Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 385 Monitors and Anti-Monitors

"Cough, everyone, we have just told this gentleman named Li Yue about everything that happened to us."

In the face of Xiao Shan's behavior, The Flash was naturally extremely speechless, but he still bit the bullet and said to the people who were staring at him.

"Huh? Li Yue, is what he said true?"

Including Tony, after hearing Barry's words, they looked at Li Yue next to him, waiting for him to explain.

"Well, yes, I have asked them just now. This matter should have nothing to do with them, but was planned by a mysterious person secretly, and there should be more than one person!"

Feeling the eyes of everyone looking at him, Li Yue also nodded, indicating that it was indeed the case.

At the same time, Li Yue also stated all his guesses.

"The mysterious man is secretly planning? Who is it? And there are actually two?"

When Tony heard Li Yue's words, his face instantly became a little dignified. He didn't know who the mysterious man Li Yue was talking about?

But he knew that the mysterious person who even Li Yue could not know his identity in a short time was definitely not a simple person.

Moreover, what Li Yue said just now were two mysterious people, which made Tony have a bad premonition in his heart. He thought that someone was secretly trying to destroy his world.

"I don't know the identity of the other party now, but what I can be sure of is that those two people should not be people in our universe, but people in their universe!"

Li Yue is also a little helpless. He has a relatively good understanding of the Marvel world. Of course, his understanding of comics is extremely limited. He only knows some famous events.

As for the DC Universe, apart from knowing the famous heroes and villains who have been filmed and filmed, Li Yue doesn't know too much about other hidden characters.

Therefore, for a while, he could not be sure who was the culprit who made this speeder's invasion of the Marvel world.

However, he also had a guess in his heart, maybe the two mysterious people were probably the monitors and anti-monitors who had appeared in DC American dramas.

After all, these two people have great power, if they can break the barriers of the DC universe and the Marvel universe, it can be said in the past.

And the two seem to be dead enemies, and they can also correspond to the completely opposite information in the Flash and Reverse Flash.

It's just that Li Yue doesn't know much about this, because before he crossed over, he just saw that the sixth season of Lightning had just started, so he didn't understand the plot after that.

In the same way, he has absolutely no idea what happened to the wireless earth crisis that paved the way for the last season of DC's American dramas.

After all, Crisis on Earth's linkage won't air until halfway through The Flash's sixth season.

And Li Yue, who had already come to the Marvel Universe at that time, naturally didn't watch it.


However, even if Li Yue was able to determine that the two mysterious people were the watchers and the anti-watchers, it was of no use.

Because Li Yue has absolutely no idea why they made such an incident.

Therefore, Li Yue felt that he still had to ask something out of the Flash's mouth!

Thinking of this, Li Yue did not hesitate, and asked directly to Lightning: "Barry Allen, how much do you know about the person named Monitor in your universe?"

"What? Li Yuexian, did you say that you were the monitor? How do you know about him... Wait, do you guess that he planned this in secret?"

When Barry the Flash heard Li Yue's question, the expression on his face changed and changed in an instant!

Doubt first,

Then doubt, and finally disbelief.

"If it is him, it is indeed very possible!"

The Flash also recalled what happened after the Watcher appeared at this time, and after the Watcher appeared last time, he mentioned a crisis that all Earth will suffer.

And according to the monitor, in that crisis, he will die, but only by his own death can the earth in all parallel universes be saved.

And this matter has been bothering Barry for a while. After all, no one can face it calmly after knowing that he is about to die.

As the Flash, Barry also cannot ignore the fear of death.

But even if he couldn't face it, the Flash knew in his heart that if only his own death could save everyone, he would definitely not hesitate.

It's just that he can't imagine how his wife and relatives will grieve after his death.


"Mr. Li Yue, I don't know how you know the monitor, but I can only tell you that we don't know much about him, we only know that he has been planning something to meet the upcoming crisis. !"

Afterwards, Barry didn't hide anything, and told Li Yue all the information he knew about the monitors and anti-monitors.

At the same time, after thinking about it, Barry the Flash also discovered that what happened now may really be related to the monitor.

It's just that Barry also doesn't understand why the monitor guides himself and Reverse Flash and another little flash on Earth into this strange universe.

After all, if you can't return to the original universe, then when the crisis comes, who should stand up and fight?

At this time, The Flash, the first thing that came to mind was how to save the universe if he could not sacrifice to the sky.

And after listening to the information about the monitor, Li Yue was even more certain that the mastermind behind this incident was probably the monitor.

And the other anti-monitor should only intervene in order to stop the monitor's plan!

"Barry, what are you thinking?"

However, Li Yue fell into deep thought after watching Barry finish talking about the monitor, and couldn't help but ask him.

"Uh, I'm thinking, if I can't return to my universe in the future or for a long time, then who will save me from that crisis?"

When Barry heard Li Yue's question, he didn't think about concealing it, but said his thoughts directly, and there was a hint of anxiety that could not be concealed in his expression.

"I don't think you need to worry so much, because if all this is planned by the monitor, he will naturally not let you stay in our universe when the crisis comes, so it is estimated that he will remind you again soon."

"And his next prompt may be to tell you how to leave this universe, so you can wait for his next appearance with peace of mind!"

Li Yue didn't expect The Flash to be worried about this, so he couldn't help but admire him a little. Sure enough, not everyone can be called a superhero.

And someone like The Flash, who can give his life for others, can definitely be called a true hero.

It's a pity that Li Yue remembered that he had heard a ridicule of the Flash in his previous life: "Little Flash sacrifices to the sky, the mana is boundless!"

And it is said that in every major event in DC, as long as the Flash dies, then it is time for the decent to start turning over.

I don't know what happened to the Infinite Earth Crisis. Is it really necessary to die to save the world?

Li Yue was a little skeptical about this, and he even thought, if he had a chance, could he go to the universe where the Flash was and see for himself, what was the situation of the infinite crisis on Earth!


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