
The scorching, terrifying heat vision focused on his eyes, and the extremely high temperature, which was as high as the surface temperature of the sun, caused the air to heat up and distort.

No reservations, full release.

They are like sharp arrows thrown by the sun towards the earth. Wherever they pass, the floor melts and flies ash, revealing the living room scene on the first floor.

Melting brick walls, tearing tables to pieces, turning everything in its path into ash, bombarding women with indomitable and powerful energy.

The deadly firearms invented by humans for massacre melted into a pool of scorched and smelly solution in an instant.

Maya stared blankly as the laser fell on her at lightning speed.

There were no screams or wails, and no flesh and blood was torn apart. The terrifying temperature melted the woman's body at the moment of contact, burning the blood and skin, and burning the bones.

The heat vision gradually weakened, and Gino extinguished the burning energy in his eyes.

At this moment, the corridor that was originally several meters long was divided into two, and the broken wooden board in the middle of the corridor was burning with sporadic flames.

On the blackened wall, a charred corpse with a wide mouth stood quietly in front of the stairs.


A breeze blew by, and the scorched corpse that was originally standing shattered like a dandelion blown by the wind.


Residues as fine as coal and stones dispersed in the wind.

This horrific scene not only shocked Zatanna, but also made the girl possessed by the demon on the other side of the corridor open her mouth in shock.

"This, how is this possible?"

Zatanna looked at the messy house, and the scorching energy exploded just now. She could swear that if it were her, she might need to borrow the power of the latitude demons to do it.

The girl took a deep look at Jino, who had a calm face. It seemed that everything he had just done was easy for him, and he could not see any burden.

Zatanna was in a daze for a while. She hadn't seen him for several months, and the changes in Gino even gave her an unreal feeling.

"Then, it's your turn next."

Jino slowly turned around and his eyes fell on the girl possessed by the devil.

He couldn't help but think of a joke and said casually: "Zatanna, it's a good thing that there is no priest in this family, and the object possessed by the devil is not a little boy."

Listening to Gino's cold joke, Zatanna rolled her eyes helplessly. The story between the priest and the little boy is also very popular in the West.

However, there was still business to be done now, and Zatanna had no intention of chatting with Gino. The girl stared at the possessed Sarah, and slowly raised her hands to prepare to release the magic spell.

"We should catch it, this demon knows a lot."

Before she finished speaking, Zatanna felt a strong wind blowing across her cheeks.


Gino stood in front of the devil in an instant.

Before the demon could react, what it responded to was an iron arm made of cast steel that suddenly grabbed its neck and slammed it into the wall.


The concrete wall shattered, and the demon possessing Sarah struggled wildly but could not break free.

As if realizing his situation, the demon stopped struggling, and a twisted smile appeared on his pale face.

The demon controlled this body and slowly spoke: "You, aren't you afraid that I will kill this girl?"

"Are you threatening me?"

Jino sneered: "Maybe you don't know who I am."

"But I can tell you about it."

"Except for my family and friends, I don't care about anyone else."

"So if you want to threaten me with this girl's life."

"My answer is to advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible, because I don't care about the life or death of strangers at all."

Gino's words instantly caused the demon's CPU to crash.

It took a breath of cold air and even doubted who was the devil?

It swallowed in disbelief, stared at the young man's handsome face, and asked tentatively: "You, aren't you an exorcist?"

"Have you ever seen an exorcist using his fists?"

The devil is silent.

It has to admit that the other party is right.

Most exorcists can only live a decent life, but they will never be as well-groomed and expensive as Jino. If it were normal, the devil would only regard him as a bastard. The dead rich second generation.

Moreover, exorcists basically rely on magic to survive and fight.

Who the hell is a magician who can shoot "lasers" from his eyes and be so powerful that he can fight demons at close range?

So, as Gino said, he is indeed not an exorcist.

"Surge of Energy Demon!"

Seeing that Gino was controlling the demon, Zatanna didn't say much harshly. The girl activated her reverse magic, and dozens of purple magical threads lit up on her wrists, binding the demon's limbs.

Gino also let go of the devil.


Losing the support of her center of gravity, Sarah fell to the floor in embarrassment, her long blond hair messy covering her cheeks.

Purple magical threads bound the girl tightly.

The clothes tightened by silk threads outline a little bit of fat, making her figure quite sexy.

"Let's talk."

Zatanna stared down at the demon.

"Haha, exorcist, go to hell, in the name of Satan, I won't tell you anything!"

The demon-possessed Sarah held her neck high, looking like she would rather die than surrender.

"Tsk." Looking at this scene, Zatanna also felt a little troubled.

For demons, being expelled and killed by an exorcist only represents the death of their physical bodies, and their essential souls will return to hell at the moment of death.

And this is also the reason why this demon speaks so forcefully.


Looking at the arrogant demon, Jino rubbed his chin and said, "I remember, don't you exorcists also have a ritual that allows the redeemed to ascend to heaven?"

Listening to Gino's words, the atmosphere fell into silence for a moment.

Zatanna was originally worried about how to pry open the devil's mouth. After receiving Gino's reminder, the girl clapped her hands in surprise: "Yeah, why didn't I think of that?"

Gino paid attention to the devil's face.

Sure enough, after hearing Jino's idea, the demon's already pale cheek showed a look of fear for a moment.

"You, are you crazy?!"

It looked at the handsome young man and even doubted its own identity for a moment.

Can a person come up with such a vicious idea?

As we all know, heaven, what is that place?

The abode of God his old man.

What's inside the residence?

Apart from those who go to heaven, there is only one thing left that the devils are jealous of - angels.

Throwing a demon into a heaven full of angels is like throwing a little white rabbit into a pack of hungry wolves.

It is light to break bones and raise ashes, and it may even trigger another struggle between heaven and hell.

"Should I say it or not say it?"

Without saying much, the Jino man motioned to Zatanna to take out the cross and Bible, planning to give the little devil a one-day trip to heaven on the spot.

"I, I say! Don't let me go to heaven!"

Sarah cried sadly.

For ordinary people, going to heaven is a good thing, but for demons, it is tantamount to murder. Being fucked to death by angels in heaven is a real death, and you can't even go back to your hometown of hell.

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