If you use one word to describe Lucifer's state of mind at this moment, then there is no more appropriate adjective than "confused".

Seeing the young man with the wings of a seraph floating high in the sky, surrounded by the majestic and holy radiance of angels, it formed a sharp contrast with his ugly self.

But as the first ray of light in the world and God's first creation, Lucifer quickly recovered and was replaced by endless rage.

Lucifer mistakenly believed that the other party owned everything he once owned, which proved that God had created a "Lucifer" again.

But in fact, this is just because Keno cheated.

Jealousy, Lucifer felt jealous for the first time.

Just like the tsundere heroine in a two-dimensional Japanese manga novel.

Lucifer likes to go against God everywhere, but no one knows that everything he does is just to win his father's attention.

He is his father's first "child" and deserves the most love.

"How dare you?!" Lucifer trembled. He stared at Jino. At this moment, the earth seemed to be crying for the fallen angel. The road surface cracked and shattered, and endless hot magma surged out, trying to flood the earth. Everything above.

Jino looked at Lucifer calmly. He had fought against him tens of millions of times, and he had copied Lucifer's talent as early as the first fight. Otherwise, how could he dare to take a biological stance?

"Hahaha!" The originally elegant and dignified fallen angel looked like a madman at this moment. Every time he waved his arms, a huge crater would be blasted into the ground.

The entire city building collapsed, and many passers-by who were still at a standstill had their heads smashed by falling gravel.

Gino knew that he had to make a quick decision.


The angelic power surged and trembled, and the angelic sword composed of holy energy shone brightly.


Jino swooped down from a high altitude, and with the blessing of his angel wings and steel body, his speed exceeded the speed of light in an instant.


Lucifer also raised the Fallen Angel Sword to block, and the Holy Sword and the Fallen Sword collided, emitting a bright and dazzling light.

Time, space, everything seems to be frozen at this moment.

All the surrounding scenery is fading backward at an extremely fast speed.

Scenes change, stars change.

In just an instant, Jino stood in a huge white space.

All the light and color here seemed to have been stripped away, leaving only a blinding white expanse.

Jino looked around, but a cold voice without any emotion echoed from all directions: "Stop~"

Then, a dazzling blue light enveloped the light in front of Jino.

Along with the silver-blue energy construction, a naked humanoid creature with a circle printed on its forehead stood in front of Jino.

He just raised his hand, and the energy sword in Jino's hand collapsed and disintegrated.

Gino looked at this strange and mysterious man.

who is he?

This thought arose in Jino's heart.

Gino looked carefully at the tall blue man who brought him into this space.

The black circle on his forehead made a name pop up in Gino's heart, a familiar name: Dr. Manhattan.

Dr. Manhattan is considered a boss-level figure in the DC universe. In the comic plot, he was even forced to be killed by the editor because of his too powerful abilities.

A brief overview of the abilities of this boss who suddenly intervened in the battle between Gino and Lucifer.

Including but not limited to predicting the future, manipulating time, creating the universe, controlling quantum, and traveling through time and space.

His body is filled with the "power of connection", and he is one of the most powerful DC characters. He can kill tens of millions of Thanos with one finger.

Kino feels that the evaluation of some senior comics fans is very appropriate: "Physics God", he can do almost everything that God can do.

However, everything has a price. The human thinking of Dr. Manhattan, who has gained the power to rival God, is also constantly weakened and annihilated. The current doctor is not so much an individual as a product of certain rules, and he acts according to strict rules.

"Stop fighting, the planet needs to survive."

Dr. Manhattan slowly walked towards the boy, with no trace of sadness or joy on his blue cheeks.

"What did you see?" Jino asked directly. The person opposite could predict the future, which was a very powerful ability.

"The earth is destroyed and cannot survive."

Dr. Manhattan gives the reason.

If the fight continues, the aftermath of the battle between Gino and Lucifer will destroy the entire planet.

Listening to the answer given by the bald doctor, Jino was a little silent.

The boy held his chin and thought.

The destruction of the earth is certainly not what he wants to see. He still has relatives and friends on the earth, and he cannot lose these people.

"I can stop the fight, but how do you control Lucifer?"

Doctor Manhattan just raised his hand slightly, and in the next moment, countless time clips appeared around him, including the scene of Zatanna and Constantine stopping Balthazar, and the scene of Gino and Lucifer fighting to destroy an entire tall building.

"These are time streams."

Dr. Manhattan spoke slowly: "I will intercept the timeline of your battle with Lucifer and block it. All you have to do is return to Earth and avoid conflict with Lucifer."

"As a reward, I will give you a gift."

He opened his palms and followed the silver-blue quantum condensation. A brand new teardrop mask appeared in Dr. Manhattan's palm.

"This is a quantum mask modeled after the headgear of Rorschach, an old friend of mine from the past world."

"When you put on this mask, you can travel outside the DC universe."

The doctor looked deeply at Jino, as if he could see something deeper in the boy: "I believe you will not refuse."

Listening to the bald man's words, a gleam of passion flashed in Jino's eyes.

Beyond the DC Universe?

Doesn't that mean he can explore other cosmic planes?

"I admit he was very seductive and so pleasant to work with."

Gino took the mask, which looked like a mask made of linen and felt rough.

But Gino could feel the wonderful energy contained within it.

The surrounding white light is also constantly receding.

When the red-white light fell back, Jino found that he had stood on the ninth floor of the building, and not far away was Balthazar who turned into a black mist and stabbed Angela with the Spear of Destiny.

"I said, let there be light."

Gino snapped his fingers to pause time, and while removing Zha Kang who was lying on the ground and preparing to cut his wrists to summon Lucifer, he stepped towards the black mist, with a golden light glowing in his hands.

The holy energy fell on the black mist, melting and rising like ice and snow melted by flames.

Poor Barzahar. Without even uttering a scream, it disappeared into thin air.

Gino snapped his fingers again, letting time flow through his fingers again.

"Hoo ho!"

Zha Kang, who was on the ground, closed his eyes tightly and suddenly moved his wrist with his hand, but the expected pain did not appear.

Zha Kang opened his eyes again, and the glass shards in his hands disappeared. He looked in the direction of Angela. The black mist that shrouded the girl's head dissipated, and the moonlight poured into the room through the glass. Jino, who had a dull expression, crossed his arms and leaned against his chest. He leaned against the wall and whispered: "It's all over, Constantine."

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