
Grumpy immediately spread his wings. With a wingspan of nearly fifty meters, he flapped his wings vigorously.

The surrounding area immediately flew with sand and rocks, trees fell and people were turned over.

Venom jumped and was on Grumpy's back in an instant.

And Grumpy can also take off into the air and fly directly into the sky.

However, it was greeted by an extremely huge flying aircraft carrier. On top of the aircraft carrier, several surface-to-air missiles had already locked onto it.

Chapter 14 Prehistoric Behemoths

"Hold the grass, it's SHIELD's flying aircraft carrier. Is it such an exaggeration? They actually sent out the flying aircraft carrier to attack me?"

Su Han felt dizzy as soon as he saw the flying aircraft carrier.

Although his temper is quite big, he still looks extremely weak compared to the flying aircraft carrier.

"Little Baobao, we're not as big as him, so let's compare our speeds and charge the duck!"

Su Han immediately gave orders to Grumpy.

Grumpy immediately let out a sharp cry, his wings fluttered faster, hoo~hoo~

The huge wings made a dull sound, and then carried Su Han quickly past the flying aircraft carrier and fled into the distance.


Su Han sat on Gumpy's back, as warm as a mountain.

Although Temper is flying rapidly, you can't feel any turbulence when doing it.

It was the first time for Su Han to fly high in the sky so realistically, and he couldn't help but roar with excitement.

Grumpy took him flying quickly away from the Wetland Park and towards the downtown area of ​​San Francisco.

When the grumpy giant figure appeared in San Francisco, people all over the city were terrified and screaming.

Grumpy's huge figure is too terrifying for ordinary humans.

Just a slight flap of its huge wings will surely blow a whirlwind in the city.

Grumpy will occasionally lower his stature, making the enclave slightly lower.

Whenever this happens, the glass windows on those high-rise buildings will immediately erupt with a clear and crisp sound of explosion, and then turn into glass shards all over the sky and sprinkle on the ground, which is very gorgeous.

"Haha, it's so cool."

Su Han revealed half of his real face, spread his hands, and fully felt the joy of flying freely.

Although this trip to a human city caused a lot of trouble for the people in the city, it was still worth it.

However, before Su Han had enough excitement, several "followers" appeared behind him.

They are Iron Man Tony and Stark, Spider-Man Peter and Parker, the stealth plane of Agents of SHIELD, and a black man with steel wings.

Su Han frowned when he saw him.

This man is called Falcon, and his real name is Anthony McKay.

He is also a person with super powers.

It's just that his superpower is a bit useless, that is, he can communicate with bird creatures.

Letting him communicate with Grumpy is definitely a good decision.

Someone from SHIELD should have sent him to control his bad temper.

Sure enough, the appearance of the Falcon immediately gave Grumpy a big reaction.

"Master, that person can hear me just like you."

When Su Han heard this, the corners of his lips rose.

"what did he say?"

"Uh...he told me to leave you and follow him. He would take care of me and give me a carefree life."

"Oh, you are so brave, you dare to abduct my bird."

Su Han gently touched the feathers on Grumpy's neck, and then said: "Little Grumpy, kill him."

"As you command, Master!"

After receiving Su Han's order, the grumpy figure suddenly stopped, then turned around, his whole body standing upright like a human.

I saw it suddenly flapping its wings, making a few whirring sounds, and the whirlwind stirred up by its wings instantly condensed into the shape of a small tornado.


Iron Man, Spider-Man, Falcon and others behind him did not expect that the big bird would suddenly make such a move. They were caught off guard and were directly swept up by the strong wind.

In an instant, they fell in different directions like kites with broken strings.

Iron Man slammed into a tall building, causing a huge explosion.

Spider-Man managed to stabilize his body with the help of the spider silk, but he could only stick to the wall and did not dare to move at all.

The falcon's steel wings seemed to have been severely damaged, billowing smoke was coming out, and it had lost its ability to fly.

The worst thing is S.H.I.E.L.D.’s stealth plane.

The plane was swept away by the strong wind and lost its balance. It slammed into Fisherman's Harbor and finally fell into the sea.

"Well done!"

Su Han gave Tantrum a thumbs up.



Grumpy screamed with joy when he saw that he had killed so many enemies at once.

"Okay, enough playing, let's go home."

Su Han slapped Grumpy on the neck, and Grumpy immediately spread his wings and flew high.

This time, they were flying in the direction of Asia.


Su Han has his own plans for Tantrum and Xiong Da.

That is to hide them in China.

Although these two guys accidentally absorbed the life force escaping from their own bodies, that's why they mutated into this.

But no matter what, it was Su Han who created them, and Su Han had the obligation to be responsible for them.

What's more, these two big guys are now ferocious prehistoric beasts, and they will be of great use if they are kept.

Hidden them in the United States. With the urinary behavior of the top officials in the United States, they will definitely search the country, dig them out, arrest them, and study them.

Therefore, hiding in the Huaxia Kingdom is the best choice. After all, the Huaxia Kingdom has a vast territory and rich resources. If they hide in the forest, they will never be found easily.

Another thing is that whether it is the real world or the Marvel world, China has the ability to compete with the United States.

Hide them in China so that the United States will not dare to search across the border at will.

Chapter 15 Rewriting Destiny

Huaxia Kingdom, forest sea and snowfield in the northeast.

"Grumpy, Big Bear, you two will hibernate here for the time being. Remember, don't hurt anyone at will, and don't hunt too much, do you understand?"


Grumpy and Xiong Da responded very well.

Su Han didn't stay long, and quickly left there after giving instructions.


Three days later, Su Han returned to San Francisco.

As soon as he returned to the rental house, Su Han heard the landlord knocking on the door in the corridor.

"Dong dong dong~"

The landlord knocked on Peter's door.

"This kid has been avoiding me for many days. If he doesn't pay the rent, believe it or not, I will kick him out on the street."

Su Han frowned after hearing this.

Peter owes rent?

In my memory, Peter seems to be the poorest superhero in all of Marvel.

But Su Han didn't expect that Peter would be too poor to pay the rent.

He immediately touched his pocket and found five hundred dollars.

This was what he had left after robbing a few gangsters in China and buying plane tickets.

After opening the door, Su Han shouted.

"Landlord, how much rent does Peter owe you?"

"Two months, four hundred."

The landlord held up four fingers.

This landlord is a typical American.

Middle-aged, obese, wearing big pants and slippers, extremely greasy.

Su Han handed over four hundred.

"From now on, you can take care of his rent and I'll be fine. Don't bother him."

Su Han said to the landlord.

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