Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 529 The panic brought by the black hole

So under the weight of the outer shell, the core begins to collapse, and matter will march unstoppably toward the center point, until it eventually forms a star that is nearly infinitely small in volume and nearly infinite in density.

And when its radius shrinks to a certain extent, the space-time distortion caused by the mass makes it impossible for even light to shoot out - a "black hole" is born.

And Li Yue has a stellar physique at this time, although the weight of his body is not enough to compress to produce a black hole.

But the energy in his body can help him to successfully construct a tiny black hole.

This is also the black spot that was so small that it was almost negligible before.

After Li Yue's body has evolved, he can not only release all kinds of light with energy like a star.

He can even control gravity.

And it is these energies that helped Li Yue construct this black hole.

However, it is easy to generate a black hole, but it is not so easy to firmly control the black hole in your own hands.

When the black hole is relatively weak, Li Yue can also forcefully control the black hole.

But if the black hole is allowed to continue to devour things to strengthen itself, then the black hole that has been enhanced to a certain extent is beyond the control of Li Yue.

Although the black hole cannot pose a threat to Li Yue until it is strong to a certain extent.

However, powerful black holes appear in the solar system, and I am afraid that they can easily affect everything in the solar system.

The enhanced black hole can even completely swallow the huge moon under Li Yue's feet.

After swallowing the moon, the black hole will grow even larger, and the swallowing of the black hole will almost never stop. After absorbing everything in the vicinity, it is likely that the closest Earth will suffer.

At that time, the operation of the solar system will inevitably undergo unpredictable changes due to the appearance of black holes.

Li Yue didn't want to see the black hole he created to destroy the earth.

Therefore, in order to be able to better control the black hole, he kept releasing his energy towards the very weak black hole when he was born.

After these energies enter the interior of the black hole, they will not lose Li Yue's control.

And these energies are exactly what Li Yue insures for this black hole.

And this is what Li Yue uses to ensure that after he uses the black hole to swallow the Sun of Destruction, he can control the black hole, and there will be no things that runaway after the black hole is enhanced.


Soon, Li Yue poured enough energy into the black hole he built, and part of this energy was used by Li Yue to enhance the black hole.

After all, the newly born black hole doesn't have a strong devouring ability. Li Yue felt that he might not be able to absorb Doomsday into it, and then tear it into pieces.

Therefore, Li Yue used his energy to "feed" the black hole and make it stronger.

Until he has the power to devour the Doomsday, it means that he can make the next plan.

And this process is not too long, it only takes less than a minute.

The black hole at this time, after swallowing Li Yue's energy, has expanded to a size of several meters in diameter. It was floating above Li Yue's head.

At this time, because the phagocytic power of the black hole has skyrocketed several times, everything around has undergone tremendous changes.

The pitch-black sphere of a few meters in size seems to have an extremely powerful phagocytic power. It is affected by its strong gravitational force for a radius of more than ten kilometers. Countless huge gravel and sand are like countless long dragons, surging towards the black hole. , and then devoured.

Even the time and space around the sphere became a little distorted, and even the light could not escape, and was forcibly swallowed by the black hole.

In the astronomical observation bases of some countries on the earth, there was a strong riot at this moment, and everyone was urgently summoned to participate in the research of some kind of emergency!

Looking at the information sent back, their expressions were full of shock.

Everyone couldn't believe that such an incredible situation would happen.

They couldn't understand why a black hole suddenly appeared near the moon, which is very close to the earth!

Although, this black hole looks as if it was just born not long ago.

But as an astronomer, everyone knows that even a small black hole can have enormous influence and destructive power.

The newly born black hole, although not so powerful, may not have much impact on the earth.

However, black holes can devour all kinds of things to enhance themselves.

It can be said that as long as a black hole appears near the earth, it means that the earth is about to suffer a devastating blow.


It stands to reason that black holes will only appear with the destruction of stars.

Moreover, this requires the destruction of stars with a large mass to a certain extent, and there is a small chance of appearing.

In the eyes of all people, they who live on the earth do not need to consider the huge threat posed by black holes to the earth for a long time.

Because there are no black holes in the entire solar system. The closest black hole to Earth is 1,600 light-years away.

Compared with the black hole destroying the earth, they might as well worry that an asteroid passing by the earth will suddenly fall towards the earth one day.

Therefore, most astronomers only think about what to do if this happens to prevent the meteorite from falling and destroying human civilization.

But almost no one will go to special research, when the black hole comes to the vicinity of the earth, what to do.

Because the probability of such a thing happening is pitifully small.

However, no one thought that something that was almost impossible would actually happen at this time.

A newly born black hole actually appeared near the moon.

Although, its impact is still very small.

But I am afraid that it will not take long for the moon to be completely swallowed by the black hole, and it will become the nutrients of the black hole and increase the size of the black hole.

At that time, after the moon is swallowed, the target of the black hole will definitely be transferred to the nearest Earth.

At that time, the earth could hardly escape the fate of being destroyed.

And the end of the world has really come.

However, just as everyone is discussing, how can we survive under this black hole very close to the earth and escape the fate of being destroyed.

Some people have even sadly wanted to tell their loved ones this confidential news, so that they can cherish the few time they have left.

But suddenly a major accident happened again.

The black hole that could lead to the end of the earth unexpectedly disappeared within a few minutes after it appeared.

As if it had never happened before!

"Could it be that our detection equipment went wrong?"

This question appeared in everyone's heart!


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