If you dare not sleep by yourself, then find Martina, Lin Feng does not intend to let her disturb the two world of himself and Susan.

Next, wait for Tony to make the suppressor, and then arrange a school for Martina.

Martina happens to be able to go to high school, nice.

As for the identity and so on, let's hand it over to the rich man Tony!

"Speaking of which, why didn't you see Wanda?"

After throwing the pile of luggage to Martina's room, Lin Feng went back to the living room alone.

Wanda is one of Lin Feng's cards.

Don't underestimate the power of chaos magic. Wanda in the later stage can completely affect the multiverse.

Coming back this time just in time, Lin Feng planned to intensify Wanda's Chaos Magic and keep it in a growing state.

"Wanda?" Susan was making dessert for the little kid, and frowned when she heard Lin Feng's question.

"Speaking of Wanda, she hasn't come back for three or four days."

Xiong Da hasn't come back for three or four days?

Lin Feng's eyelids twitched, and he sat on the sofa, "Where did she go? Did she go on a trip?"

That's not right, why didn't I bring Susan with me when I went on a trip.

Susan thought for a while and replied, "Travel is not."

"Three days ago, that one-eyed man who came to look for you came to look for Wanda, and then Wanda was taken away."


"That's right, that's SHIELD." Susan responded.

"It seems that there is something wrong with Wanda's brother, let Wanda go and have a look."

"Although Wanda called back to let me not worry, but I always feel that the dark director is not a good person!"

Is Nick Fury a good guy?

It's hard to say, he did contribute to the safety of Blue Star, but he is the kind who is good at unscrupulous methods.

But the black stewed egg showed a murderous intent, which was related to Wanda's brother, and Susan couldn't stop it.

Lin Feng didn't answer the call, closed his eyes, and his super hearing radiated out.

In an instant, they found the S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier suspended in the sky.

The entire Helicarrier appeared in Lin Feng's mind like a transparent 3D projection.

Wanda is indeed on the Helicarrier, and it seems that she is still training Chaos Magic?

Lin Feng felt uncomfortable for no reason.

The dog thing is eyeing my person?

Lin Feng opened his eyes, his face was a little ugly.

He warned Nick Fury not to catch Wanda's attention.

What is the situation now?

"I gonna go see."

"Go ahead and bring Wanda back for dinner." Susan didn't stop Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was not in the villa, and only Wanda lived with her every day. The relationship between the two was very strange.

Susan treats her like a sister.

That black corned egg head always doesn't feel like a good person, which makes Susan a little worried.

Lin Feng responded, and went directly to the courtyard, soaring into the sky, heading straight for the Helicarrier.

Wanda training magic in the space carrier?

If you say that black corned eggs have no bad intentions, ghosts will not believe it.

Okay, this stewed egg contestant? Steal my house while I'm away?

Lin Feng was sullen, obviously a little angry.

In the space carrier, the black corned egg sitting in the office, his eyelids have been twitching since the beginning.


Hill pushed the door and entered with a anxious look on his face.

"What's the fuss?" Black Braised Egg glanced up at her.

"As an agent, you have to keep calm at all times!"

Hill didn't speak, but just put the video on the black corned egg table.

The black marinated egg picked it up slowly, and then his eyes widened.

What's this?

A robot that can splash and roll, suspected to be Tony's new scientific research product?

But the focus of the black marinated egg is not here, the one standing next to the robot, is that Lin Feng?

"What, when did it happen?" Black Braised Egg broke out in cold sweat as soon as he said it.

How about calm down? Hill pouted, "An hour ago..."

It's numb, the black marinated egg feels like it's going to disappear.

He kidnapped Wanda behind Lin Feng's back!

Braised Egg felt that he had done nothing wrong.

Where is such a powerful combat power, but Lin Feng is stocking it?

This is completely reckless, okay!

Although Lin Feng warned Heiledan, but Lin Feng basically left for a year or two. Heiledan was confident that during this period of time, he would brainwash Wanda and make her completely a member of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But just a few days after he was abducted, Lin Feng came back?

I said why eyelids keep twitching...

"Director, do you want to transfer Wanda?" Hill asked.

