When an unchanging life undergoes earth-shaking changes, the so-called peace is long gone.

Small town sanatorium.

"I'm not sure why you're free enough to come to the sanitarium with us."


Smiling, Lana avoided the demented old man pushing the wheelchair. Lana looked helpless. The girl turned to Clark and smiled helplessly.

"I just can't go back to school, I'm bored." Clark sighed and followed Lana with a stack of lunch boxes in his hands.

"Moreover." Clark's eyes were complicated as he recalled the many major events that had happened this week, one after another, which almost made him extremely busy: "I need a vacation."

Two days have passed since Keno led the Justice League back to this universe, but Clark's situation has not changed.

Everyone knows that the small town of Smallville hides two extraordinary beings.

Then it will naturally attract good people to come to the town and try to explore the private lives of these two beings.

"I can't even show up at school." Clark smiled bitterly: "Otherwise, those students would drag me to sign autographs all day and night."

As for keno? Ever since he was named by Zod in front of the whole world, he has never set foot in school.

"Okay, if you want to follow you can, but you have to be quiet."

Lana glared at Clark, pushed open the door of the nursing home and stepped inside.

The girl pushed open the door, and as the door tilted, a room full of flowers, plants and trees appeared in Clark's field of vision, with a sofa in the center and an old white-haired white lady wearing black sunglasses. , reaching out to touch the book on his lap, with a kind smile on his lips.

"This is Ms. Cassandra." Lana lowered her voice to Clark and stared at Clark with big eyes: "I heard that she can predict the future."

"This is impossible." Clark shook his head with a smile and retorted: "If you say that Gino can predict the future, I will support you without reservation, but you are an old lady."

Clark glanced at the old woman with a look of pity in his eyes, and said to Lana: "If she can really predict the future, then maybe she won't end up living in a nursing home."

Who likes to live in a nursing home? Do they like to be beaten by the nursing staff?


While the two were discussing in a low voice, the old lady in the distance wrinkled her already wrinkled forehead in dissatisfaction: "It's not a good habit to talk about others behind their backs!"

"Can she hear it?" Clark looked strange.

"Of course, although I am blind, I am not deaf." The old lady sighed, no longer paying attention to the fool Clark, and turned to Lana who was standing at the door and smiled: "Lana, I'm glad you are here again."

"In today's society, there are not many kind-hearted girls like you."

"No, I just did what I should do." Lana stuck out her tongue and walked into the room at the old lady's invitation.

"What are you doing standing there?" As if she saw Clark, the old lady raised her head and looked at Clark: "Still wondering if I can predict the future?"

"If you don't believe it, come to me and I can let you know part of your future."

I have to say that after following Jino for so long, Clark has become a lot more courageous.

In the past, he would have just declined shyly.

But now, Clark shrugged: "Why not? I'm quite curious about the future."

The big boy stepped towards the old lady.

"Hand out."

Cassandra signaled Clark to extend her hand, and Clark did not hesitate, extending his right arm for the old lady to hold.

The woman's cold hand made Clark raise his eyebrows slightly, but the next moment, a dazzling white light flashed before his eyes.

Like a trance after exhaustion,

The surrounding furniture twists, and the surrounding light colors fall into darkness.

After a brief period of darkness.

A ray of light illuminates the eyes.

Clark found that he could see again.

However, looking forward, the big boy looked dull and had a big mouth.

He found himself standing among the ruins.

Not far away is a farm that was turned into ashes by the flames.

His own fortress of solitude - an abandoned warehouse tilted and collapsed.

What is even more eye-catching is the middle-aged woman lying on the ground in a pool of blood, his adoptive mother Martha.

The woman's abdomen was pierced by a purple arrow, and she fell into the arms of Jonathan who was kneeling with her eyes wide open.

And far away from them was a huge battlefield.

Fighting against a blond man with a hammer, Wonder Woman wields a buckler and a lasso of truth, creating waves of air with every fist-to-kick collision.

And below the battlefield, he saw that he was lifting a screaming purple masked man and tearing his body into pieces, tearing it open like spicy strips, but what was splashed out was not oil but blood and sticky organs.

Farther away, a black-haired girl was fighting a woman in red. Silver and red magical energies intertwined and fought with each other.

Farther away on the grass, the Batman he knew was fighting with a strong man dressed like a circus performer with the American flag printed on his mask.

There was also Lex, who was driving a set of green armor he got from nowhere and was fighting a figure wearing a gold-red armor.

This horrific scene was like an ink painting frozen in Clark's eyes.

Looking at all this,

Looking at the dead Martha, looking at myself killing people because of grief and anger.

Clark, who was floating in mid-air, looked at all this with dull eyes, full of shock and disbelief.

"No, that's impossible!"

Clark shook his head wildly, he didn't believe that this would happen in the future.

"With Gino here, none of this would be possible!"

As he muttered and repeated these words, the real scene in front of him melted like melting ice and snow, as if an unknown being had erased the scene with an eraser.

"Hoo ho!"

Gasping for air, Clark stood up suddenly.


A familiar female voice sounded in Clark's ears.

The boy raised his head blankly, but was met with a concerned face: "Are you okay?"

Lana looked at Clark. Just now, the moment Ms. Cassandra held Clark, the big boy squatted on the ground stiffly as if he had lost his soul.

"I, I'm fine." With a forced smile, Clark responded to Lana: "I just thought of something."

Although he didn't want to admit it, the scene he just saw was like a sharp thorn buried deep in Clark's heart, making him feel scared.

If he meant that if this scene really happened to him, would he be able to accept it?

And, would he really kill someone in anger?

Clark just ran this question through his mind before he got the exact answer.

If Martha died, he would really go on a killing spree.

Clark's attitude toward loved ones is the same as Keno's.

Both Jonathan and Martha are aging in reverse.

Clark couldn't help clenching his fists thinking about it.

"Whether that's what's going to happen or not, I won't allow anyone to hurt them."

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