After listening to Tony, he sneered and couldn't help teasing, "What's more terrifying than Thanos?"

Strange nodded solemnly, "It's more terrifying than Thanos..."

Seeing that Strange didn't look like he was joking, Tony's expression slowly sank, "Are you serious?"

Strange nodded silently.

"let me guess……"

Tony paced back and forth, "Could it be that thing you said two years ago?"

Two years ago, the US team was going to spend the rest of their lives with Peggy after returning the Infinity Stones.

However, Strange foresaw some information in advance and stopped the US team.

According to Strange at the time, yes.

He saw greater dangers ahead, and the future needed them all.

Because of this sentence, the US team gave up their original idea.

He has always been an existence with a strong sense of justice.

Originally thought that he could retire and live his own life, but because of Strange's words, Captain America resolutely chose the former in front of the guardian and himself.

"You said at the time that you couldn't see the time and specific details of the danger."

"Now you see?" Tony asked.

Strange nodded again.

"Come with me, everyone is waiting for you!"

Strange seems to have been prepared.

In the Temple of the Waist Twister, all the members of the Avengers have gathered, only Tony is left...

In the temple, everyone recalled the old days with smiles on their faces. When they saw Tony, they also greeted him loudly.

They all have their own lives, and they haven't been together so completely for two full years.

But their guardian heart will never change, otherwise they wouldn't have come here just because of Strange's words.

Everyone was present, and Strange clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

The conversation gradually stopped, and everyone knew that Strange was going to talk about business.

"This gathering is to deal with a disaster worse than Thanos!"

Strange threw Wang Bo at the beginning of the game, which directly shocked everyone's pupils, and couldn't help but become serious.

"Although there is no time stone, my Eye of Agamotto can still predict some information in the future."

"It's just that I can't see it clearly without the Time Stone." Strange continued.

"However, just in the early hours of this morning, I saw a disaster far greater than seven years ago!"

After a few words, the expressions of everyone in Fulian became more solemn.

"Look at this first..."

Strange took a deep breath and stretched out his hand in the air.

The phantom of a metal monster with fangs appeared in front of everyone.

"This is?"

Seeing the phantom, Tony stood up instantly.


"Spells, why are you showing us this?"

"Ultra is already a thing of the past a few years ago! Isn't today April Fool's Day?!"

Tony squinted, staring at Strange dangerously.

Banner also stood up, and asked in disbelief, "Master, the disaster you are talking about is Ultron, right?"

He was also very familiar with this phantom, after all, it was the monster that he and Tony had single-handedly brought about and almost destroyed the world.

No, it should be said that everyone present, except for the baby Spider-Man in pajamas, is familiar with Ultron.

After all, they all participated in the Sokovia incident.

Captain America and the others also looked at Strange in bewilderment, waiting for his explanation.

"It can't be... Ultron is resurrected?"

Natasha couldn't help guessing.

Tony pointed directly at Ultron's phantom, and retorted, "This is impossible!"

"Totally impossible……"

Strange shook his head, agreeing with Tony's thoughts, "It's really unlikely."


"Do you still remember Lin Feng?"

Strange mentioned a name from memory.

Everyone in Fulian nodded again and again.

Lin Feng, the Superman who appeared on the battlefield two years ago and took care of Thanos, of course everyone remembers it.

Now Lin Feng's statue is still placed in the square.

Chapter 225 When Lin Feng arrives, why is someone talking behind my back about my handsomeness?

"Lin Feng, I have already proved to you the existence of parallel universes."


"So this Ultron comes from a parallel universe?"

Tony reacted immediately.

Strange nodded in agreement.

"That's right, tomorrow, he will come to this universe..."

"This is the future I observed..."

After Strange finished speaking, everyone in the Reunion suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Thought it was a big deal? It's just an Ultron!

Is this mage a little fussy?

A few years ago, everyone could hammer Ultron to death, but now, Ultron can hardly make any trouble, okay?

Tony shrugged after confirming the information.

"I don't know what he came for, but if we kill him once, we can kill him a second time!"

The illusion is gone, and there is no way to block Ultron in the network.

But now is not a few years ago.

With Tony's own strength, Ultron, who can be completely forced in the Internet, has nowhere to escape.

"I said Strange, are you making a big fuss?"

"Making a fuss?" Strange shook his head dumbfounded.

"Originally, I also thought that Ultron was not a threat, until I saw this."

"I hope you can still say this after seeing this..."

Strange waved his hand again, and the ordinary image of Ultron in everyone's memory changed instantly.

His appearance became more ferocious and looked more dangerous.

And when everyone saw the things on Ultron's head and chest, they were almost suffocated.

"Wo, T, F, K?"

Tony froze, cursing word by word.

Originally thought it was an easy difficulty level, but it suddenly became a purgatory difficulty?

Banner even fell back on the sofa.

For a while, the scene fell silent.

"Infinity gems?"


The family members looked at each other in blank dismay.

A snap of Thanos seven years ago is still vivid.

Now comes another Infinity Gems Ultron?

Damn, are you still letting people live?

Captain America, Natasha, and everyone in the Avengers put on a bitter face.

They understood why Strange had called them all together.

No one doubts the authenticity of the information.

Are you kidding me about this? Come on, Strange isn't that far-fetched yet!

"Quiet, everyone!"

Doctor Strange yelled.

"The time left for us is running out..."

According to what Strange saw, Infinite Ultron would arrive tomorrow.

"How do you do that?" Tony rolled his eyes.

"He can destroy the entire universe with a snap of his fingers!"

"Still playing fart! I suggest everyone go back and pack up, and wait for the end to come!"

"You can't say that, Tony." The US team continued.

"When we gather together, there are infinite possibilities!"

"We shouldn't give up, if we can, we can still go back to the past and get six infinite gems to deal with Ultron!"

"We did it once, didn't we?"

Tony just said hello, and his brain was also thinking about the solution rapidly.

But for the plan proposed by the US team, Tony smiled wryly.

"You forgot, Captain."

"We don't have Pym particles anymore..."

"Do you think I can develop Pym particles overnight?"

As far as Nima is outrageous, give Tony some time, he can research Pym particles, but it definitely can't be done overnight!

"I said doctor, why didn't you inform us earlier?" Tony couldn't help complaining.

Strange also gave a wry smile, "I think so too."

"But the Eye of Agamotto is not the Time Stone."

"Its function is not as good as the time gem..."

Although the Eye of Agamotto can also peek into the future.

But it can't be as arbitrary as the time gem.

Two years ago, Strange could only foresee the doomsday danger through it.

And it wasn't until the early hours of this morning that he learned the specific content of the disaster...

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