The issue of his life experience has always been a concern for Clark.

Although Martha and Jonathan loved him very much, Clark also loved them.

However, the matter of his life experience and why his parents abandoned him has always been like a big mountain weighing on his heart.

Clark had many speculations, but he never thought that his purpose of coming to Earth was to conquer the planet.

At least, that's what it seems from the message his biological father left for him.

"It seems that this is the truth." Jino shrugged and glanced at the night outside the window: "It's getting late, I'll go back and rest first."

Clark didn't respond to Gino, but just sat on the cold and wet floor in despair.

Looking at Clark's state, Gino sighed in his heart, Clark himself had to figure this kind of thing out.

In fact, Clark's changes in mentality are easy to guess.

From an early age, his adoptive parents taught him to be an upright and kind person.

But the purpose of his biological parents sending him to the earth was to conquer them. The contrast between before and after is related to the collapse of faith.

"If you feel confused, you can go to Luther Manor to find me."

Before leaving, the boy patted Clark on the shoulder, turned around and walked out of the abandoned barn.

Time passed by minute by minute.

It seemed that some kind of critical point had been reached, and the long-suppressed emotions broke out at this moment.

"This is not true!" Clark put his hand to his cheek, his mind becoming more and more confused.

He staggered to his feet and rushed out of the barn like a madman.


The fragile wood could not stop the body of steel at all, smashing the wooden board into pieces, like a whirlwind running into the heavy rain.

The huge sound was extremely loud even in the rain.

Soon, the Jonathans, who were worried about their sudden disappearance, opened the door in confusion.


In the blurry rain curtain,

Jonathan watched Clark's figure rush into the rain and fade away.

The expression on the middle-aged man's face was full of worry: "Where are you going?"

The rain was falling so hard that Clark seemed not to hear it and just walked at a slow speed.

Seeing this, Jonathan gritted his teeth and rushed into the rain regardless of Martha's dissuasion.

"I'm talking to you, Clark!"

The middle-aged man stretched out his hand to block Clark.

"Leave me alone!" Clark waved his adoptive father out of the way as if suddenly awakened.

"No, you have to tell me what happened!" Jonathan rubbed his sore arms and blocked Clark with his body.


A flash of lightning lit up the sky overhead.

Clark slowly raised his face that was wet with raindrops, and he looked at Jonathan faintly: "I learned the purpose of coming to Earth."

"Purpose?" Jonathan's heart tightened: "What purpose?"

"Rule the Earth." Clark looked down at his hands.

"Clark, listen to me, you"

"No, Jonathan, you don't understand!" Clark raised his head again and said excitedly: "If I am not an American."

"Not from Earth either."

"Not even human."

"So Jonathan, tell me."

"who I am?"

"who I am?"

"He is a billionaire, the youngest successor of the Luthor family, the fear of Thalia, the god on earth, and the diplomatic ambassador of human civilization on the planet Cybertron."

The huge castle manor hall.

Standing in front of the full-length mirror, Jino looked at himself in the mirror.

Compared with the confused Clark, Keno does not have identity recognition problems.

He is a human being, a native of Earth, and the abilities he possesses are only gifts from the system.

"You also forgot to mention the most important thing, you are also Lex Luthor's brother."

Lex, who had just finished working overtime, walked into the hall and teased his brother with a smile.

Lex sat on the sofa and asked Gino with concern: "What happened?"

"I just discovered the origin of Clark's life experience." Gino told Lex what happened tonight.

"So, do you think Clark will become what his biological parents expected?" Lex stared into Gino's eyes: "If he really chooses to become that kind of planetary dictator."

"Although it is unlikely, if Clark really wants to become the dictator of the planet." Geno smiled indifferently: "Then, I will take action."

There was a bright light in the young man's eyes. Although he and Clark were good friends, if Clark really decided to become a dictator, he would take action to stop Clark.


Kill without mercy.

Water drops slid down Clark's cheeks, and he couldn't tell whether they were tears or water drops.

"Clark." Jonathan pursed his lips: "Maybe you can't decide where you are born, but you can decide what kind of person you can become."

"If it is your wish to rule the earth, then you can do whatever you want." Jonathan showed his loving side for the first time.

He took the initiative to open his arms and hug his adopted son's body as hard as cast steel.

In the heavy rain, tears shed from the corners of Clark's eyes.

"I understand, Father."

Clark hugged Jonathan tightly, and the father and son were enjoying the brief warm moment.

However, a scream broke the warm atmosphere.


Martha's shrill screams echoed from inside the barn.


Clark let go of Jonathan and was outside the barn in an instant.


Pushing open the old wooden door, the adoptive mother Martha was fainting and falling to the ground.

At the same time, the originally calm spaceship was flashing green light.

Countless fine green dust filled the air.


Ignoring the spaceship and the strange green fog, Clark clenched his fists and rushed into the barn, picked up the unconscious Martha from the ground and rushed out of the barn.

"Clark, what happened?"

Jonathan ran over with a worried look on his face. When he saw his unconscious wife, the middle-aged man's face was full of anxiety: "We must send her to the hospital immediately!"

When Clark came to the hospital with Martha in his arms, the first thing he had to face was the expensive treatment fees.

"Three thousand dollars?! Are you robbing money?" Jonathan stared angrily at the nurse on duty.

However, the nurse responded coldly: "I'm very sorry, please pay as soon as possible."

In a free America, want to plunder our own wool? wishful thinking.

"Sour carrot coin pool!" Jonathan cursed and planned to take out his credit card to pay.

But the next moment, Clark suddenly appeared in the corridor carrying a bag of Franklin and handed it to the counter: "Here are three thousand dollars, start the rescue operation immediately!"

After collecting the money, the nurse immediately started arranging the surgery.

The father and son were sitting in the hospital corridor worriedly, but Jonathan looked at Clark with a worried look on his face: "Clark, where did you get so much money?"

Jonathan couldn't help but suspect that three thousand US dollars was not a small amount of money, especially for the Kent family who ran a poor farm, it was an astronomical sum of money.

"This is my own business." Clark hesitated, but in his heart he was planning to repay the debt to Mr. Bruce when he had time.

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