Marvel: I’m Shazam

153 Collaboration between Banner and Iron Man

Threatened by Billy, Dr. Banner was very angry and roared, his skin changed from yellow to green. It seemed that Dr. Banner wanted to transform into the Hulk again and fight Billy again.

But no matter how Dr. Banner struggles? Hulk just won’t come out,

"Comeon, please hurry up, Comeon.

Billy looked at Dr. Banner with some amusement, remembering that in the Avengers Alliance III plot, Hulk was beaten violently by Thanos. He was so scared that he hid in Dr. Banner's body and did not dare to come out to fight again.

Natasha Romanoff also had some accidents. Unexpectedly, the Hulk in Banner would also hide, afraid to come out.

Billy said lightly: "Now you agree to it. It's useless for you to struggle anymore. When Hulk comes out, I will hit him once, until he is beaten to "sixty-seven".

Dr. Banner sighed helplessly, nodded slowly, "Well, I promise you, I'll go with you."

Billy smiled and nodded, "Is that right.

After speaking, he took Natasha Romanoff with one hand and Dr. Banner with the other, and flew towards the Stark Building.

In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ultron is a monster created by Iron Man and Banner unintentionally. It may be due to a problem with internal programming, so Ultron created by Iron Man is a bad guy.

But Billy is sure to change Ultron's program so that he will follow Billy's words. Coupled with Vibranium's body, Billy believes that Ultron will definitely become another powerful helper besides Superman.

The three people have turned into a stream of light-flying past, like a meteor.

Seeing this scene, the child on the ground hurriedly called to his mother, holding his hands on his chest and wishing to the passing meteor.

Because Billy didn't dare to fly too fast with one more person, it took nearly half an hour to fly to the Stark Building.

Shi Stark was preoccupied with writing the code in the building, and suddenly heard a bang, and his window was smashed to pieces again.

Shi Stark was speechless, looking at Billy cursing, "Hey! Can't you be more careful, man? There is no door here, do you have to break through the window?"

Billy laughed and said, "Hey, there's no way. Broken windows are getting used to it, so maybe I'll install one for you next time.

Iron Man shook his head helplessly, and looked at the two people beside him for a moment. "Natasha Romanoff, Dr. Banner, why are you here?"

Billy brought Dr. Banner to Iron Man and said slowly, "I'll find a helper for you. I'm afraid you will be too busy. I believe that with the help of Dr. Banner, you will finish this task soon."

Iron Man clapped his hands and laughed, and hugged Dr. Banner. "The big guy believes that with your help, I will make this thing soon."

Dr. Banner was a little confused, turned his head to look at Billy, then at Iron Man, "What are you doing?

Iron Man took the Banner to the computer, pointed to a string of codes on the screen, and explained to a gene chain on the side, "This is the latest artificial intelligence I developed. I'm almost done writing it, now I only need to input these. The first artificial intelligence robot can be created in this cabinet."

Banner was slightly different. He came to the cabinet where Ultron was hidden and said in shock, "Oh my God. Is this the robot you are going to make? This body is still Vibranium.

Iron Man nodded, "Yes, that's right old man, this is the robot we are going to do. And because of Vibranium, its toughness is unparalleled."

Banner got so excited by Iron Man, grabbed Iron Man's keyboard, snapped, and typed the code.

With the help of Dr. Banner, all the defects in the previous code and memory chain were resolved.

Billy was very satisfied and nodded. As he was about to leave, Natasha Romanoff suddenly received an urgent text message, and after receiving the text message, Natasha Romanoff's expression instantly became anxious and serious.

Billy asked hurriedly, "What's the matter? Natasha Romanoff!

Natasha Romanoff looked at Billy and said slowly, "S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters has been attacked. And the opponent is very strong, the captain has chased it."

Billy touched his chin, what suddenly came to mind? To Natasha Romanoff, "I'll follow you.

Natasha Romanoff is very happy. Billy's Ability is obvious to all. I believe that Billy's help will solve this task soon.

After Billy and Natasha Romanoff negotiated and exchanged, they went to Iron Man and Dr. Banner to continue research and production of artificial intelligence robots, and Billy took Natasha Romanoff to fly to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters...

Just before arriving at the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, a thrilling car chasing scene was being staged on the traffic road.

A dozen black cars galloped in front of the road, followed by a motorcycle behind the convoy.

A man wearing a dark blue costume with a red and blue shield on his back was struggling to chase the convoy in front of him. Needless to say, the man who was chasing was Captain America.

So the question is, who is he going to chase after?

This gave Billy a hint of curiosity. Just as Captain America was struggling to catch up, heads were stretched out of the car window, holding the latest automatic firearms, and shooting at Captain America.

One of them was wearing a black mask, and his left arm was a silver-white metal arm.

This Billy surprised Wei Wei a little. He didn't expect that the person Captain America was chasing was actually the Winter Soldier, who really fell in love and killed each other.

Billy vaguely remembers Marvel's anime and movies, Winter Soldier, a good friend of Captain America, the two joined the army together.

During a mission, Winter Soldier Bucky accidentally fell off the cliff, but was rescued by the HYDRA people, and was brainwashed by the HYDRA people. At the same time, he was injected with Super Serum and became the second Captain America. exist. 0.9

I didn't expect that this time HYDRA would let Winter Soldier perform the task. It was obvious that I wanted to see that Captain America and his former friend fell in love and killed each other. This picture is really vicious.

Winter Soldier retracted immediately after firing a shot with the men in black, and continued to gallop forward.

But Captain America still chased after him, and the bullet hit the shield, banging bang bang bang, sparking bursts of sparks.

Although Natasha Romanoff didn't know about Captain America, he was worried about the captain's safety, so he immediately let Billy put himself down and just landed on the roof of those people's cars.

Natasha Romanoff was very agile, got into their car one side, and then kicked a driver away and fought fiercely with the other members of the car. .

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