
The mysterious night was as usual accompanied by bullets and sirens.

Familiar swathes of abandoned industrial chimneys spit industrial waste gases into the sky.

Anyone who stays here for a few years without effective protective measures will suffer from injuries.

To sum it up simply, this is the city that makes environmentalists roar.

Dirty cities are infested with rats.

However, if you look closer to the center of the city, both the security and the environment will be slightly improved. After all, the place where rich people live is much better than the poor people in Gotham.

In a conference hall at this moment, Bruce Wayne was standing ready, wearing suits and ties.

He adjusted his tie with both hands, his deep blue eyes full of fatigue.

Alfred's voice came from the earphone worn in his right ear: "Master Bruce, I'm afraid no one can go to another banquet where celebrities and dignitaries gather without rest for a day and a night."

"I understand, Afu, but this banquet is very important." Bruce closed his eyes, clenched his fists and used the meditation method he learned from the Assassin's League to regain his energy.

Batman is Batman and Bruce is Bruce.

He can use his identity as Batman to combat the dark side of Gotham City. Similarly, if he wants Gotham City to improve, Bruce Wayne's identity as a billionaire is equally important.

"Okay, I know I can't wake up someone who is pretending to sleep, but you need to get ready, it's going to be your turn soon."

Bruce opened his eyes and his eyes fell on the banquet where guests gathered outside the gap in the red cloth.

After experiencing the Court of Owls incident, Gotham City lost a large number of dead officials.

This also allowed Bruce to see an opportunity. He mobilized his connections and wealth to get a large number of ideal officials into new positions.

And this is the purpose of Bruce's banquet tonight.

He plans to use these people, coupled with the wealth of the Wayne family, to completely improve the city of Gotham.

Bruce studied economics, and he knew that the essence of urban crime was economic decline and lack of resources.

If people have a good job that can support themselves, then no one will be willing to be a criminal.

What Bruce has to do is use some economic tricks to get the poor people of Gotham to work.

The host's voice sounded: "Next, let's invite Mr. Bruce Wayne, the richest man in Gotham and the initiator of this banquet."

Thunderous applause erupted in the banquet hall.

People may look down on the poor, but no one disrespects the rich.

Bruce took a deep breath, straightened his chest, said "Gotham" again, and walked towards the hall.

"Bad city."

In the bushes behind the Gotham bench, a young man wearing a red and blue hood squatted on the ground, complaining dissatisfiedly about the terrible weather in Gotham.

Clark waved his hands to disperse the omnipresent haze, but to no avail.

"never mind."

Clark sighed and turned his attention to the tall building in front of him again.

He learned the modus operandi of robbers and squatted in the bushes, staring closely at Gotham Wayne Bank, which was just a road away.

After getting off the plane late at night, Clark had already obtained the information he wanted through newspapers and beating up street gangsters.

If you want to talk about who is the richest in Gotham, then the Wayne family bears the brunt.

"It's time for me to live a rich life." Clark picked up the newspaper on the ground, which he brought from the small town.

But now, he was hiding outside the bank and no longer needed this newspaper.

Clark tore it into pieces.

Immediately, a strange red light flashed in his eyes, and he rushed towards the bank.

His speed was like a whirlwind, hitting the revolving glass door of the bank at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

"Over the years, I have often asked myself, "What is Gotham?"

In the splendid banquet hall, Bruce stood on the podium, with a small miniature model of Gotham City placed below.

Behind him is a large photo of his father, Thomas Wayne, and his mother, Martha, holding him in their arms.

The guests put down what they were doing, and everyone looked at Bruce Wayne, listening to every word he said.

"To me, to Bruce Wayne, how can I describe what Gotham City is in just one word?"

"Home, family?"

The guests burst into good-natured laughter.

No one feels like Gotham City is home, and even the locals hate the city.

"Or is she a target?" Bruce looked at the guests around him: "But in fact, the real fact is that I can't answer this question."

"But I also thought about something, my friends, that I believe my father sometimes said when he put me to sleep."

"I was just a kid. If I had a bad day, I fell in a pit or broke my knee."

"Then his family would say to me: 'Bruce, tomorrow is only a dream away. ", this is his motto, sentimental, but it works for me."

"As everyone here knows at this moment, I lost my parents as a child, and they lost their lives on Crime Alley," Bruce said.

"You can imagine the pain I felt afterward. Anger, fear and sadness surrounded me, and my father's mottos lingered in my mind."

"Of course, I have told you so much." Bruce's eyes swept across the crowd one by one, including Sheriff Gordon and Thomas Elliot. Bruce's eyes gradually became firmer: "The point is that I want to tell you: when we There is no point in asking ourselves what our cities ‘are’ in the midst of challenging and daunting circumstances.”

“What if we no longer look to the present, nor look to the past, but look to the future.”

Bruce walked around the podium, walked to the model of Gotham, opened his arms and spread his palms: "If we ask ourselves what we can be like tomorrow, then we are asking the right question."

“Because embracing hope, having dreams, and foreseeing the future means shaping the city with your own hands, rather than being shaped by the city.”

"So I have decided that next month Wayne Enterprises will boldly and quickly begin investing in Gotham's future."

Bruce's words immediately caused an uproar.

The crowd was noisy, but Bruce ignored it, raising his voice to make sure everyone could hear him.

He said: "We have joined forces with a number of local design firms to develop a redevelopment plan aimed at rebuilding Gotham's most dilapidated industrial residential area. Based on this, we will reform Gotham's public transportation system and make it more modern."

Bruce raised his hands, and several huge city projections appeared on the original city model.

Bruce looked at everyone: "So back to the question just now, I would say "Gotham is the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, the banquet hall was filled with endless waves of applause and cheers.

Regardless of whether this plan will succeed or not, whether this plan will fail or not, at least this young heir to the Wayne family is full of courage and belief. This alone is moving.

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