Marvel: I Have Reality Gems!

Chapter 289 Thanos' actions

"Where is Thanos now, any information?"

The interstellar pirate star field has been completely cleaned up by the demolition force of the Nano and Pimi robots under the control of Taibai. Naturally, Qi Jun will not look at it any more, and will go directly through the portal and return to the Iron Star, and face Taibai. asked.

Qi Jun had already ordered a lot of things before the retreat, and finding the address of Thanos was naturally among them.

Although it is said that the star field where 'The Extinction of Humanity Thanos' is located is famous in the entire universe, there is no need to worry about finding it.

"Zero Seven Zero" But Thanos is not a stone man, he can't stay in it forever~

What's more, even if it is a stone man, can't it be moved?

In the Marvel universe, there are strange and strange things.

Therefore, it is very necessary to control the positioning of Thanos in real time.

"Yes, sir.

Taibai nodded, his eyes projected a star map projection.

"I don't know why, in the past year, the Titan Star Lord-Thanos has changed his usual behavior and has become very active.

Taibai is not Qi Jun. As a qualified subordinate, Taibai will not use the name of the person who Roar's own master values, even if it is an enemy.

In Taibai's code of conduct, the names of people who should be paid attention to will be prefixed or suffixed.

"In the past year, I have personally led a large group of my subordinates and legion troops to fight everywhere."

"But based on his previous behavior and a comprehensive analysis of all the information of the known forces in the universe, the Titan Star Lord-Thanos has a high probability of collecting the 'Universe Spirit Ball' and killing half of the creatures passing through the star field. for auxiliary purposes.

"Also, the Titan Star Lord-Thanos, the current destination is the Morag planet that Mr.

"To sum up, the purpose of Titan Star Lord-Thanos is to collect Infinite Gems.

Taibai explained to Qi Jun while rapidly changing the projection.

The famous 'Antihuman Thanos' in the universe, don't pay too much attention to his cosmic forces, it's too easy to find his trace!



Qi Jun nodded with a clear look on his face.

The purpose of Thanos is already very clear, it must be for Infinite Gems!

After leaving the home base camp, collecting and verifying clues along the way, I have been heading towards Morag Planet, not to collect power gems, so what is it for?

As for why Thanos has been uncharacteristically in this year, instead of clearing some goals regularly, he has started to show off.

If others don't know, can Qi Jun not know?

Wasn't it because Odin fell, Asgard shattered, and the Ancient One disappeared and disappeared~

There are two Infinite Gems that Thanos has in mind, but there are two very important ones on Earth—‘Time Gem’ and ‘Space Gem’!

Thanos doesn't want it? How is that possible!

But he can't beat Odin. With Asgard around, his Dark Legion is useless, and he can't do anything about the Ancient One who can cheat with Time Gem.

Okay now, Odin is down, Asgard is down, the Titans - Thanos is afraid of a hammer?

If it wasn't for the fact that Ancient One was really missing, or if he pretended to be missing, Thanos would have brought a large army to Earth directly.

However, the fall of Odin, and the destruction of Asgard, gave Thanos great confidence and motivation.

The Ancient One is just a Time Gem, an Infinite Gem. When the old man "gets" the Power Gem, and then adds the Mind Gem, two Infinite Gems together are still afraid that they won't be able to defeat your Ancient One?

3.7 Although the information of Ancient One has not been confirmed yet, Thanos didn't want to wait any longer, and immediately started to collect Dragon Balls, er, to the fateful cause of collecting all Infinite Gems!


"Is this really destiny?

Thinking of Thanos' actions, Qi Jun sighed.

I'm about to find him~

Unexpectedly, this guy found it first~

(To be continued).

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