Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 496 The reason for the change

However, at this time, Li Yue was in a real world.

And when he heard The Flash's narration, he finally figured out how the world of Injustice was born.

The culprit who caused the great changes in the world is indeed a superman whose personality has changed drastically.

However, the reason why Superman's character changed from kindness to cruelty was entirely because of something that he couldn't accept.

Although Bruce doesn't quite know what the Flash's previous sporadically told stories represent.

But Li Yue, who has seen the Justice League, was able to figure out what happened in his mind based on The Flash's fragmentary narrative, so that Superman turned from the incarnation of goodness and justice into a brutal and murderous evil representative.

Because, in a later catastrophe, Superman lost the most important person to him.

That's his love, Lois Lane! And, at that time, Louise was pregnant with his child...

If there is anything that makes Superman, who has power like a god that surpasses human beings, insist that he has not done anything out of the ordinary and evil.

Then the main reason is because of the influence of his kind adoptive parents on him.

And secondly, Superman fell in love with an Earthling.

In order for humans to accept themselves and not fear the power they possess, Superman has always been kind and insisted on the principle of not killing humans.

And use his ability to rescue ordinary humans who have been threatened and injured many times.

Even for the evil villain who has done many bad things, Superman still insists on abiding by the rules set by human beings, but only sends them to prison with his own hands to be judged by human laws.

As for the consequences they will bear, it is not Superman's concern.

However, as Superman himself said, no one can be kind all the time, not even him.

He changed when something completely unacceptable happened to him.

He is no longer the embodiment of justice, or, has become the embodiment of absolute "justice".


This justice is in Superman's thoughts, and he regards himself as an existence like a human enforcer.

In his eyes, human beings are only divided into good and evil.

If he does things that endanger other people, then at this time he will not show mercy at all, and he will not allow such wicked people to continue to live in the world as before.

However, after Superman changed, his former friend and partner, Batman Bruce Wayne, still stuck to his principles.

Oppose Superman using his great power to kill anyone.

In Batman's view, if you take anyone's life with your own hands, for whatever reason, whether you represent good or evil, you will eventually fall to them.

So, after that event, all superheroes with extraordinary powers, or supervillains, in the Flash world, all split into two factions.

One side is the ruling faction led by Superman, and the other side is the rebels led by Batman.

However, because of the existence of Superman, a strong man against the sky, the regime established by Superman has hardly suffered much resistance and successfully seized the dominion of the earth.

Under his rule, strict rules were set by them. As long as the rules he made were violated, there would be cruel punishments, including death.


However, after listening to The Flash's narration, Li Yue felt that what he said was a little different from what he knew before.

Although he didn't go to see DC's Injustice comics on Earth before, he also knew something about it.

As far as Li Yue knows, in the comics, Superman's transformation is indeed because he lost his pregnant lover, Louise Lane.

However, in the comics, the death of his lover is Batman's nemesis, the Joker, who uses some kind of mind control ability to control Superman.

Then, a nuclear bomb was detonated, blowing up the entire metropolis.

And millions of humans in the metropolis, including Superman's lover, were all killed in the explosion.

Losing my beloved Superman feels like I've lost everything.

He believes that it was Batman's connivance with the Joker that caused the disaster.

Although this was not enough to turn the two partners into confrontation, it allowed Superman to change the no-kill principle he had previously maintained.

In the eyes of modern Superman, this principle seems very ridiculous.

However, according to what The Flash said at this time, Li Yue found that the world he was in was not like this.

Although the reason for Superman's transformation was also due to Louise's death, the reason for her death was not because of Batman's old enemy, the Joker.

Although the Flash is somewhat ambiguous and vague when he says this.

However, Li Yue got a lot of key information from it.

For example, Lightning mentions Cyborg, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Steppenwolf. It also mentions the resurrection of Superman, and even mentions Apocalypse and Darkseid...

Bruce naturally didn't feel much about these names, and he even heard them for the first time.

However, Li Yue was very familiar with these names that appeared from the Flash's mouth.

To sum up, isn't what The Flash said the Justice League plot that will happen later?

However, in The Flash's narration, the Justice League plot of their world doesn't turn out like it did in the movie, with Steppenwolf being defeated by the resurrected Superman.

Instead, he was killed by Neptune and Wonder Woman, and Neptune personally solved him.

But Steppenwolf is not the culprit of this disaster, just a trivial little boss.

But Superman and Bruce have to face an even more terrifying existence, the new Protoss from Apocalypse...

The Flash avoided talking about the situation after that. No matter how curious Li Yue asked about it, he never elaborated.

This made Li Yue, who was very curious about this, feeling very speechless.

It even increased his curiosity to go to The Flash's world to see for himself.

However, this is not something that can be achieved soon.

Because the Flash originally came here to find a helper to return to his own world to stop Superman.

Not to mention how powerful Superman is after losing his kind heart, there are countless extraordinary people standing on his side.

If you want to defeat Superman and overthrow the regime he established, it will definitely not be successful with one or two more people.

Of course, this is the Flash's own idea, and he wants to find more superheroes to help.

So, this means that The Flash will not return to his own world so easily.

Because he wants to get more help from people, and when he has enough confidence, he will rush back to his own world.


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