Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

Chapter 220 The decision of the eternal race, the way of life of the immortal species

Ajak was sweating instantly when Arisam finished his words.

Even though she did have the idea of ​​relying on the Warner Protoss to prevent the occurrence of the gods, she was still panicked and shocked when Arisham made her statement.

Ajak lived for millions of years and knew far more than the average Eternal.

For example, they were not originally human beings, but a group of robots transformed by Arisam.

They know that the purpose of the mutant race is not to protect the normal development of life, but to serve the gods, which is equivalent to raising livestock and waiting for the final harvest.

Every time the gods appear, except for the captain like her, the memory will be reset for the Tianshen team to study. When waiting for the next mission, the ordinary members will be activated again, and some vague memories will be given to continue-follow the captain's mission.

Ajak, who has lived for millions of years, has grown tired of the day-to-day work and has developed a compassion for life.

However, out of her respect for the mission of the gods and the awe of her strength, she could not stand firm against the gods on the side of humans like the later Sexi.

Sometimes the more you know, the less free you are...

Relying on the trust of the gods, Ajak knows the secrets of many gods, such as the eradicators in the mouth of Arisam.

In the long process of transformation, the Tianshen Group has formed a well-organized execution plan.

The most important members are judges, analysts, inspectors, calculators, searchers, eradicators, etc. dozens of members.

They perform their own duties, in addition to creating Fixed Star, but also have their own tasks.

The supreme god Arisem is one of the judges, the leader of the god group, who decides whether a race survives or perishes.

If Arisham decides that the other party has lost the meaning of life, he will send eradicators to destroy the races and even the planets that have not passed the test!

The Tenjin group can create Fixed Stars, and naturally they can easily destroy Fixed Stars.

As for the other ordinary gods, they all obey the supreme gods and are on standby at any time.

Once a powerful force appears, it will gather together to make a joint shot.

The power is terrifying!

Arisham has made up his mind, and it is very likely that he will summon many gods.

This matter must be notified to Warner King as soon as possible!

Hope he can figure it out...

Ajak left the consciousness link full of worry and returned to reality.

Before leaving, Arisham also told her to be ready to activate the manifestation at any time.

As long as the external factors are solved, the gods will be born!

Outside, the Eternals have been waiting for Ajak for a long time.

After she woke up, she quickly surrounded her, "Ajak, what is the order of the gods? Is it because you are dissatisfied that we have not left the earth?"

Ajak shook his head, glanced at everyone inexplicably, and remembered everyone's appearance in his heart. These are teammates who have fought with her for millions of years, but they don't remember it.

"Ajak, what's wrong with you?" Icaris frowned.

Ajak sighed deeply, Er, she looked complicated: "It's time to tell you everything...about the Eternals, the mutants and the gods! 95

After half an hour...

In a heavy atmosphere, Ajak briefly narrated everything.

God has arrived at the most critical moment, and there is no point in hiding it any longer.

Ajak is ready to give everyone the final choice, whether to obey the gods or protect human beings.

After Ajak finished speaking, the others were stunned and in disbelief!

They are not real beings, but a bunch of robots!

They are not protectors, but executioners!

The Eternals are a lie, they are like marionettes, they have no freedom, no consciousness of their own, they are left to the gods and serve each other all their lives...

Even the strongest Icaris can't help but fall into self-doubt.

Due to the existence of Su Hai, Icaris did not follow the decision of the gods as firmly as in the original book.

Because the gods are not unstoppable.

In their hearts, the King of God Su Hai is no worse than the gods!

"Ajak, what do you think?" Zhuke mastered the power of the mind, and the mentality is the strongest of all.

Thousands of years ago, he had doubted the true mission of the Eternals and questioned Ajak's decision.

Now that Ajak has made the facts clear, he has returned to normal thinking faster than Icaris and other powerhouses.

Ajak felt the eyes of everyone and hesitated: "My opinion... I need to go to Warnerheim before I can say it."

"Ajak, you..." Icaris realized something and widened his eyes.

Others quickly understood what Ajak meant.

Ajak did not stand firmly on the side of the Tenjin group!

Everyone was silent.

They have lived on Earth for thousands of years and have developed many feelings for human beings.

They, who have always considered themselves to be the protectors of human beings, cannot immediately change their positions for the so-called gods.

・・・・Seeking flowers・

Ajak's attitude greatly affects their direction.

After hearing what Ajak said, everyone knew that the key to the problem now was Warnerheim's attitude.

The King of God is the one who is most likely to wrestle with the gods.

If he chooses to sit back and ignore it, then the power of the Eternals team is completely unable to stop the appearance of the gods.

If he chooses to take action, the power of the Eternal Race is also dispensable.

A battle of that level is not something they can intervene in anymore.

The result of the gods' manifestation completely depends on the confrontation between the two great powers of the gods!

After thinking about it, the entangled people felt much better.

Nor do they wish to be accomplices in the destruction of mankind.

But they are also unwilling to take action against the gods.

Because the gods are the creators of the eternal race, the managers who maintain the order of the universe, and represent justice.

Let everything be handed over to that man!


After Su Hai came back, he first calmed the crowd.

This battle was the most dangerous moment in the history of the Warner Protoss.

Although Su Hai can solve the Devourer by himself, there is no need to expose the power of the Temple of Heaven.

But considering that his subordinates feared for his own safety, Su Hai was not guilty.

After casually dismissing the apprehensive gods, he let them go.

Definitely, a feast is still to be held.

This is the longevity way of life.

Su Hai is also adapting to the life changes brought about by eternal life.

If you continue to live in the way of thinking of ordinary human beings, with the passage of time, there will inevitably be negative effects, such as falling into madness, going crazy, memory disorder and so on.

Su Hai has never been arrogant to think that he is special.

So after returning, Su Hai brought all the girls to join the celebration.

Especially Bulma, Dark Phoenix and others, who also have ordinary people who have evolved into longevity species, also have to adapt to the new way of life.

The first step begins with the entertainment of the festivities.

Drink to drink, dance to dance.

Pass the time in entertainment as much as possible.

Su Hai temporarily put aside the troubles such as Gaea and Sishorn, and blended into the cheerful atmosphere with a peaceful mind.

The banquet is in full swing.

Ajak has brought people! Guang.

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