
Like a hypersonic cruise missile, like a sharp arrow shot by a god, the God of Creation threw the first lightning into the world.

A figure flew ten thousand meters in the air at an unimaginable speed.

The condensed air was violently broken open at such a speed that a thin sound barrier was created around Jino's body, causing a burst of sound wherever he passed.

The flying Keno glanced at the town under the clouds.

Soon he saw the shadow of Kansas.

Viewed from high above, the Kansas landscape looks like a half-pipe.

"Found it." Jino thought to himself.

While lowering the altitude, it was almost flying against the sea surface. Wherever it passed, the ocean currents divided it, just like Moses dividing the sea.


Leaving the sonic boom behind, he left the ocean and flew into the air at extremely fast speeds, his afterimage passing through the metropolis and bypassing the tall buildings.

Soon, the appearance of the small town of Smallville came into view.

The town that experienced the baptism of the tornado was as dilapidated and depressed as an abandoned factory after the deindustrialization of the United States.

The originally simple and secretive town seemed to have been hit by a storm from the sky. The roadside signboards were broken and many broken tables and chairs were scattered throughout the town.

Damaged houses, scrapped cars.

Gino watched all this in silence, feeling deeply that America was indeed the favorite place for tornadoes, and the town of Smallville also inherited this.

The unique geographical location and air factors make the town known as the hometown of tornadoes (certified by Superman's adoptive father).

Seeing the small town that he had been away from for a long time return again, Jino felt a little sad.

However, it is still important to visit the cheap man for now.

The young man found an unoccupied alley and flew down the alley. He immediately activated his speed and turned into an afterimage and rushed to the hospital.

Small town hospital.

Because of the tornado, there were injured and sick people everywhere in the town.

Some people were blown up by a tornado while driving and suffered concussions, while others had their skin cut with sharp objects and bleeding profusely.

Some people were sitting at home when the bathtub came up from the sky, and they broke two thighs. It can be said that even drinking cold water made their teeth choke.

Looking around, it's no different than entering a refugee camp. The doctors and nurses in the town are almost crazy about their work.

There are also many people who are responsible for helping mixed in the crowd.

Among them, Gino saw Chloe and Lana, who had dark circles under their eyes and looked haggard.

The two of them were helping to transfer the wounded, pushing hospital beds and so on.

Gino walked towards the two of them, while helping Lana and Chloe lift the medical box weighing several kilograms.


Lana and Chloe didn't even look up. This box contained medical supplies urgently allocated from other hospitals. They needed to be unloaded and put into use immediately.

"You're welcome."

A warm and familiar voice sounded above the two of them.

Lana glanced up subconsciously, and then she couldn't look away anymore.

Her long blond hair shines like a ray of sunshine under the dim sky, her tall nose, angular features, and her cheerful and sunny smile.

Coupled with a tall body and a strong physique.

It can only be said that after basking in the sun, Jino is far more handsome than before.


Looking at the sudden appearance of the boy, Lana's face was filled with surprise.


Chloe also looked up, and when she saw Gino, the girl's face immediately turned red.

"It's been a few weeks since I last saw you. You've become a lot more handsome."

"It's okay." Jino shrugged and helped the two of them carry the goods.

With his joining, the three of them soon finished the work at hand.

Lana nudged Chloe gently with her shoulder, signaling the girl to be brave enough to face it.

In the beginning, Lana actually liked Gino, but Gino kept Lana at arm's length.

Dog licking is very common, but it is rare for women to lick dogs. Stopping losses in time is also a strategy.

The girl was helpless, knowing that it was impossible for her and Jino to be together, so she could only retreat and find Clark, who loved her deeply. Now the two were in an ambiguous period and their relationship was quite good.

Chloe pursed her lips. Under Lana's encouraging gaze, she was about to walk towards the boy, but saw Gino waving to the two of them: "I'll go find Lex first. I'll see you later."

Looking at Gino's leaving figure, Chloe had no choice but to swallow back the words she just wanted to say.

Chloe muttered, "Okay, see you later."

Jino walked into the hospital and quickly reached the fourth floor of the top floor after avoiding some seriously injured patients.

As a country where capital is prevalent, families like Lex naturally have some "inconspicuous" privileges.

For example, the best private medical teams are already on standby.

When Gino opened the door and walked into the ward, he saw Lex covering his eyes, and Clark standing next to him with an embarrassed look on his face.

And, lying on the hospital bed with a sling bottle hanging on it, it seemed that Lionel was in a coma. The old man's eyes were wrapped in white cloth, as if he had suffered some kind of injury.

Clark was the first to see Keno.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere was dull for a moment.

Lex noticed the weirdness of the two of them, smiled, stood up and said: "Kino, it was Clark who saved Lionel and me."

The originally raised eyebrows relaxed, Gino sighed, while Clark waved his hands shyly, and the big boy shook his head and said, "This is what I should do."

Let the time go back to an hour ago.

Because Lionel sent a honeypot to test Lex, the smart bald man was very angry, so he and his father Lionel had a big fight, which turned from a verbal conflict into a physical conflict.

Both are rich men and their fighting skills are both strong, but Lex is young and beats the old master to death with random punches, and chases Lionel all the way from the hall to the outside of the manor.

After the two of them fought their way out of the castle hall, a tornado hit the castle. When they reacted, it was too late. The two unlucky guys were swept into the center of the wind tunnel by the tornado.

Fortunately, Clark and Lana were walking nearby at the time.

Then, the two people who were involved in the tornado and were unconscious were rescued by Clark.

"Thank you indeed."

Gino sighed and stretched out his palm.

"Oh, it's okay, it's just that I should be the one to thank you." Clark scratched his cheek and clasped Gino's palm with his other hand.

Holding their arms together, Clark looked into Gino's eyes: "You were right at the time. Kindness should be used in the right place, and you must have the courage to pay the price for kindness."

Listening to Clark's words, Gino felt a little emotional that the big boy had grown up a lot after all.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment, and then, a pair of big hands gently clasped Jino's shoulders. Clark looked at Jino nervously and said, "We are still friends, right?"

Although he had a fight with Geno, he had to admit when he was wrong and stand upright when he was beaten. Clark still valued his friendship with Geno.

Jino sighed. Under Clark's tangled gaze, the boy smiled slightly and patted Clark on the shoulder: "Of course, as long as you don't act stupid, we will still be friends."

Well, only Pete's wounded world, achieved.

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