"Are you looking for me?"

In the pitch-black night, a voice seemed to echo close to Batman's ears.

Confusing thoughts flooded into my mind.

The raised finger and pistol movement.

The torturous environment in that maze.

All the unbearable, painful, and sad memories poured into Batman's brain.

Breathe, breathe, Batman constantly adjusts his breathing to keep himself calm.

He turned his head and looked behind him, and it seemed that the night sky was also cheering for this fight: a muffled thunder exploded under the night, followed by a string of blue lightning that illuminated the night.

Batman keenly saw a figure wearing an owl mask in the dense forest not far away.

Why does the other party appear here?

Could it be that he is hiding in this town?

Various inferences flooded into his mind but were quickly dismissed by Batman, because there was another possibility: that guy had been monitoring him and followed him to the town.

Wearing a white mask and a crisp white suit, his two-meter-long body cannot be ignored even if he is standing quietly in a corner.


After the thunder and lightning, comes the wind and rain.

It was raining heavily while wandering, and countless water droplets slanted down like a curtain.

Moisturize the earth and nourish all things.

Raindrops hit Batman's armor, making a "ticking" sound on his steel arms.

The eyes under the mask were staring at the figure in the rain curtain.

It was like a strange sight like Moses parting the sea, and the raindrops all around seemed to be scattered away like the subjects who were meeting the king.

There was no water stain on the white suit.

The masked man tilted his head slightly and chuckled: "Have you found the truth about your parents' death? Batman?"

A simple sentence, but it was like a sharp arrow piercing Batman's strong heart.

The calm state of mind was disrupted, and anger swallowed up reason. Batman let go of the hammer and Clark's cheeks were red. He stood up angrily. He stared at the masked man, and his tone also had a hint of gritted teeth: "About their death, what do you know!"

Batman was trying his best to suppress his anger, but Geno under the mask could see Batman's emotions at this moment.

If there's anything that can mess with Batman's mind, it's the death of his parents.

In some comics, Batman has laid out tactics against different superheroes, but about himself, it is: "Using the death of his parents to do his best to disrupt his mind."

Judging from the current results, the results are remarkable.

There was a sneer under the mask, and Gino shook his head slightly and shook his finger: "I remember telling you that I will make you stronger next time, Batman."


The masked man looked at the broken armor in the corner with pity, and seemed to be sincerely sorry for Batman: "Look what you made? A pile of scrap metal, even defeating a young man is extremely embarrassing."

Geno couldn't even imagine that Batman would run into the Joker at his peak in such a state. It would be a horrific disaster.

"Fuck Squid!" Clark stood up with his eyes red. He glanced at Batman with hatred, but the sudden appearance of the mysterious man diverted Clark's current anger. He roared at the masked man: "I Not defeated!"

"It's you who hides your head and shows your tail."

Clark clenched his fist, and the terrifying power shook the rain curtain: "I will smash your mask and reveal your identity!"

Jino stretched out his palm and looked up to see the raindrops splashing on the creature's stand and making beautiful splashes: "Really? Then prove to me that you have this strength."

In the rain, Gino's carefree and lazy attitude successfully angered Clark.

Clark yelled as teenagers were in the middle age of trying to be a hero.

The force of his legs shattered the ground beneath his feet, leaving two cracked mud pits.

The terrifying inertia drove Clark towards the masked man like a bolt of lightning.

The heavy rain was also broken quickly and splashed with water.

Because the speed was so fast that the surrounding scene flowed backwards like a curtain of light. Clark raised his iron fist, focusing his power on the finger bones and aiming at the mask on the man's face, vowing to smash his mask into pieces.

The distance of a hundred meters came in an instant, and just when Clark's fist was about to hit the mask in a thousandth of a second, the mysterious man raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


The friction between the thumb and the middle finger produces cavity resonance, and the crisp finger snapping sound can be heard throughout the night.

The next moment, Clark's mouth opened wide in surprise. He saw that everything around him was slowing down.

The falling raindrops hover in the air,

The body that was running so fast seemed to be stuck in a heavy swamp, moving slowly.

If Clark's running speed before was compared to lightning, then now he is even slower than a turtle.

Clark discovered a helpless reality. Now, he could only control the movement of his eyes.

He saw the mysterious man just take a slight step back and move away from the attack range.

Immediately, the man raised his hand and gently pressed his thumb on the nail of his middle finger and bent it slightly.


A loud bang hit Clark's forehead.

One second, two seconds.

When three seconds passed, the huge force accumulated on the middle finger exploded.


Like a golf ball that was hit by a golf club, the strong Clark gracefully flew across the sky like a golf ball, and then hit the ground heavily, splashing large amounts of mud and dust.

Jino put down his palm, and the time and space that had been almost stagnant flowed again.


Heavy rain fell, thunder and lightning flashed.

Everything seemed to be back to normal, but in Batman's eyes, Clark just disappeared in an instant and once again created a deep pit in the ground.


There was a coughing sound from the deep pit, and then an arm gently poked out of the pit.

Clark, who was covered in mud and looked like he had been fished out of cement, crawled out of the hole in embarrassment.

His handsome cheeks were covered with mud, and his expensive clothes were already dirty.

Those green eyes contained endless anger.

Since birth, Clark's parents have warned him to use his powers carefully and not to hurt others.

Clark also struggles with being different.

But despite the distress, there was a little bit of pride in my heart.

He is stronger than ordinary people, and he can do things that ordinary people cannot.

Deep down in Clark's heart, he always thought he was the best.

Until, the man in the white mask standing in the rain curtain shattered his pride with a brain collapse.

It turns out that there is really someone stronger than me.

But despite realizing his own shortcomings, anger still drives Clark to action.

"You're going to pay for this!"

Clark's eyes lit up red, and the blazing high temperature around his eyes instantly melted the mud, turning it into dry mud.

The masked man sneered: "Oh, I'm so scared."

Batman didn't know when he retreated to a corner, silently observing the two of them gathering intelligence.

"Death!" Clark stopped talking nonsense and activated the violent heat vision he had recently mastered. The terrifying high temperature blasted towards the mysterious man.

"is that useful?"

The mysterious man tilted his head slightly, and soon, the eyes under the mask slowly lit up with icy blue light, reflecting in the raindrops and lighting up colorful streams of light.

The war is about to break out.

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