Marvel: Fusion

Chapter 41: Owl night



   Boom! ! !

   "Be careful, Tommy!"

   "This big guy is coming to me..."

There was chaos in the   ace chemical plant, with many wild beasts and wolves running around, and the police could not resist it.

   A Tyrannosaurus rex quickly rushed to the position of the police car, and the bullet hit it, leaving a bullet hole the size of a fly, which was not enough to see.

   Both hind legs suddenly jumped up, and a police car was trampled instantly in the shocked eyes of the police.

   followed closely, and his thick tail swept over and directly blasted a police car into flight.

Behind the Tyrannosaurus rex, large beasts such as rhinos and brown bears followed closely, and in just a few minutes, all blocked police cars were scrapped.

   Small mutant beasts such as wolves, deer, dogs, rats, etc. immediately rushed into the crowd, relying on their agile speed, constantly biting the policemen and putting them down.

   In the sky, vultures, evil eagles, and night owls hovered endlessly. While making ear-piercing calls, they swooped down, dragged people into the sky and threw them down. The police soon couldn't hold it anymore.

   "No way, James, there is no heavy firepower, the casualties are too big, the brothers can't stand it." An old policeman yelled.

  All of this, Gordon, as the chief of the police, naturally saw it. The people he brought were all police officers with justice. Seeing their death, Gordon was bleeding in his heart.

   "Where is the National Guard? Why haven't these guys appeared yet."

   A young policeman ran to Gordon's face with blood on his face: "Sheriff, I have asked for help three times in a row, but the National Guard said that they could not send troops without receiving orders from their superiors."

   "Shit! Are all their radar satellites blind? Will they not be able to see such a serious situation? Call me!"

   Sheriff Gordon grabbed the phone and quickly pressed a series of numbers.

   "Mars, what are you doing? Gotham is rioting, a group of prehistoric monsters are wrecking havoc, why haven't your people appeared yet?"

   On the other end of the phone, it was completely different from the violent fire of Sheriff Gordon. Mars said calmly: "Sorry Gordon, I didn't receive the order."

   "Go **** order, are your monitors blind? My people are dying all the time, and you **** are still waiting for orders."

   "I still said that, without a superior order, the National Guard cannot be dispatched, sorry!"

   "Mars! Mars! Wait for Mars!"


   There was a blind tone on the other end of the phone.

   "FUCK! All are raised by bitches!"

   Gordon was so angry that he broke the phone.


   Gotham City, at the top of Boris Building, second only to Wayne Building, a dozen owl members in suits and dresses gathered here, surrounded by an old man in a wheelchair.

The wind on the top of the building is very strong. For the distinguished lords of the Owl Court, it is generally not seen here, but today, no matter how strong the wind is, it is difficult to conceal their inner heat and excitement, because after tonight, Owl Will completely control Gotham.

   The old man coughed a few times, his voice was a little hoarse: "Has the list been sent down?"

   The man behind nodded, "Send it down. After tonight, Gotham will be cleaned up."

   "Very good, where's the person in the way?"

   "It has been arranged. Batman and the Gotham Police Department went to the ace chemical plant to deal with the Assassin League and Bigfoot. The National Guard has cleared the relationship in advance, and the military does not need to worry, and they will not interfere."

   The old man nodded, passing through the possible loopholes in his heart again, feeling that everything is under control, and faintly uttered three words: "Go!"

   With these words, I suddenly remembered the whizzing sound of breaking through the air behind me. In the shadows, hundreds of claws in owl suits were dispatched together, racing around among the tall buildings, to deal with their own goals.

After they were awakened, everyone received a list of people who were opposed to owls or were unwilling to join. They have a certain influence in Gotham. They are either rich or politicians, and they have a strong influence on the rule of the court. Create obstacles.

   For example, at the top of the list, Bruce Wayne is written on it, Justice Ihamason, Sidney Elliott, the master of the Elliott family, and even the Penguin Oswald is among them.


Ace Chemical Plant, Gotham Police Department has more than half of the casualties. James Gordon can no longer bear the loss. Behind these hundreds of policemen are hundreds of families. They are the cornerstone of changing the Gotham Police industry. They must not be explained here. .

   glanced inside the chemical plant, Gordon said a word of apologies in his heart, and then shouted loudly: "Retreat, everyone retreat immediately!"

   And the police are also human. The fear has already spread. There is no need to continue the meaningless fighting. They all have a retreat in their hearts. After the chief gave the order, they evacuated as quickly as possible.

   After the police retreated, the mutant beasts also began to march towards the city, destroying Gotham, just now.

"Hahahaha... let you also taste the taste of your The double-faced man screamed and rushed in front of Nightwing. The knee lifted up and slammed into his abdomen. The power of mutation is even Nightwing. I couldn't bear it either, I couldn't help coughing up a bit of blood and flew out.

   The ninja of the big foot gang immediately rushed forward, and several steel knives fought against his body.

   At that moment, a burst of intensive gunfire sounded, dozens of bullets were fired in a fan-shape, killing the ninja who had besieged Nightwing at the same time.

   Then a man wearing a strong suit and a red mask armed with two Uzi submachine guns came in.

   "You are so embarrassing to look like this, Nightwing!"

   Ye Wing glanced at the person, wiped off the blood on the corner of his mouth and said: "It's time to come, Red Hood, things are not so good."

   "The start and the end are not very good, it is very bad, the Gotham Police Station was defeated, and the group of monsters rushed towards the city."

   "What!" Everyone was shocked.

   Bruce threw the bat darts to force Schrader back and said: "Block him, I must go to catch Lars Al Goul, only in this way can I save everything."

   Although Red Hood often clashes with Bruce, he still respects and loves his father deep in his heart, and he utters a cut to express disdain, but his body still kills Schrader very honestly.

   "Little guy, can you stop me? Daydreaming!"

   Schrader was very upset about Batman's abandonment of him. He couldn't look down on the red hood, so he turned around and wanted to chase Batman.

   But there was a sudden gunshot from behind, Schrader could only stop chasing and jumped onto a container.

   The red hood said in a gloomy tone: "I am not them. For me, killing people is the best way to solve the problem."

   "I can see, then we can only solve you first!"

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