Black Braised Egg looked crying.

"I guess it's too late..."


As soon as the words fell, the space carrier trembled greatly, as if an earthquake had occurred.

But the space carrier is suspended in the sky, and the vibration cannot come from an earthquake.

Then there is only one answer, the person that Black Braised Egg doesn't want to see appears now...

Chapter 275 Something is wrong with Nick Fury, breaking up with S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

On the space carrier, an alarm sounded immediately.

The agents working on the deck were all well-trained elites, and they immediately drew out their weapons and aimed at the incoming people, and the scene suddenly became serious.

It's just that before the shot was fired, it was stopped immediately.

"Don't shoot!"

"Don't shoot! Put down the guns, everyone!"

Coulson broke out in a cold sweat when he saw the tense scene in front of him.

He recognized Lin Feng at a glance and shouted to everyone not to act rashly.

Coulson was very glad that he was on the deck at the moment because of his work.

The space carrier is the air base of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the technological content used in it is extremely high, not even on the J side.

If you really want to offend the master in front of you, it is not as simple as simply losing a few hundred million yuan.

Although they have intersected with S.H.I.E.L.D., the relationship between Lin Feng and S.H.I.E.L.D. is not as close as imagined.

Coulson knew exactly why Lin Feng was so upset at the moment, it was all due to his boss, who insisted on hitting Wanda with his idea.

Lin Feng glanced at Coulson expressionlessly, and stood on the deck with his arms folded without saying a word.

But Coulson was so stared at that the cold sweat almost flowed into a river.

The agents who put down their guns also looked at each other in dismay, and they had already recognized that the man was Superman.

Just full of doubts, what is Superman doing here? Still appearing in this provocative way?

When everyone was still wondering, Black Braised Egg brought Hill to the deck.

One after another, a bunch of people rushed towards the deck.

The shock of Lin Feng's landing was transmitted to the entire space carrier, and even the alarm sounded.

Therefore, the agents who were not alive quickly prepared their weapons and rushed to the deck.

Among them, including Wanda who is training in the training room...

"Wanda, come here!" Seeing Wanda, Lin Feng's cold face softened a little.

This girl has a simple brain and is easily deceived by others, but Lin Feng will not vent his anger on Wanda.

Wanda scratched her head for some unknown reason, but walked obediently behind Lin Feng.

She vaguely felt that something was wrong, as if it was caused by herself...

Still that obedient bear! Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I discovered it early, otherwise I was really brainwashed by the rules of S.H.I.E.L.D., and it would be difficult to correct it.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng turned his eyes to the black stewed egg, and his eyes became cold again.

Although he didn't deliberately release the pressure, the hostility from Superman Silver still made Hei Dandan feel his eyes darken and his blood pressure rise.

"Nick Fury." Lin Feng called out the full name of the black marinated egg.

"I remember, I warned you not to think of Wanda?"

Black Braised Egg choked for breath, and couldn't figure out why he was so unlucky.

One month, just give him one month! With Wanda's simple thinking, even if Lin Feng wanted to take Wanda back, Wanda would not agree!

But the black stewed egg was obviously deceived by lard. He thought that Wanda would let S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I didn't have Wanda's idea." Black Braised Egg defended himself, his brain was thinking quickly about how to hide it.

It's just that no matter how you listen to this sentence, there is a feeling of guilty conscience mixed in it.

"In the future, there will be more dangers, and we need more power!"

"And Wanda, with the power to save, you didn't give her enough space."

After two sentences, the black corned egg became more and more relaxed, and even raised his head.

That's right, it's spiky!

Yes, he is for the peace of Blue Star, what is there to be afraid of Lin Feng? From a righteous point of view, what Lin Feng did was wrong, right? Selfishly shut Wanda at home.

What should I do when faced with uncontrollable dangers?

Black Braised Dan felt a little ashamed, just now when faced with Lin Feng's aura, he subconsciously felt guilty.

"Space?" Lin Feng sneered.

Nick Fury looks like a clown right now.

"Nick Fury, do you know Wanda's ability system?"

"Do you know how to control her abilities?"

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