Marvel Comics: Starting with the Ability to Replicate Superhuman Talents

Chapter 232 A Crisis in the Magical World (Connotation Letter of Apology)


A familiar pungent smell hung in the air.

If you want to die early from various respiratory diseases, then Gotham City is definitely your best choice for suicide.

In an abandoned high-rise building in Gotham.

The woman stared desperately at the infant monster. She was desperate for giving birth to the monster, but motherly love made her unable to let go of this love.

She stared at the tall building below her feet and slowly closed her eyes.

Therefore, with fear and love intertwined, she chose to die with this infant monster.

He moved his bare feet, making a scraping sound on the stone steps.

"Maybe I can help you."

A cold and depressing voice sounded from the only narrow entrance to this high-rise building.

The breeze blew through his clothes and made a hunting sound. It seemed that there was no need to look back. Anyone who knew Gotham would know who was coming.

Batman stared at the woman's thin back.

As a local gangster in Gotham, with the blessing of the super computer Brother Eye, Batman, who controls most of Gotham's cameras and privately downloads police population management files, immediately asks Afu to call up the woman's identity on the communication device.

He took a step forward: "Mena Lott, my husband died suddenly a week ago because he was working overtime at the Kerbert factory driving screws. I understand how you feel."

Batman stared at the woman's legs. He thought that the woman was crushed by the blow of reality.

Therefore, it is necessary to stabilize the other party's emotions.

"Everything will pass, won't it?"

Batman waved his cape: "The hard-earned money that the black-hearted factory owes your husband, I will get it back for you."

"Everything will be better."

The cold-blooded tough guy Batman showed his gentle side for the first time. His tone was soft: "Give me the child."

"I, I don't know!"

The woman raised her voice.

She suddenly turned her head, her eyes filled with tears.

"I can't let this monster live!"

After saying this, she turned around and jumped towards the tall building!

The thin body was unbalanced by the inertia, and the swaddling clothes in his hands fell out.

The two afterimages were like roaring heavy objects falling in different directions.

As a master strategist with top human intelligence, Batman analyzed the current situation in just a few seconds.

He could only save one.

Only one person can be saved.


Or a baby?


Reason defeated sensibility, Batman jumped from the sky, stepped on the high platform with his legs and rushed towards the swaddled baby like a bat noble.

As expected of Batman.

With strong and vigorous movements, he was like a gymnast rolling in mid-air to adjust the angle of his fall. He held the baby firmly in his arms while drawing a hook gun from his belt and shooting towards the high tower.


The hook rope wrapped around the iron tower, driving Batman to stand on the iron frame of the iron tower like a swing.

Batman held the baby tightly in silence, shielding him from the cold wind blowing from high altitude.

He looked down at the ground beneath his feet.

At the same time that he rescued the baby, the woman also fell from the tall building, and her head fell to the ground, creating a colorful "mosaic".

"Wow, wow!"

As if feeling the mother's departure, the sleeping baby began to cry.

Looking at the child's sculpted face, Batman silently hugged him tightly and murmured in a low voice: "I'm sorry."

This shouldn't be his responsibility, but Batman still silently chooses to shoulder all of this on him.

Because he is Batman, he will not defend himself, he will not feel wronged, because he is Batman...


Luther Castle.


Corridor on the second floor, outside Jino's room.

Clark was pushed hard against the wall by Fiona, and the arms made of steel tightly clasped Clark's neck.


The heroic female general looked at Clark coldly: "This is the leader's room. You are not allowed to break in without permission!"

"I, ahem, I'm looking for Jino!"

Clark struggled to speak. He patted Fiona's arm and motioned for the woman to let go: "Yes, in military terms, it is military intelligence, very important military intelligence!"

Listening to Clark's words, Fiona was doubtful.


A yawn sounded, and the originally closed door opened, and Gino, wearing Mickey Mouse pajamas and a pair of Tom Cat slippers, walked out of the room.

Behind the boy was the equally sleepy Kara, which made Clark's eyes widen: "Cousin, cousin?!"

"She insists on sleeping with me, don't get me wrong." Jino glanced at the sleepy Kara angrily: "It's none of your business here."

"Go back to sleep."

"Oh." Kara yawned, turned around and walked into the room, not forgetting to close the door.

"Let Clark go, Fiona." Gino sighed, looked at Clark who was gasping for air, and raised his forehead helplessly: "Tell me, what happened?"

Gino seemed to have anticipated the bad situation, and his unsurprised attitude made Clark admire him.

He is worthy of being his best friend. He is impressed by this calmness and magnanimity!

As everyone knows, Jino is just accustomed to the DC world's rules of three days for a small matter and a week for a big event.

"That's it..."

As Clark told him, Keno roughly understood the cause and effect.

"Mr. Geno, communication from Batman and Wonder Woman in Gotham."

The singer used the Cosmic Cube to infiltrate the house and projected two chat boxes.


The screen flickered, and the faces of Batman and Diana appeared on the screen.

"Kino, it's not good." Diana said in a hurry.

"I suspect that some people in the world have been subjected to some kind of illusion magic." Batman got straight to the point and told the issue that Diana wanted to talk about. People were dying every second, and they didn't have much time to waste.


Gino sighed, glanced at Clark, turned to Batman and Diana and said, "I will send Clark and Bart to Gotham to support Batman, and Fiona to London to support Wonder Woman."

"In the meantime, you guys go rescue people first, and I will find professionals to resolve this matter."



The two hung up the communication.

"Take action."

Gino glanced at the two of them.

Fiona is a person of action. Without saying a word, she turned and left the corridor on the second floor planning to fly to London.

Clark felt guilty that he had caused the trouble, and desperately wanted to save people, so he also quickly left the corridor.

"Hey." Jino sighed and said to the empty corridor: "Singer, locate the metropolis."

"We have to find someone to take care of."

"Understood." The singer's cold voice echoed, and a blue light enveloped the young man.

After a flash of light, Jino stood in a hidden alley in the metropolis.

Gino snapped his fingers to draw a direction wheel, and followed the wheel towards a dark and dirty alley.

The person he's looking for is there.


Walk to the end of the alley and open a hidden door.

Stepping into the room mixed with thick smoke and gray waves, he saw the person he wanted to see at a four-cornered table.

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