Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 512 Hard against nuclear bombs

Although Li Yue's attention was on his body at this time, to explore any specific changes in his body.

But when the nuclear bomb was rapidly approaching him, he also quickly noticed it.

"Hehe, just in time, I can use this nuclear bomb to experiment with my latest evolutionary ability, how powerful it can be."

Feeling that the nuclear bomb was rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed, Li Yue suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

If it is before the evolution ability of Doomsday, Li Yue can also withstand the bombing of nuclear bombs.

But he definitely wouldn't do it if it wasn't necessary.

Even a few minutes ago, he thought about using his teleportation ability to avoid being bombarded by a frontal nuclear bomb.

But now, after feeling the changes in his body, Li Yue was eager to resist the explosion of the nuclear bomb to test what kind of special changes his body would have after suffering the terrifying explosion caused by the nuclear bomb.

It has to be said that the evolutionary ability from Doomsday has brought an extremely powerful self-confidence to Li Yue.

This feeling is as if nothing in the universe can threaten him.

Even in the interior of stars and black holes, Li Yue is now confident that he can make a breakthrough.

He even felt that even if he directly entered the sun now, even if he did not rely on the assistance of energy, he could withstand the terrifying high temperature inside the sun only by virtue of his physical fitness.

This feeling made Li Yue unable to help but be fascinated by it.


After Li Yue had the idea of ​​​​hardly resisting nuclear bombs, he did not use his teleportation ability to leave space.

Instead, wait for the nuclear bomb to approach rapidly.

Doomsday, however, will not just stay where it is, waiting for the nuclear bomb to come.

Suddenly coming to the harsh environment of space makes it feel a little unaccustomed.

Moreover, it can also feel that some unknown changes have occurred in its own body at this moment.

It's just that the Day of Destruction has almost no wise thoughts,

So I don't care about my changes at all.

However, when he saw Li Yue by his side, powerful destruction and hatred instantly flooded his brain.

It didn't hesitate at all, and didn't care why it suddenly came to space at this moment, it directly waved its huge fist and attacked Li Yue fiercely.

And just now, Doomsday was gathering energy on the ground, trying to unleash some kind of powerful attack.

At this moment, although it was forcibly taken into space by Li Yue, the energy gathered by its body did not dissipate.

Therefore, when attacking Li Yue, the huge energy accumulated in Doomsday's body also burst out instantly with its attack.

In an instant, a terrifying power erupted from Doomsday's body, and violent silver lightning completely enveloped its body, emitting a dazzling light.

At this moment, Doomsday looked like a shining star.

Afterwards, Doomsday no longer hesitated, waving his fist wrapped in silver lightning, and slammed it towards Li Yue who was close at hand.

Before Li Yue could easily defeat Doomsday, but now he has obtained Doomsday's evolutionary ability. Although there is no significant improvement in strength, his physical fitness has also undergone a lot of changes.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yue was even less concerned about destruction.

He just stopped there with a relaxed expression and didn't make any movement.

Moreover, Li Yue not only did not fight back, but also did not even dodge.

Just waiting for Doomsday's attack to hit him.


There was no accident. Doomsday's fist wrapped in lightning smashed Li Yue's body hard.

In an instant, an explosion like fireworks burst into bloom.

Numerous silver lightning bolts shot out from the two people in the center.

And most of the lightning energy swept towards Li Yue's body.

The violent electric current continued to rage on Li Yue's body, as if to completely devour Li Yue's body.

And Li Yue, in order to feel the changes brought about by his evolutionary ability, not only gave up all defenses, but also did not even resist the violent lightning attacking his body.

However, the result made Li Yue feel a little disappointed.

Because even if he forcibly endured Doomsday's full-scale attack without any defensive measures at this time, he still did not allow his body to gain much.

Not only did his body not evolve because of this attack, but perhaps because he was able to control the power of thunder, those violent electric currents had no way to invade his body!

"It seems that Doomsday's attack is not enough to evolve his body."

Feeling this situation, Li Yue felt a little helpless.

Too strong is not entirely good.

For example, Li Yue, even if he has the ability to evolve after being attacked by Doomsday, but because his strength is too strong, ordinary attacks cannot cause damage to Li Yue at all.

Therefore, if you want to evolve, you need a more powerful attack.

"It seems that with Doomsday's current strength, it is impossible for me to feel the feeling of evolution, and I still have to rely on the upcoming nuclear bomb."

In the end, some helpless Li Yue could only put his hope on the upcoming nuclear bomb.


Nuclear bombs, as the most destructive weapons possessed by human beings, can naturally cause attacks that cannot be underestimated.

If it explodes in a city, it can easily destroy a city, killing more than 90% of the creatures in the city.

In the movie and TV series, it is an artifact that even aliens with super technology can defeat.

Of course, the power of nuclear bombs is indeed terrifying.

In the central area of ​​the explosion, millions of high temperatures can be generated, which is enough to vaporize most of the matter on the earth.

It can be said that the frontal attack of a nuclear bomb is not very different from entering the interior of the sun.

However, the explosion of the nuclear bomb was only for a moment. But the interior of the sun has been maintained at a high temperature of tens of millions of degrees.

After that, Li Yue didn't wait too long. The missile carrying the nuclear bomb rushed towards him quickly. Li Yue was already able to see the propulsive flame flashing violently with his eyes.

When the nuclear bomb approached, even Doomsday seemed to feel a sense of crisis, and he didn't even care about continuing to attack Li Yue, but wanted to dodge to the side.

But Li Yue directly grabbed Doomsday's huge body.

Afterwards, he couldn't wait, and regardless of Doomsday's struggle, he dragged Doomsday directly to the nuclear bomb not far from him, and rammed the nuclear bomb with his body.


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