Marvel: I Have Reality Gems!

Chapter 351 Bet right!

Thousands of years have passed and the world has changed drastically.

Apocalypse, or, as it should be called, 'En Sabah Nur', hides himself in black robes.

He didn't feel guilty for causing panic because of his own reasons.

Seeing the panicked crowd around, Apocalypse just curiously explored.

Different races, different costumes, all kinds of houses, iron boxes that can run by themselves, small bricks that can be placed in the ear to talk, etc.~

Many, many things make Apocalypse feel novel.

And after the novelty, there is boundless anger!

These people who were supposed to be his slaves actually lived rich, at least enough to eat?

The unfamiliar sight made Apocalypse extremely angry.

My theocracy has declined?

My reign is over?

The world needs to get back on track!

However, En Sabah Nur, after all, is a figure who has been a leader of power.

No matter how angry he was, he didn't show it.

After thinking slowly for a while, En Sabah Nur decided to dive into the sea of ​​people and find out what happened after being buried deep underground for all these years.

"I don't know~"

"When this thousand-year-old demon finds out that his baby is gone, what kind of expression will he have?"

Through The God's Telekinesis, Qi Jun naturally found Apocalypse who used the ability of desertification to leave the sleeping place buried for thousands of years.

However, it's just a joke, do you want Qi Jun to look at the weather's expression in the future? That's impossible!

Sacrificing this piece of the heart of the universe, Qi Jun's control of the [mutated gem] has reached 80% progress, and with the feedback power of 80% authority, there is no longer a bottleneck at the multi-universe level, Qi Jun is natural to Phoenix force It was no longer as urgent as before, and the Apocalypse that prompted Jean Grey Blacken no longer seemed so important.

Definitely, no longer urgent, doesn't mean Qi Jun doesn't care anymore.

On the contrary, the multi-universe level strength promotion is already a certainty, and Qi Jun values ​​Phoenix force even more.

However, this time, what Qi Jun is aiming at is not just the Phoenix force split of the current variant mixed multi-universe, but also the Phoenix force split of many multi-universes.

Even, Qi Jun secretly has set his sights on the Phoenix force body!

Compared with the careful devouring of the heart of the universe, devouring the Phoenix force is naturally much easier and easier.

Also, the risk is much less.

No matter how important Phoenix force is, it can't compare to the heart of the universe.

There are too many bigwigs staring at the Heart of the Universe, and it is necessary to 'eat' a single fragment carefully.

Do you want to swallow the heart of the universe in front of these big guys? I'm afraid I think I'm dying too slowly?

When Qi Jun has the ability to steal food from these real bigwigs, I am afraid that he will be able to fight against the supreme gods with strength~

"As expected, it is a fragment connected to the body of the Heart of the Universe~"

"The speed and amount of energy transmission are simply not comparable to those of Infinite Gems!

Under the premise of ensuring safety, Qi Jun took the initiative to use the authority that reached 80% of the [mutated gems], skipped passive feedback, and directly and actively sent power to himself.

Unexpectedly, the energy transmission was so fierce that Qi Jun was almost overwhelmed.

"As expected, it is the original power of the original universe from the heart of the universe~"

"The essence of power is very high level. Not only can you perceive the multi-universe level, but even the Super Universe level can already be perceived?"

There are also highs and lows between strength and strength, just like the World Cup champion and the national football team, they are completely two-dimensional weights!

"The multi-universe bottleneck that was originally welded to death has actually started to loosen under the impact of the source power of the Heart of the Universe!"

Feeling that the date of breaking through to the multi-universe level is not far away, and even touching the threshold of the Super Universe Level, Qi Jun's face is going to laugh out loud~


"[The mutated gem] actually uses the energy of the (obtained) heart of the universe to block all information about my brother~"

"This operation is really showing me~"

"Use the enemy's gun to kill the enemy~"

"There's really nothing better than this~"

Having personally experienced the super reward of sacrificing the Pyramids tip - Heart of the Universe Fragment, Qi Jun is really not happy if he wants to!~

“Apocalypse this guy ∼”

"I really have a lot of treasure but I don't know it~"

"A controllable nuclear fusion reactor is literally used as a power bank by Apocalypse~"




(To be continued).

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