Marvel: I Have Reality Gems!

Chapter 353 The plot has taken a fork in the road

The passage of time will not stop because of Qi Jun's retreat.

In the absence of external intervention, the plot of Apocalypse continues to move forward.

However, this time, the progress of the plot is quite different from the plot in Qi Jun's perception~.

Due to the unexpected situation of Qi Jun, Nina successfully escaped the "brain-killed plot kill", and Magneto did not feel tyrannical because of it.

Even, because of Qi Jun's secret intervention, the Magneto family of three quietly went to Professor X Charles' Mutant school and settled down quietly.

However, Magneto did not have strong emotional fluctuations, and Apocalypse did not sense Magneto's position for the first time. Instead, according to Psylocke's news, he found a Mutant who could control metal to replace Magneto as one of his four knights.

And it was this change that completely turned the plot of Apocalypse into a fork in the road.

Without Magneto's recommendation, Apocalypse would not have gone to Professor X at all.

Without Professor X, Apocalypse would not be able to control the launch of nuclear bombs into outer space by various forces.

After all, it is impossible for all nuclear weapons to be automatically controlled by computers, not to mention that this time and space is only in the 1980s, and the computer group is huge, and it is only for auxiliary purposes.

In this case, Apocalypse had to change its mind.

If Apocalypse wants to restart the social structure, it will inevitably encounter major countries and forces.

Even if Apocalypse has collected an unknown amount of variant Ability over thousands of years.

But too much but not fine, that's what this guy is talking about!

Facing the inevitable threat of force from major powers, Apocalypse began to turn to the dark side.

Apocalypse began to use his Ability and began to accumulate a lot of money.

After accumulating money, he began to infiltrate the system of the two major armed powers in the current world.

In fact, Apocalypse's idea is somewhat similar to the Black Emperor defeated by Professor X and Magneto together.

Or, it's just an idea at all!

For Apocalypse, what is not under its control must be destroyed.

After "seeing" the threat of nuclear weapons, Apocalypse is ready to drag the two superpowers currently facing each other in the Cold War into a head-to-head war!

In Apocalypse's view, since nuclear weapons cannot be launched directly into the sky to be 'destroyed'.

Then, it is the best choice for Apocalypse to directly induce the two superpowers to go to war, then trigger the third world war, and directly reconstruct the social structure.

What's more, Apocalypse, who already has a certain understanding of modern society.

In other words, Apocalypse, who has already mastered part of the ‘Hellfire Club’, agrees with Black Emperor Xiao’s judgment.

Apocalypse believes that a nuclear war may be able to make more ordinary people 'Awakening'.

More people become Mutants, then Apocalypse will naturally have more people.

Compared with the ordinary slaves controlled by the ancients, Apocalypse wants to rule his own 'kind'!

Since the third world war can be triggered, there can be such a bright 'prospect', so why doesn't Apocalypse do it?


"We have a new order!"

In the L.R. base, in a command hall, a staff officer shouted at a robot on the main seat that did not move all the year round.

The busy people around turned a blind eye to this, apparently already accustomed to this kind of scene.

A few months have passed, and at the moment L.R. is already an extremely well-known professional company in the industry.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・

The 100% completion rate of all the next tasks has naturally made L.R. the undisputed leader in the industry.

Even if it has not yet become a recognized leader due to its short establishment time, various orders come in like snowflakes every day, which naturally shows the degree of recognition of L.R. in the industry.

"Just follow L.R.'s rules and regulations.

"Report to me, is there anything special?"


The robot, which has been immobile for ten thousand years, finally turned its head, and the flickering light in the mechanical pupils made the staff feel a little guilty for no apparent reason.

"Yes, it is."

"According to company rules."

"This kind of super-class task order needs to be judged by the BOSS yourself. 35

The staff officer swallowed and finished the report in one breath.



Xiaobai, the robot, nodded and retrieved detailed information directly from the internal system.


The staff members quickly sat down as if they had been granted amnesty.

It has been several months, but every time they see this robot that behaves just like a real person, the staff members are always in awe.


"Mao Xiong hired our L.R. company to rob the CIA prison?"

"Emma Grace Frost?"

A stream of information flashed through the robot's mechanical pupils at the speed of light, which was naturally Xiaobai retrieving relevant information from the information database.


"White Queen? 99

(To be continued) on.

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