Luther Manor.

Heavily armed SWAT officers stormed into the manor hall.

Military shoes stepped on the luxurious floor. When the leading officer rushed into the hall, he saw such a scene.

The luxurious chandeliers match the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the light shines on the marble, reflecting hazy light.

A blond girl was sitting upright on a chair, chewing on a chicken leg wrapped in bread crumbs, and some of the bread crumbs fell to the ground.

"Put your hands up!"

The leading SWAT captain roared and rushed forward with his gun raised.

As the distance got closer, he saw the girl's obscured figure again.

Beside her, a blond boy leaned on the sofa with his head in his hands.

"Don't, don't move!" the SWAT officer said tremblingly, but his eyes were fixed on that handsome face.

Without him, the other party's photo is still stuck on the rearview mirror of the police car.

Geno Luther.

The main arrester of this raid was also a guy called an alien.

"I, we have received an order from the state government to arrest you!" The SWAT captain felt his hand holding the gun trembling, but he still suppressed fear and shouted: "Raise your hands?"

"Hands up?"

The slightly narrowed eyes slowly opened a slit, and the blue eyes stared at the special police officer in front of him.

Gino's voice was neither happy nor sad, but if Lex were here, he would definitely know that his brother was angry.

"You broke into my house and asked me to surrender?"

The young man sneered and pressed his hands on the sofa just as he was about to stand up.

"Da da da!"

Mistaking the opponent to resist, the SWAT captain pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The SWAT officers behind him also subconsciously pulled the trigger.

Countless bullets flew toward Gino and Kara, shrouding them in a dense web of fire.

The beating bullets screamed and pierced the air to drive airflow, smashing the vases in the corner and the oil paintings on the walls.

However, the two figures sitting on the sofa did not move at all.

The countless bullets flying towards the two of them seemed to hit an invisible wall. The sharp bullets twisted and deformed, and sparsely landed on the marble floor with a crisp sound.

Looking around at the messy living room,

"Well, a vase worth 100,000 US dollars." Jino sighed: "And an oil painting worth 150,000 US dollars."

"Kara, do you know how many chicken legs these shoes can buy?"

Kara was puzzled: "How many?"

"Almost enough to feed you for a month."

Hearing Jino's words, Carla's eyes suddenly widened, and she felt that the fried chicken drumsticks in her mouth no longer tasted good.

"They are bad people!"

"That's right." Jino stretched out his right hand and gently covered Kara's eyes: "Close your eyes."

"The following scenes are not suitable for children."


Kara obeyed and closed her eyes.

But Jino raised his other left hand and pressed his palm toward the ground.

In the hail of bullets, as the boy's arms moved, the surrounding air seemed to suddenly gain weight.


It was like an invisible and intangible heavy object was squeezing the body, and the eyes of many special police officers showed panic under their masks.

The force is still increasing, violent squeezing sensations are coming from all directions, the flesh and blood tissue under the skin is disintegrating, and the extreme pain makes people open their mouths and want to scream and moan.

However, with the deathly silence in their ears, people discovered a more terrifying reality.

They couldn't make a sound!

The bones were shattered, the internal organs were shattered, and more terrifying power struck. As expected, all the special police officers involved in the shooting burst into pieces in an instant like exploding balloons.

The masses of blood, flesh, bones, and even firearms were crushed by the biological force field and turned into strings of small beads of different colors that fell to the floor.


A wisp of breeze drifted in along the entrance of the hall, taking away the faint smell of blood in the room.

In the huge living room, the SWAT captain who first yelled for Keno to "raise his hands" was left.


The assault rifle in his hand hit the ground, his brown eyes dilated, and his body became as stiff as a sculpture. It was as if this man had been frightened after witnessing many of his companions being crushed in front of him as if they were being crushed by a crusher.

Even if he can return to normal, the rest of his body will only be lived with regret and fear.


Gino let go of Kara at some point, and gently put an arm around the SWAT captain's neck. He chuckled and asked like an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time: "Do you still want me to raise my hand now?"

In the man's peripheral vision, he saw Gino slowly raising his right hand with his index finger bent, as if he was planning to give the SWAT captain a friendly "brain blow".




The brick wall shattered, and everyone in the White House conference room was startled by the sudden appearance of the figure.

The guards subconsciously raised their firearms, but suddenly found that the weapons in their hands were missing.


in the conference room,

Everyone swallowed in unison.

Fear was spreading, and everyone unanimously guessed that the person coming might be Geno Luther.

As the dust dissipates.

A shy, tall boy who looked like a high school student stood silently in the conference room.

The tall figure wears a white shirt and jeans, a perfect construction site style outfit.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent for a while, until the fat woman Amanda plucked up the courage to speak: "Who are you? What is the purpose of breaking in here!?"

Facing the gaze of the group of people, Clark slowly raised his head, his shy expression faded away, and turned into one of determination.

"I'm only here for one thing."

"I want you to contact those aliens."

"Tell them that Geno Luthor is not an alien hiding on this planet."

"I'm the."

As Clark finished speaking, people in the conference room looked at each other with different expressions.



A huge and ferocious spaceship is floating quietly in the universe around the sphere that is three million kilometers away from the earth.

"General Zod."

The Kryptonian female warrior, wearing high-grade Kryptonian armor that accentuated her exquisite figure, walked towards the tall man standing in front of the Kryptonian spaceship viewing platform with an expressionless face.

With his hands behind his back, he stared at the blue planet floating in the universe outside the window with a resolute face, and said in a slightly melancholy tone: "Once upon a time, Krypton was equally beautiful."

"But we can never go back." Zod slowly clenched his fists, his expression slightly ferocious.

"Have you found the boy?" Zod stared at his adjutant through the reflection of the glass without looking back.

"Of course, we found each other's information through the tool that humans call themselves the Internet."

"He is located in the central area of ​​Smallville, a small town in metropolitan Kansas, where he has a stone residence."

"very good."

Zod slowly turned around, stared at his adjutant and said, "Fiona, I want you to bring that boy back."

"His body contains our important code of life on Krypton."

"Only by getting back the Code of Life can we rebuild Krypton."

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