Marvel Call of the Game

Chapter 265: Imperial Governor

On the Emerald Diamond, Lufa looked at the gray Gu storm that turned the world upside down. It was a real storm formed by countless nanoworms. Wherever it passed, the hard trees were instantly decomposed.

And Lufa's palace was quickly built.

Gray Gu Storm is clearing open space while building an empire. She has the best experience in urban planning and population management, and she has infinite incarnations outside her body.

Production, manufacturing, management, research.

Lufa found that his empire became well-organized, and two hundred supermen became active under the arrangement of the gray gu storm, and they wanted to repair the palace for Lufa.

Preliminary judgment shows that the size of Lufa's palace is much larger than that of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

This made Lufa immediately think of the emperor's palace, which was comparable in size to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and there were an unknown number of golden corn guards inside.

Golden corn seems to be more difficult to get, but Lufa thinks that it can be replaced by giant breeding equipment, biological armor or something, it looks more interesting than canned food!

Gray Gu storm research and development is the research and development of alien technology for descendants.

The spaceship of the descendant seems to be completely undefended. A large amount of data and information are stored, but the reading method is relatively biological. The biological tissue of the sticky lake can transmit all the information when lying in it and being wrapped. The gray gu storm So a superman was arranged to receive the information and convert it into electronic information for her to receive.

"I always feel that you use people as converters or translators, which is a very subtle feeling."

Lufa complained.

"It's a necessary behavior."

Gray Gu Storm said calmly.

She studied and accepted the descendant's technology a little bit, and extracted a few interesting ones, such as the technology for making black holes. The descendant's technology in this area can be said to be very powerful.

There are also technologies like gravitational wells that can directly manipulate asteroids, which may not be a big deal in the stars, but Gray Gu Storm values ​​thinking and angles.

The descendants use different thinking angles and problem-solving methods, which may be related to the different parameters of the universe they are in, or their parent stars are affected by the gravitational force of celestial bodies, making the data in all aspects different from the data on the earth.

These situations are naturally not a problem for the stars.

In particular, Gray Gu Storm has also found the technology to manufacture unit G. Forcing cells and controlling metal are not high-end technologies. The most advanced technologies are space technology and weaving technology.

The strong colony itself is very fragile, and its defense is not very strong. In the environment of the universe, it may be pierced by a single shot of an energy beam.

Therefore, the Gray Gu Storm must be modified.

After knowing that his commander has no interest in the torrent of steel, but likes the torrent of monsters, when Gray Gu Storm designed the new strong colony armor, the shape was biased towards the style of Chaos Space Warrior, or Tyranid Although the Zerg has a human form, just from the appearance, it is a monster through and through.

The strong reproductive cells are mixed with Extremis virus to strengthen the regeneration ability, and more things can be mixed with Extremis virus.

For the sake of strength, Lufa provided a large number of precious cells and genes, which made the newly programmed strong colony armor have super high hand-to-hand combat ability. With various armed forces, each one is an absolute weapon of war. killing machine.

Of course, the most distinctive chest particle cannon must be kept, and the characteristics of the strong colony armor must be tasted.

This thing is like the loyal plasma that never overheats, it is an indispensable weapon!

According to Lufa's excited request, Gray Gu Storm designed several new weapons after retaining the chest particle cannon of the strong colony armor.

The hand-rubbing gravity cannon is meaningless, and its lethality is mediocre, so it becomes a "hand plasma cannon", which can fire plasma cannonballs like the plasma guns used by space fighters, and the launch port is located in the palm of the hand.

Then there is the indispensable high-frequency hand knife, which is distributed on both sides of the arm. It is one of the most classic weapons of forced colonization armor. Soldiers, super-beast soldiers, and even beast **** generals are the kind that will be crippled after being stabbed.

Under Lufa's suggestion, the high-frequency hand knife became a high-frequency sharp blade, protruding from the back of the hand, like the sword of a dangerous wanderer. It must be better than the chainsaw sword of the space warrior, and it is basically an indestructible good thing.

Flying ability and the like have not been castrated, and the head laser has also been retained, but under the research of Gray Gu Storm, the power of the head laser has been strengthened, making its penetrating ability and cutting ability greatly enhanced.

And on their shoulders, there will be two Predator shoulder cannons, which also fire plasma cannonballs, which fire a ball of high-energy hydrogen-based plasma.

The working principle is that biological tissue reacts to generate liquid hydrogen-like fuel, which is injected into the micro-nuclear fusion core inside the weapon. Hydrogen is injected into the material in the plasma state, and the plasma is kept in the core by a strong magnetic field.

When ignited, the magnetic field expands and the plasma is ejected by a linear magnetic accelerator as a superheated beam with an appearance and temperature similar to a solar flare.

Hence the name "plasma jet", the plasma jet hits the target and turns into a ball of fiery energy, then the target is engulfed in the heat of a star, vaporizing everything within reach .

Compared with the plasma cannon in the hand, this plasma shoulder cannon is undoubtedly more dangerous, so generally speaking, it will not be used, unless it needs to be used when encountering some heavy armored units or some buildings.

Two hundred supermen chose to wear this kind of forced colony armor to fight for the emperor. Lufa was very moved. In this way, he had two hundred strong colony armored warriors.

But it doesn't seem very pleasant to continue to call it a strong colony armor, so it's better to just call it a space knight.

Although it is quite different from the real space knight, but who cares.

The design of the giant colony armor is much more complicated. The original author was lazy. When the giant colony came out, he just flipped the weapon data and performance of the strong colony armor, and then there was no other innovative design. , It's just perfunctory!

The giant outfit designed by Gray Gu Storm is much better than him, because the giant outfit is big enough to accommodate more weapons.

This kind of giant breeding outfit is equivalent to the positioning of golden corn. Lufa just wants to use them to guard the palace, or to execute orders from the emperor.

So they must be strong enough, much stronger than the space knights!

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