Marvel: I Have Reality Gems!

Chapter 340 x Be careful

Qi Jun is not saying how much he values ​​these two Mutants.

It was because these two Mutants had a high weight in Charles' heart.

At least, from Charles' point of view, he is more optimistic about these two guys, and he has been cultivating them as X-Men.

Therefore, in order not to let Charles turn the story so easily, Qi Jun naturally won't turn it over with only $100 million.

At the very least, this guy has to be truly heartbroken!

No one could restrict you before, but now, Qi Jun is here, then, Qi Jun will tell you.

Having Ability is not a reason for you to use Ability arbitrarily! Nor is it an excuse for you to use Ability arbitrarily to probe your neighbors!


Charles looked at the two people Qi Jun pointed to, and his heart ached inexplicably.


The two named Mutants were even more surprised, or rather confused.

what the hell?

We are just here to save people, but are we going to be sold?

Ruth, Level 2 Mutant, Ability is Fire Control.

Jason, Level 2 Mutant, Ability is close-range teleportation.

Qi Jun hadn't thought of asking Qin Grey to come over.

As a result, Qi Jun has no interest in bringing children. At the moment, Qin Grey, strictly speaking, is not yet an adult. Qi Jun does not want to bring children, even if Qin Grey is already a good girl who can stand on her own under the guidance of Charles. .

Second, Qi Jun didn't think that Charles was willing to give it, and even Jean Grey herself couldn't be willing to stay. Even if Qi Jun forced her to stay, Charles would try to get it back. A super thug with the potential of a fifth-level Mutant, After so many years of training, Charles couldn't possibly give up!

Being able to live a good life despite being known about Ability by the leaders of all major forces in human society, Qi Jun does not think that Charles is really the so-called good man in the propaganda.

What's more, the most important thing is that Qi Jun doesn't want Phoenix force to exclude him.

Forcing Qin Grey to stay, not only has no advantages, but also has many disadvantages. Qi Jun will naturally not do such a loss-making business.


"You saw it too.

"My L.R. company is a military information company that employs security."

"But my subordinates are just ordinary people, it's not too much to want two Mutants to join in to enhance the strength of my subordinates!

Qi Jun explained to Charles and the others with a smile.

But obviously, Charles and others didn't see any kindness and friendliness from Qi Jun's smile.

On the contrary, following Qi Jun's explanation, everyone's heart jumped.

This is employment, security, and military information. While showing strength, isn't it a threat in disguise?

Charles and others dare to say no?

Seeing that Charles looked at Les and Jason with a tangled face, but Les and Jason died for their confidants and willing to take the initiative to stay as the cost of Charles' mistakes, Qi Jun watched happily. .

Qi Jun doesn't care about this Les and Jason, why didn't they appear here in Qi Jun's "plot" cognition.

These two guys may have been hidden by the original Charles, or they may have died in a certain operation, so that there is no two of them in Qi Jun's 'plot memory'.

But just like what Qi Jun just said, he was just disgusting Charles, and at the same time he did strengthen L.R. Company a little bit.

Fire control and close-range teleportation, to a certain extent, can still make a difference in the military field.

But, that's all!

After all, it's just two Mutants of the second-level variant Ability, Qi Jun doesn't care at all.


"We would like to stay!"

"Yes, Headmaster!"

"Let us stay and make amends, and you go back!"

"The school kids still need you!

"I'm sorry you guys~"

"You are all good boys!~"

A pair of affectionate tears came to an end.

L.R. Company and Charles have reached a perfect memorandum of understanding.


"The misunderstanding is cleared up, we are good neighbors!"

Although the 100 million US dollars has not been received, Qi Jun is not worried that Charles will dare not give it.

Qi Jun, who was in a good mood, couldn't help but paced up to Charles and patted Charles on the shoulder 'strongly', expressing his 'joy'.


"We don't even know each other!

"If there is any trouble in the future, please ask the neighbors to help me a lot~"

Charles grinned and almost cried, but in the face of Qi Jun's loving slap, he could only pull out a strong smile.


"Where's the trouble with it!"

"Our L.R. company is newly established, and we just don't have any customers yet!

"Would you like to invite a security team from 097? You have already experienced it, we are professional!

"You must know that your Mutant's situation is not very good. As far as I know, there are many forces who want to arrest you for research~'

"Would you like to consider the security services of our L.R. company?"

Continuing to slap Charles on the shoulder, Qi Jun turned into a sales executive, recommending his own business.

"Cough cough~"


"I think if the need arises, we will contact our dear neighbors."


"For the time being, we can protect our home!

"Thank you for your kindness!

Charles swallowed hard, refusing his words carefully.



"I know~"

"It's still a new company in our L.R. company, and it doesn't have a name.

"But we L.R. are not robbers, and we won't be hard on others.

"That's it~"

"Whenever you need it, you can contact us at any time!"

Hahaha laughed, Qi Jun was no longer amused, waved his hand, laughed loudly, and expressed his understanding.

(To be continued).

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