could no longer sit still.

"Asshole, I won't let you succeed. I'm going to destroy you. I'm going to break this infinite cycle of time."

Dormammu realized the threat Su Han was about to bring to him, and finally went berserk and began to try to fight back.

Su Han also looked at Doctor Strange with slightly worried eyes.

"Are you okay?"

If Dormammu really breaks this infinite cycle of time, then all his hard work will be in vain, and they will still be here.

"Believe me, I can do it."

Doctor Strange said firmly.

"Well, I believe you!"

Immediately, Su Han ignored Dormammu's roar.

Immerse yourself in the training of your abilities again.

"break down!"

Su Han used his decomposition ability, and his powerful decomposition ability exploded instantly, causing the Death Star to melt as quickly as snow.


Su Han used his devouring ability, and his strong devouring ability also exploded. He began to swallow up the infinite miscellaneous abilities in this space, turned them into his own use, and incorporated them into his inner elixir.

However, all these efforts will later turn into ashes.

As long as Dormammu kills them, the infinite time will start again.

Su Han's body that decomposed Dormammu before will recover, and the energy absorbed by Su Han will disappear automatically.

Everything is restored to the beginning, as if restored to factory settings.

However, there is also one thing that will not be restored to its original state.

That is Su Han's understanding of decomposition ability and phagocytosis ability.

And this understanding is the huge treasure Su Han gained.

Any simple move will become a powerful ability as long as it is practiced a thousand, ten thousand or one hundred thousand times.

Even, powerful enough to destroy the world.

This is what Su Han is like! From the moment he entered this space, Su Han has been honing his decomposition and devouring abilities.

By now, Su Han's understanding of these two abilities has reached a very terrifying level.

Decomposing planetary life! It’s just around the corner! Dormammu is really scared.

He began to use his methods crazily, causing Su Han and Doctor Strange to suffer terribly every time.

However, as long as the infinite loop of time exists, no matter how miserable the two of them are, they will be back in an instant.

Everyone is already familiar with this situation and has become accustomed to it.

The difference is that each cycle means that Su Han becomes a little stronger.

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