However, almost without hesitation, Jino's voice sounded not far away: "You should keep these shares for yourself. I am not interested in helping you investigate Lex."

Contrary to Lionel's expectation, Gino refused cleanly and decisively, without even thinking for a moment.

It seems that trillion-dollar shares are not worth mentioning to it.

After refusing Lionel to leave the manor,

Kent Farm.

The second floor of the abandoned warehouse that Clark transformed into the "Fortress of Solitude".

There was an astronomical telescope placed in front of the wooden window, but Keno guessed that Clark would probably use this small thing every night to observe Lana's house, which was three kilometers away from his home.

Well, from a certain perspective, Clark is also quite boring.

"Sit down wherever you want, Gino."

Clark led Gino upstairs, holding a box of wine barrels in his arms, which Gino brought from his underground wine cellar before leaving the manor.

I heard from Jino that the wine was made from "amber gold" and it was said to be very delicious.

But Clark was unfazed.

He and Gino both had extraordinary physiques, and the so-called alcohol could not make them drunk at all.

"You're quite interesting."

Gino played with the telescope for a while while leaning against the window and staring at Clark: "What do you want to tell me?"

"That's right, Gino." Clark looked serious. He pursed his lips and said, "What do you think of the new teacher Aikins?"

"Akins?" Gino glanced at Clark and asked, "What do you think?"

"Me." Clark sighed and then said, "You know, something bad or someone comes to me almost every few days."

"And that teacher Akins obviously doesn't look like that."

Clark thought about his words, thought for a moment and said, "Serious, she doesn't look very serious."


"So I went to the newspaper club to search for information about her."

Clark frowned: "I used the newspaper's computer to find her information."

"The interesting thing is that her name was not Desiree Akins, but Allison Sanders."

"So," Gino sighed and expressed Clark's guess: "She is also related to the meteor shower fourteen years ago, right?"

Clark nodded quickly: "That's right."

"I searched the campus newspapers from that time according to the timeline 14 years ago, and came to an interesting conclusion."

Clark took off the backpack on his shoulder, took out a stack of newspapers and handed it to Geno: "You need to see these."

Keno took the newspaper and flipped it through, taking a moment to read it.

The boy's lips curved into a smile.

"Interesting, this Ms. Allison seems to have been a hit with boys since high school."

"She was sitting in a car with her boyfriend parked by the lake when the meteor shower came."

"Well, a man and a woman parked their cars by the lake."

"The first conclusion is that she is no longer a virgin."

Clark had a dark look on his face: "Is this an important clue? Keno?!"

He was really helpless. Why did Jino focus on these strange places?

"No, no, no, this is an important clue."

Jino smiled: "Generally speaking, if a woman has a debauched private life, her mental state can often be confirmed from the side."

"Like being extremely selfish."

Gino said seriously, and Clark couldn't help but be in awe: "I didn't expect you knew psychology?"

"No, the above is all nonsense from me."

Jino smiled. He was not a professional psychiatrist. How could he possibly understand the relationship between a person's debauched private life and whether he was a pervert?

"But obviously our teacher Aijinsi is not simple."

Jino pulled out a newspaper and tapped the paper with his finger: "After the meteor shower, Teacher Aikins' boyfriend went completely crazy. He killed Aikins' parents so that this woman could inherit all her parents' inheritance."

"And what's even more interesting is that five years later Akins became a teacher and married a wealthy man."

Gino pulled out another newspaper from five years later: "Not long after, her husband was killed by a crazy high school student in the class."

"After that, she also inherited all the wealth."

"Heritage Black Widow." Gino sneered and gave a sharp comment. If used in Eastern terms, it would be "academic Daji".

Climbing up on the man's "remains" is a dirty and disgusting method, disgraceful, but efficient.

Clark sighed, "That's exactly what I'm saying, Gino."

"She has come to you now, and she probably expects a repeat of the previous drama. After all, everyone knows how wealthy the Luther family is, and I am very worried about your safety."

Regarding Clark's concern, Gino smiled and patted Clark's shoulder with some relief: "Thank you for your concern, but I also have some guesses about her motives."

"It's certain that she has the ability to stimulate male desires."

Clark asked, "So, what should we do?"

"I'll handle this."

"Now, let's do some wine tasting."

Gino changed the subject, pried open the wooden barrel on the ground, and flipped his hands like a magic trick, and a pair of wine glasses fell into his hands.

Red wine covered in a layer of galactic light is poured into a wine glass.

under the setting sun,

The two held up their wine glasses.


"To friendship."

The wall of the cup collides with a "ding" sound, and the wine inside the cup sloshes.

The slightly bitter and spicy red wine entered his stomach, and Clark drank it down without thinking.

He didn't think he would be drunk.

Superman's physique allows Clark's body metabolism to cycle much faster than others.


The amber gold added to the drink by Keno obviously gives the drink a different effect.

Clark didn't even finish his drink;


The body fell straight and fell heavily onto the abandoned floor. The steel body crushed the wooden boards and the body fell to the first floor.

Gino also didn't expect that Clark's drinking capacity would be one cup.


Jino jumped lightly and landed on the first floor.

At this moment, Clark fell on the pile of grain and hay, and his originally fair face was as red as burning coals.

"Wake up, Clark." Gino rubbed Clark's cheek helplessly. He could only say that people's physiques are different. It's quite interesting that the famous Superman in the future can also get drunk.

"I have to record it."

Keno found a camera and captured Clark's predicament while pinching Clark's nose.

"Hiccup, now, what time is it now?"

Breathing hard, the sleepy Clark slurred and stood up unsteadily.

Drunk Clark is obviously no different from other heavy drunks, walking and swaying as if performing the art of drifting.

"You're drunk, Clark."

Gino took back the camera and reached out to block Clark. He didn't want Clark to get drunk and expose the town's secrets.

"I, I want to confess to Lana!"

Clark shook his head, clenched his fists and shouted.

"I've always had a crush on her, I."

Before the big boy could finish speaking, an arm hit Clark hard on the back of the neck, knocking him out.

Gino knocked Clark out with one blow and threw him on the weeds: "Stop telling your pitiful crush history, now you need to rest quietly."

"And maybe it's time for me to go talk to Teacher Aikins about life."

Jino had a playful expression on his face. After learning that Teacher Aikins had a romantic past, he was looking forward to the woman's reaction.

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