Marvel: I’m Shazam

191 S.H.I.E.L.D agent

At S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, a broadcast suddenly sounded, "Please note, all S.H.I.E.L.D agents. I am Billy, the founder and current special director of S.H.I.E.L.D. A lot of things have happened recently, but I think you should know the truth!"

Billy smiled and asked, "Why don't I know you?" I know you have a twin sister named Wanda, nicknamed the Scarlet Witch.

The star snorted coldly, looked at the Rockets more disdainfully, and then proudly said to Camora: "Camora, tell him how much your employer is willing to pay for my ball."

Although Phoenix is ​​very powerful, Billy has nothing to burn a powerful god.

Billy said contemptuously: "Hehe, to be honest, I really don't take you seriously. You are so serious. Even if I kill one of the five founding gods, I have never been so crazy as you!"

Happily nodded helplessly, feeling very upset. Such a person without faith is so abominable, he really wants to arrest him and beat him up.

Billy smiled and shouted, "What are you afraid of? Don't get lost and cry in the end!"

Billy put away his power gem and said bluntly: "I will take this power gem, as for your 4 billion dollars."

A fat Yuchang came over and shouted, "What are you doing?" I was full. I have nothing to do, am I? I warn you, you'd better be honest, or I 250 will let you taste torture.

"Oh, your sister is right, it's all for your benefit!" Billy continued, "Nick, take everyone home first. It's too late. I need to rest. I have to ask the Commander of the Seventh Fleet.

It's no wonder that the nearly 1,000 modern troops dispatched did nothing for him, but the dedicated major general refused to give up and immediately said to the soldiers next to him: "Activate all the energy and light weapons in the base, lock the intruders, and then order all personnel to evacuate the command room. "

Apocalypse flashed, roaring in his mouth, his fists like thunder, blowing frantically on Billy's head. If he can't hit him, he will be hit again, like a downpour.

It seems that Dr. Serge will also be controlled and help Loki use Tesseract to build a great and long-lasting gate to space-time transmission.

Jonny nodded a little serious and said, "I hope such a bad thing won't happen, otherwise I will kill those demons."

Billy looked at Marakis and said with a smile: "You really know my heart, so you invited such a powerful helper. If I guess correctly, the frost giant Wang Laofei must have gotten the winter box. !

Billy said, "Well, I didn't expect you to learn to steal chicken thieves. In that case, I'll tell you."

Billy was indifferent, but pressed his finger lightly, and lightning struck one after another, blowing a polar killer into scum.

Rhodes opened his mouth and said in surprise: "Okay, I'll bring it."

Rhodes covered his face and said, "You two are enough, I really don't want to talk to you anymore!"

At this time, an old congresswoman suddenly rushed out, five to two three times, knocking Pierce and his commando down.

Seeing the leader turn around, Peter Quill shouted: "You may have heard another name for me, Star Lord!"

In the lobby of the Avengers Building, Billy inadvertently turned off the TV and deliberately said: "Tell me that the Vampire Empire has dealt with us, and enemies who have angered us or saw us unhappy have joined in.

"I don't know what it is. I'm just a scavenger, I just turned it over." The leather wearer explained in a voice.

Gao Tianzun hummed angrily, draped in silver, and the terrorist forces erupted with fanfare at a critical moment, forcing some Phoenix fire back, and then directly withdrew from the battle zone.

Billy nodded appreciatively when he heard my answer. He is a character. No wonder he has grown up.

"Humans try to crack and use the Rubik's Cube, but they don't know the secret of the Rubik's Cube. Let our allies be pioneers, and our Zerita army will follow."

"Quiet!" Nick cleared his throat and said, "Let you come here. Like Tony said, we must show our attitude towards what those politicians are doing. Do you agree?"

My clothes are expensive!

Before the sound fell, the supernatural force field was directly launched (cf), and in the shadow of the golden nuclear warhead, Billy burst into Apocalypse.

Hmm! Billy snorted coldly, and said contemptuously, "Loki, you really don't know me. Do you think it's your credit for these Chita's troops to come to Earth?" That's because I want them to come. , Otherwise, how can you come?

"Let me go, you let me go" Eric is still struggling not to die, desperately stimulating the energy of his body, but Billy's big hand, like a terrible black hole, imprisoned it to death.

"," Billy said contemptuously. Don't you understand?" You will never ascend the throne, even if you have an army, but we have a stronger Avengers.

The face of the goddess of death turned black immediately, and the whole person immediately woke up completely, and shouted frantically: "Follow me to hell!"

Billy immediately said: "J.A.R.V.I.S, turn on the TV, I want to watch the news!"

When the sound fell, a red gamma-ray storm blew out of Billy, turning all the frightened people around to ashes.

Under the constant bombardment of Billy, the spicy chicken suddenly turned into a very weak hot chicken. His face was gray and haggard, the corners of his mouth were bleeding constantly, his eyes were dull and his whole body trembled. This was a kind of fear in the depths of the soul.

Then Billy and Natasha Romanoff suddenly appeared in front of Bruce, scaring Bruce back quickly. Who are you? "What do you want?

Huh? Mantis said modestly: "It's up to you, but it's not as good as the outside scene in the cave!"

Jane covered her forehead and shouted, "Where have I been?" I'm on the earth, and I've been waiting for you.

Thor asked, "What are you four doing here?"

Wolverine looked at the sexy beauty, like a second fool, completely lost her soul, and walked stupidly.

Suddenly, the space in front of Billy and Namo fluctuated violently, and then a golden space door appeared.

Thor watched Billy appear suddenly, and asked suspiciously, "Did you bring decedent back to life? Are you kidding me? It's great, isn't it?

At this time, the praying mantis woman suddenly said in horror: "Late night, he is getting more and more angry. He wants to kill someone. It's terrible. This person has just emerged from the blood of the body."

Billy nodded and said, "Definitely solved it. I did it myself. How could it not be solved?" I think this is my shame.

To put it bluntly, if the sequelae of the battle between the two are touched by the earth and other fragile Fixed Stars, it will definitely cause a lot of damage.

"With your power, it is almost the same as my first messenger. If you don't have the power of Phoenix, do you think you can get rid of the control of skateboarding?"

With a loud noise, the viper's body suddenly exploded into a large piece of meat during the fall.

Before the sad Steven was resurrected, Billy was bombed on the scene again. If he hadn't called an army, Billy might be willing to play with him for a while!

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