Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 454 Unprecedented Duel of Three People

Although Li Yue can play at any time, Bill, who was injured, and Ares, who was "electrically" stunned by Gao Tianzun, needed a period of rest for the two of them to recover to their peak combat power.

So soon, half an hour has passed.

And the audience on the stage has become a little irritable.

Although they were also very curious about the meaning of what Gao Tianzun just said, they couldn't help being left hanging there and felt very bored.

"Gao Tianzun, those two players have almost rested, and their bodies have basically recovered."

At the same time, the fat female bodyguard of Gao Tianzun came to Gao Tianzun, and did not care that Li Yue was beside him, and said directly to Gao Tianzun.

"Since it's almost recovered, don't delay any longer, go and prepare, it's time for them to play again."

Gao Tianzun also felt the restlessness of the audience, and he also felt a little anxious.

When he heard that the two players had finally rested, he said impatiently to the female bodyguard who came to report the situation.

"I understand."

The female bodyguard agreed with a calm expression on her face, then turned and left.

"Uh, Mr. Li Yue, shouldn't you also go over and prepare..."

After the female bodyguard left, Gao Tianzun turned his head to look at Li Yue next to him, and asked in a weak tone.

"Well, yes, since I'm participating in the arena battle, then I'll follow the normal process."

Originally, Li Yue thought that after Ares and Bill came to power, he would teleport directly to the stage.

However, after hearing Gao Tianzun's words, Li Yue also gave up this way of appearing.

In the arena duel, of course, there must be an official appearance.

Therefore, Li Yue walked to the place where the arena was played under the leadership of the two guards sent by Gao Tianzun.

Of course, he can't appear directly now, and he can only go out after Gao Tianzun's introduction.

At this time, in the arena, the places that were damaged by the battle between Ares and Bill have been rebuilt.

At this time, the arena is almost completely new, and it is completely impossible to see that it has just experienced a shocking battle.

At the same time, Ares and Bill were also taken to the two gates of the arena.

They also felt very puzzled in their hearts, especially Ares, who was inexplicably "electrically" stunned by Gao Tianzun.

He didn't understand what was going on at all. No one had told him before that this battle was a best-of-three game. Why should he be allowed to play again for a battle now?

Of course, apart from some curiosity in Bill's heart at this time, the rest is completely majestic fighting intent.

He never thought that he would fail in the duel!

But for some reason, another game was added, which made Bill feel that this was his last chance, and he definitely wanted to regain his lost face in this duel.


When Li Yue, Ares and Bill stood at the door of three appearances respectively.

The audience outside finally found that Gao Tianzun's huge virtual projection reappeared in the field.

"Everyone in the audience, have you been impatiently waiting?"

"But it doesn't matter, here I want to tell you clearly that your waiting will never be in vain, because the next duel is definitely a new version of the ship that you have never seen before."

Since Li Yue insisted on participating in the duel in person, and the matter had come to this point, Gao Tianzun naturally had no way to stop the duel that was about to begin.

So he has accepted the reality, anyway, let Li Yue go to toss it casually, even if he really destroys this arena that he spent a lot of money on, he can only grit his teeth and admit it.

However, before that, he has to do his own job to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene.

In fact, when he finished speaking, the atmosphere at the scene did change.

"??? What's going on? What's the new version of the ship? Isn't it a duel?"

The audience at the scene heard what Gao Tianzun said, and their impatience had basically disappeared, but Gao Tianzun's words aroused their curiosity.

They were dressed in question marks all over their heads, and they didn't understand what Gao Tianzun meant by "the new version of the ship".

"You must be wondering what I mean. But don't wonder, you'll see for yourself in a minute."

"Now, let's invite the two players who have just brought us a wonderful duel performance. Please applaud warmly. Their spirit is worth cheering for them."

Seeing that the audience's interest was raised by himself, Gao Tianzun did not directly say that the duel method had changed.

Instead, Bill and Ares were called on the field first.

"God of War! God of War! God of War..."

The audience at the scene did not care what Gao Tianzun was selling. When they saw Ares in armor, holding a shield and a giant axe out of the huge iron gate, they burst into enthusiastic cheers.

At this time Ares is playing for the second time, and this time the audience cheers for him very enthusiastically. In stark contrast to when he was almost silent and even questioned when he first came out.

And this is because the Saka people admire the strong, and just now Ares undoubtedly proved himself with his powerful strength, and also won the respect of the Saka people.


"What's going on? Why didn't Destruction come out of the door opposite? This is not common sense!"

However, when someone discovered the location of the God of War, they looked up and looked at the opposite side, wanting to make sure that the opposite side came out of destruction.

However, they found that the door on the opposite side was not opened at this time, but a door not far from them was opened at the same time, and a sturdy figure walked out from inside.

"What's the situation? Shouldn't the positions of the two duel players be opposite?"

Some viewers have already discovered that something is wrong at this time, because in the previous duel, no accident, the players came out from two opposite doors.

This will make it easier for the two to see their opponents directly as soon as they appear on the field, and it will also make the next battle more exciting.

But this time the situation was very counterintuitive.

What happened at the scene not only made the audience very puzzled, but even Ares and Bill were a little confused.

After they came out, they looked towards the opposite side, but did not find the figure of their opponent. Instead, after turning around to look for it, he found the other party not far from him.

This made the two feel very puzzled. Their positions did not seem to be a rival relationship, but more like a cooperative relationship.

"Haha, do you feel very curious, why did the two of them play like this? Now I can tell everyone that today's trip is definitely worth it."

"Because I will announce next that the Saka star that I rule is about to hold an unprecedented three-person duel! Moreover, the two players who came to the duel will work together in this duel to fight against the third place. player!"

"Then, without further ado, let everyone welcome their opponents with the warmest cheers..."

Having said this, Gao Tianzun suddenly stopped.


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