As the largest state in the southern part of the United States, Texas has a temperate climate. The climate is warm in winter and hot in summer, and the state is plagued by immigration problems. The people of Texas are tough and tough, and they are different from Florida, which has no life. Also known as America's second treasure.

But these have nothing to do with Keno.

When the boy walked out of the alley, his white shirt turned into black short-sleeves, his sweatpants turned into floral shorts, and he wore sunglasses to show his Texas style.

"Well, let me think about it next."

Gino stood under a streetlight, thinking about the story about Transformers in his mind.

A brief summary is that the aliens (Decepticons) came to the earth to find the lost source of fire, looking for their leader Megatron and planned to violently conquer the earth. After that, the leader of the Autobots Optimus Prime also led The story of his peace-loving subordinates landing on Earth to help mankind fight against the Decepticons.

"Then, judging from the current calm atmosphere on Earth, it can be inferred that the Decepticons have not yet launched their plan."

"Furthermore, I remember that the male protagonist of this world has coordinates passed down from his ancestors, and he is a key figure."

After roughly sorting out his plan, Jino turned around and found an Internet cafe to log in to the eBay website.

The so-called eBay website has the same nature as online shopping software, which also includes the business of selling second-hand goods.

Many old Americans sell items online that they no longer need or that are outdated.

Jino searched for glasses terms on the computer, and soon, a long list of product introductions appeared on the Internet.

Then sort the prices from low to high.

Keno quickly found what he was looking for.

A user named Sam uploaded a pair of broken glasses for sale for $5.

The desktop system shows that the seller is also in Texas, which is quite convenient.

The seller, Sam, describes the product as follows: The glasses are commemorative glasses left behind by my great ancestors when they visited the North Pole.

Well, it looks like the merchant is exaggerating and making false claims.

But Gino knew that this thing was real, and even because of these glasses, the Decepticons and Autobots were almost pumped with gasoline.


Keno clicked the mouse and typed a line of text: "Plan begins."

The villa courtyard late at night.

The second-floor room is covered with photos and posters of various sexy American female models.

A young white man with a crew cut is concentrating on performing crafts on a video played on his computer.

As the frequency increases and then explodes, everything becomes boring.


Sam threw away the paper ball in his hand, slumped down on the small bed with his eyes blank, and stared blankly at the ceiling above his head.

His name is Sam, a senior in high school whose dream is to own a car and hit base successfully.

"Ding dong~"

The computer prompt sounded, and the boy who received the news struggled to get up.

Looking across the computer desktop, Sam's eyes widened with excitement.

Someone asked me about my glasses on eBay.

jn6666: "Does offline transactions support?"

Without thinking, Sam quickly clicked on the keyboard: "Of course, it can be traded at the Farent Auto Store!"

His father is taking him to buy a car tomorrow, where Sam plans to sell his glasses.

Being able to get a pocket money made Sam feel that he could have a good dream tonight.

Early next morning.

Sam stood at the second-hand car sales place with an ugly face. His face looked as ugly as if he had been splashed with ink.

"I thought you were going to buy me a whole car, not a used one!"

Sam angrily took out his cell phone and contacted the previous seller to change the transaction location.

Let’s be honest, driving a used car to a high school event sounds like a bargain.

Sam's father, a man with a beer belly, patted Sam on the shoulder: "At your age, as long as I have 4 wheels and an engine, I will be very happy."

"Hey, are you two here to see the car?"

While the two were talking, the owner of the second-hand car shop also walked out of the house.

The chubby black man grinned with big white teeth: "Bobby Bolivia, nice to meet you."

Sam's father patted the boy on the shoulder and said, "That's it. My son wants to buy his first car. Is there anything suitable for him here?"

As soon as he heard about the business, Negro, the black man, immediately became energetic.

"Of course, I have a lot of sports cars here for your children's reference."

The shop owner enthusiastically took the two of them to a parking garage filled with tattered second-hand cars.

At a glance, Sam even suspected that he had arrived at a battlefield in Iraq. With the damaged paint and broken lights, it was no wonder that the cars here were cheaper than the last.

Driving a car like this on the road and being poked in the spine and laughed at for the rest of your life?

The idea of ​​buying a car was silently extinguished in my heart, but a message came from my mobile phone. It was the guy from the netizen jn666 who said he had arrived.

Sam raised his head.

His eyes swept across the poor parking lot, and soon he saw a handsome young man at the door.

It was the early morning sun that shone on his body, as if giving the boy a layer of golden powder. Sam could guarantee that this boy would have no shortage of women.

Standing outside the second-hand car market, Gino pushed down his sunglasses and looked at Sam not far away.

Just like the movie version, Sam here is thin and has a typical image of an American nerd being bullied.


Sam coughed twice, touched his glasses in his pocket, and immediately ran to where Gino was.

"jn666?" Sam felt a little inferior and dared not look directly at Jino. He just took out the glasses from his pocket and handed them to Jino: "These are the glasses."

"Yes, you pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other." Gino smiled, took out a few US dollars from his pocket and stuffed them into Sam's jacket pocket: "No need to look for it."

After taking away Sam's glasses, Gino left here without looking back.

Shortly after he left, a car in the second-hand car lot drove slowly toward the direction Keno left, as if without a driver.

The weather in Texas is really hot.

Gino played with the glasses in his hands. The broken lenses on them were said to be a certain longitude and latitude, marking the location of Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons.

Before he had gone far, the roar of a car engine could be heard behind him.

A dark yellow car roared towards the direction of Keno.

Tire friction kicks up dust.

Immediately, like a highly skilled racing driver, the car drifted and opened the driver's seat, obviously trying to put Keno into the car.

Looking at the orange car drifting towards him, Gino's lips curved into a smile.

"finally come."

The young man slowly stretched out his hand, then.


The old sports car, which weighed a ton and was transformed from Cybertronian smart metal, was stopped awkwardly by an arm gently holding down the front of the car.

As if in shock and confusion, the old sports car stalled and stalled.

Ignoring Bumblebee's reaction at the moment.

Gino tilted his head and looked inside the car. The steering wheel on the driver's seat was covered with dust, and the car's head mark was vaguely engraved with the Autobot Cybertron metal mark.

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