Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 558 Leo is Back

In Rogers' countless words, he has no memory of everything he mentioned.

But when facing Rogers's face, I always felt that I was in a daze from time to time when I was focused, as if always connecting his face to a small man.

"I will accompany you to the end, Bucky."

Among Rogers' countless words, Winter Soldier only remembered this sentence, because it was only this sentence that caused him the most headache.

Although he couldn't recall anything, Bucky's brows were frowned severely by the actions of the person in front of him.

Even, the original attitude of being extremely firm and cold, ready to kill all of them, was also gradually touched by Rogers's cut.

In front of Rogers, a stamina monster, as long as it is not completely indestructible, he can always accumulate little and destroy it all.

Ten minutes later, half of the metal pillars on Bucky's body were cut off by his shield, but it was only cut off.

If you look at this progress, Rogers wants to save Bucky from the bondage, it will take at least an hour.

And Fury was standing far away, and Hill also let go of his work and stood beside Fury, "Chief, just let Rogers release the Winter Soldier?"

Fury watched Rogers' actions, but his words were calm, "Bucky is here, and there is no wind and waves, and now here, no one can stop Rogers, me? Or you? Or Doctor Gregory?"

Among the secret bases that Hill hurriedly found, only a few people are permanently stationed here.

The vast majority of people are maintaining the operation of this base, and the single most important person is Dr. Gregory who re-suturing the wounds for Nick Fury.

To put it bluntly, Rogers can get rid of everyone in the entire base.

It's definitely impossible for Rogers to do this, and Fury's finger is always pressed on Leo's name in the call list.

If the scene is really uncontrollable, Fury will immediately ask Leo for help.

Rogers still sullied his head and chopped off the metal from Bucky's body. Bucky looked at Rogers' eyes, and there was a trace of entanglement.

This behavior, which was obviously beyond his judgment and conventional consciousness, made him realize that something was wrong.

However, he still did not give up the idea of ​​killing Rogers after coming out.

‘Even if you let me out, I’ll still fuck you. ’

Rogers knew this too, but he did it. For him, as long as there is a glimmer of hope for Bucky to remember, he is willing to take a risk.

Because until now, on the train, the scene of Bucky falling is often in Rogers' mind.

The relationship between the two has not changed even if 70 years have passed.

Rogers slashed at Bucky with a shield again, but before the shield touched the metal on Bucky's body, he only felt an irresistible force blocking the shield.

In Rogers's surprised eyes, the dozen or so pieces of metal that he had just cut off after a long time of effort changed slightly at the fracture, and they were integrated again, as if nothing had happened.

Leo was more than ten meters away and walked over to a few people with doubts.

With a lightly hooked finger, Rogers felt as if he had been caught by a speeding train, with a huge force acting on the shield of his right hand.

Rogers himself, pulled by this huge force, was forcibly dragged in the direction of Leo.

His footsteps dragged a deep mark on the ground, and Rogers hurriedly adjusted his body shape, stepped on his footsteps, and quickly got himself to stand up, the anti-skid combat boots on the soles of his feet were still rubbing on the ground.

Rogers couldn't resist much, so he could only slide away, and finally stood in front of Leo.

"Captain, what are you doing? Are you going to let Bucky out?"

Rogers looked at Leo in front of him, the shield in his hand was also under his control again, but his arm still trembled slightly at the moment, and it was a little sore when pulled under the previous tremendous force.

"Yes, I think fighting helps to restore Bucky's memory, he will remember it, he will restore his memory, he is the best soldier."

Rogers looked at Leo fearlessly and said, showing his attitude.

"It is precisely because he is the best soldier that he can survive the Winter Soldier's experiment. He is not like you, sleeping so peacefully in the ice for seventy years."

Leo waved gently, and Bucky, who was bound again, flew in front of the two of them immediately, struggling hard but couldn't shake anything at all.

"He may have been tortured by HYDRA for ten years, because he can't forget the past, so he will be tortured more cruelly, brainwashed, and stimulated by electric current. On this physiological level, no one can overcome it by will. !!!"

"This kind of direct effect on the brain's nerves, electric current stimulation, sound wave destruction, his brain has been destroyed and healed countless times, and it has caused the current blank memory, but do you expect to use the way of fighting to restore him?"

Bucky's head shook more severely, his immovable body was trembling slightly, and a terrible roar came out of his throat.

It seemed that Leo's words evoked his painful memories again, and it seemed that he couldn't wait to kill the two people in front of him.

Sam walked up to the two of them, looking at what they looked like now, he didn't dare to say anything.

Fury walked up to a few people and looked at them. There was a bit of hesitation in his words, "If it was before, I would have some hope to restore Bucky's memory, if S.H.I.E.L.D is not a big problem this time."

Sam poked his mouth aside, ‘isn’t it the same as not saying it? ’

"S.H.I.E.L.D does not have this technology yet, even if it does, I hope it won't exceed 5%." Leo looked at Nick Fury and said.

Fury wanted to refute it, but only to find that even if S.H.I.E.L.D has no problems, with S.H.I.E.L.D's technology, it is really impossible to restore the memory of people who have been brainwashed countless times.

Looking at the somewhat silent Fury, the hope that had originally surged in Rogers' eyes also dimmed again.

Then, another shield slashed heavily on Bucky's body.

"Then let me talk to him!"

Leo waved his hand gently, and Rogers was taken away by the shield in his hand, and fell to the side.

"It's not impossible to restore Bucky's memory! But..."

Leo looked at Bucky floating in the air, frowned and said softly.

"Do you have a way? How can Bucky recover his memory?"

Rogers stood up from the ground and asked hurriedly, ignoring the fall.

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