Putting these actions on him, not only does it look not formidable, it also looks rather funny.

"I'm here to find Gamora!" Lin Feng explained.

He knows Xingjue's character, he is just a pure funny B.

"Gamora?" Star-Lord repeated, subconsciously looking behind him.

Then he asked vigilantly, "What are you looking for Gamora for?"

Gamora is his future girlfriend.

What did Lin Feng want her for?

Could it be that he came to grab Kamora from himself?

Xingjue began to make up his mind.

Gamora is the "true love" he has never met!

Falk, Lin Feng is powerful, if he really came to snatch Kamora, he can't beat...

Before Lin Feng could answer, Xingjue had already imagined a lot of possibilities.

"Ahem, Gamora...isn't here today..."

Xingjue squeezed his throat and lied, but his voice was a little weak.

"Huh?" Lin Feng looked at Xingjue, then at Gamora behind him, and made a question mark with a strange expression.

I'm afraid this Xingjue is not a fool, is he? !

Gamora couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Seriously, sometimes she really wanted to pry open Star-Lord's brain and see what was inside.

Seeing Lin Feng looking at him, Gamora took a step back subconsciously, with a look of wariness on his face.

She hadn't forgotten that last time Lin Feng just gave him a look, and she obediently told Vormir's coordinates.

This kind-looking man is very dangerous!

"Don't be afraid, Gamora!"

"I just want to ask you if you know where Thanos is." Lin Feng explained.

"Thanos? Why are you looking for Thanos?" Gamora still looked vigilant.

"I don't think you'd want to see him." Gamora shook her head.

"A lot of people know you have five Infinity Stones."

"And Thanos, who is also collecting infinite gems, will kill you," Gamora said.

Her "father", Thanos, is also collecting these things.

But Thanos' purpose of collecting gems is chilling.

The rocket on the side jumped out.

"Oh yes! What are you collecting these stones for?"

"Are you short of money too?" Rocket smacked his lips.

"Last time at a transit star, a lot of bandits were trying to get your attention!"

One of these things is worth a billion.

Rockets are greedy!

"How about I help you connect and sell them?"

"5 billion! Just give me a commission of 500 million!" Rocket laughed.

With this money, he can take Groot to live an early retirement life.

The more he said it, the more feasible it became. Rocket looked at Lin Feng with anticipation in his small eyes.

As long as Lin Feng nodded, he would immediately contact the buyer!

"No need!" Lin Feng waved his hand, rejecting Rocket.

"I collected this stuff and it's useful."

"Gamora, you just need to tell me if you know the location of Thanos."

"The rest, you don't have to worry about it!"

"Didn't you understand what I said! Thanos will kill you!" Gamora couldn't help but said.

His father was a murderous executioner.

Lin Feng dared to bring infinite gems to find Thanos, it was tantamount to delivering goods to his door.

"Thanos will kill me?" Lin Feng sneered with disdain.

"Is this a joke for today?"

"I think you should worry about whether Thanos will be killed by me..."

Not to mention Thanos, even with all his loyal dogs, it's not enough for Lin Feng to clean up.

Thanos dare to do it?

But Gamora didn't know how powerful Lin Feng was.

She curled her lips in disdain, thinking that Lin Feng was just bragging.

Although Lin Feng showed great strength on Xandar and his party, Gamora has a deeper understanding of the power of Thanos.

Not to mention that Thanos has countless subordinates, many of whom are powerful generals such as Ebony Throat.

"Stop talking about it, tell me the answer." Lin Feng urged.

"Oh, by the way, you know, you can't lie!" Lin Feng's eyes were fixed, with a hint of warning.

Gamora understood Lin Feng's hint, and her face became troubled.

Xingjue couldn't bear it anymore, he felt that as a man, it was time for him to stand up.

"Why can't you lie! Are you threatening us?!"

The words are sharp, but the tone is bluffing.

Lin Feng shook his head: "That's not the case, it's just that Gamora is in front of me, so I can't panic..."

Gamora pursed her lips.

She really wanted to give Lin Feng a fake address.

She doesn't want to see Thanos successfully get all the infinite gems, and then destroy half of the life in the universe with a snap of his fingers.

Her planet suffered such treatment. Gamora doesn't want this experience to happen to anyone else.

But Lin Feng's methods are unpredictable. Last time on Xandaar, he couldn't panic with just one look.

After hesitating for a while, Gamora was still ready to tell the truth.

"Before I left him, Thanos mentioned that he was going to stay on Titan for a while."

Gamora said.

"As for now, I don't know if he is still on Titan, you can go and see, if you are not afraid of death..."

Titan, the hometown of Thanos.

It's just that this hometown is about to become as desolate as Vormir's now.

"very good!"

After getting the desired information, Lin Feng was satisfied.

"Thank you for your information, Miss Gamora." Lin Feng waved his hand.

"Then, I'll withdraw first! Goodbye, Captain Rocket!"

With that said, Lin Feng opened the portal, and there was no Bird Xingjue.

"Goodbye, Lin Feng! Welcome to play anytime!"

"By the way, if you want to sell infinite gems, remember to come to me!" Rocket also extended his hand in greeting.

"My commission is the lowest in the universe!"

Lin Feng nodded in response, but pouted behind his back.

This greedy little thing is a liar.

The portal disappeared with Lin Feng.

The rest of the group looked at each other.

Xingjue turned his head dully.

I don't know why, but he always feels that his head is faintly green...

"He just left?"

"There is no respect for me as the captain at all!"


"Gamora, what did he do to you? Why can't you lie?"

Gamora gave him a blank look and walked away.

"Don't go, Gamora! Tell me what he did to you!"

Chapter 170 Ebony Throat: I Can Still Save It

Planet Titan.

That is Titan, the sixth moon of Saturn.

It is also the hometown of Thanos.

In the past, the descendants of the Eternal Clan transformed by the Tenjin Group lived here.

The Titans have inherited the abilities of their ancestors and possess great power.

Thanos was born on this planet.

At that time, the Titan star had blue sky and green grass, and advanced technology.

The residents were laughing and laughing, very peaceful.

However, at this time many years later, only the loess flying in the sky is left on the planet Titan.

As far as the eye can see, there are iron and steel ruins left after the destruction of the city everywhere, dilapidated.

Old and barren, with no breath of life.

The entire planet presents a grayish-yellow hue, giving people the feeling of a doomsday planet.

Thanos is walking on this planet.

He looked at the desolate, lifeless land in front of him.

Like his head, nothing grows.

The former hometown has become what it is today, thanks to the hard work of Thanos.

Behind him are Nebula and Ebony Maw, and behind him are Proxima Centauri and General Deathblade.

"My lord, Lin Feng already has five infinite gems!" Ebony Throat lowered his head respectfully.

He was as thin as a withered chicken paw.

"No one can be stronger, more noble, and more worthy of the Infinity Stone than you!"

"Right now, news of the Infinity Stones is spreading throughout the universe."

"Should we, before them, go to Blue Star?"

Ebony Throat's flattering skills are superb.

And compared to Thanos' other subordinates, he is more like a wise general.

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