Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 548 Life Extension

In the Black Prison Group, Rez was still asleep after being unconscious in the battle.

The pattern of lava flowing on his body still circulates all over his body, and the dim light is slowly repairing the damaged body.

At the same time, Maya re-injected Rez with a highly concentrated nutrient substance while hanging water on the side.

Although in Maya's view, this substance is not injected into humans.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, the recovery efforts for Ryze are only improvised, and it is impossible to completely repair the shortfall of Ryze in this battle.

In fact, the best way to repair it is to re-inject an Extremis Reagent for Rez. The same amount of energy can better restore Rez’s potential.

But after this experiment, Zoster's eyes were red, and some of them couldn't wait to experience the power of Extremis Reagent.

In the black prison, Maya now only saves two copies of the final product of Extremis Reagent.

Langdu on the side, with his eyes glistening, looking at Ryze in a coma, his eyes are slightly congested.

"Brother, it's my turn."

Maya looked at the crazy people in front of her, and she couldn't help taking a step back.

"Several people, today is only for testing. Next, we will test and analyze the specific situation of Leyz, as well as the process and results of this battle, all of which will be analyzed and energy tested after the war."

"Maya, what do you mean?"

Langdu couldn't help but stared at Maya while sitting in a wheelchair.

"It's just that we can't directly inject you with Extremis Reagent today. We still need to conduct data analysis."

"Impossible, it's all up to today, and now, you put your hope in front of me, and now you tell me no way!!"

Langdu listened to Maya's words, but looked at her with some flushing eyes, and gritted his teeth and whispered.

This is not a complaint about Maya, but a desire for one's own thighs, a desire to stand and run, jump, and return to the previous appearance.

Although it has been so long, Langdu's desire for physical recovery is growing. He knows there is hope, but he doesn't know when he can succeed.

To this day, there is a successful case in front of me, and I can't stand it anymore.

Maya looked at Langdu with red eyes, and Zoster and others who were equally so excited, she was also a little hesitation.

"The boss said that it can be injected, but I think it needs to be recalculated. At least from the performance of Rez just now, the pain and the inexplicable desire to fight."

Maya continued, "I know you don't care about pain, but the inexplicable desire to fight reminds me of what the boss once told me."

"When Captain America Steve Rogers injected the Super Soldier Potion, there was such a characteristic, which would arouse the desire in his heart, that is, good people will get better, but bad people will also get worse."

"It can be judged from Rez's behavior that he has a more impulsive desire to fight, which has also been shown before the original improvement."

"As for the specific situation, I hope that we will make judgments when Leyz wakes up. It shouldn't be too long."

Maya watched several people explain her worries in a hurry.

After hearing this, Zoster also gently pressed Langdu's excited shoulder, "How long does it take?"

"If there is no problem, I think I can inject again within a week. If this desire to fight can't be weakened, I need to recalculate, that's not clear."

Maya thought for a while and said, although this is not a serious matter.

Perhaps for those big shots with special needs, this kind of character will have a greater effect.

But for everyone in the black prison, Maya didn't want such a thing to happen.

As he was talking, on the hospital bed on the side, Rez also snorted and woke up from a coma and deep sleep.

The light of lava flowing up and down all over the body gradually dimmed after it lighted up slightly, and there were no traces on the whole body surface.

Rez sat up, looked at the nutrient solution that had finished hanging around him, and pulled out the needle with a gentle pull.

There was no blood flowing out of the back of the hand, and only a slight light on the back of the hand healed the small needle.

Turned over and got out of bed, looked at the people in front of him, laughed, "Boss, I can go back to the team again!!"

"It's just that the previous boss was really terrible, that kind of test was terrible, and I felt like I was dying several times."

Looking at my intact body, he slightly jumped twice, "This feeling is really great. I feel that my body is lighter and I want to try what it would be like to run a marathon."

After that, looking at the strange eyes of a few people, I was also a little puzzled, "What's wrong, is there something wrong?"

"Do you feel that something is wrong with your body? Do you have the urge to fight? Can you still do it in the state of spraying flames in previous battles?"

Maya looked at Rez when she woke up, and immediately stepped forward and asked quickly, and the apprentice on the side also recorded it immediately.

Rez jumped on the spot twice and said with a smile.

"The body is great, it has never been so easy, fighting? Why do you want to fight, or you want to fight with me."

"But to be honest, now I can hit everyone on the scene."

"As for the state before..."

Rez clenched his fists with both hands, and there was a glimmer of red lava in his eyes. There was also a little light on his fists, but they couldn't condense together, and even that kind of ultra-high temperature state could not be formed.

Rez, with all his strength, finally gave up.

"No, that kind of state must be in combat, with high spirits in order to condense, and it can only be used at the time of life and death, that kind of large-scale energy impact."

"But it's also possible that the energy in my body is insufficient now, and I feel a little weak in my body."

Maya continued to check Rez directly on the spot, and everyone on the side looked fiery, even if it was late at night, they were still excited, and they were not sleepy at all.

After a while, the apprentice Stacey screamed in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

"Instructor, the telomerase of Ryze cells is...repaired! His cells can be free from the constraints of the'Haflick limit'" Stacey shouted.

"What does it mean?"

Rez couldn't understand Stacey's words, and looked at Maya and asked.

"That is, Ryze can repair the chromosome telomerase that will be lost due to cell division, enough to exceed the'Haflik limit' of 56 times, so that it can divide without restriction, just like cancer cells."

Maya looked at the data that Stacey gave herself, and said seriously.

"What I said can make us understand." Zoster said with a slight frown.

Maya looked at the people in front of him with some shining eyes.

"In other words, Rez's life span has been greatly extended, at least as far as the current situation is concerned, he can live at least...300 years."

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