Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1416 A hasty ending

A person suddenly appeared next to him and stretched out his "sinful hand" directly towards the strange fruit hanging on the tree.

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably be stunned for a short time because of the sudden appearance of the figure.

In the end, because of this short period of daze, someone jumped in first and picked the strange fruit that was about to be obtained in front of him.

However, the girl is not an ordinary person, and she will not be stunned just because a figure suddenly appears next to her.

And more importantly, even when she reached out, she was one step slower than the person next to her.

But the girl's extreme speed was enough to easily resolve this special situation.

And that's exactly what happened.

Even if the girl was there before, she might not have expected that there would be others whose speed could almost match her own.

He even let the other party reach out his hand to the strange fruit on the tree first.

But even if she reached out a step slower, the girl still used her powerful speed to pick the strange fruit in front of her one step ahead of the other person.

This is entirely because the girl's realm and strength are strong enough. Whether it is flight speed or shooting speed, it is far superior to others.

The warrior who had just emerged seemed to have the bonus of some special movement secret technique, so his speed was comparable to the speed shown by the girl.

But after all, the secret technique of movement can only increase the flight speed, but it cannot greatly increase its own shooting speed.

So even if the girl's shot was half a beat slower than his, she could still pick the fruit from the tree first with her powerful shot speed.

In short, although unexpected situations occurred during the process, the results did not change in any way.

The only strange fruit growing on the ancient tree undoubtedly fell into the girl's hands.

But after the girl picked the strange fruit, she didn't even look at the warrior who suddenly appeared next to her.

It was as if he didn't take his sudden appearance to heart at all.

The next moment, the girl's entire body turned into a bright stream of light, rising directly into the sky like a sharp sword.

At an extremely terrifying speed, he quickly disappeared in front of everyone.

When the girl's figure had completely disappeared from the sky, many warriors present seemed to have just come back to their senses.

"Hey, this is not a complete waste of time. If I had known this would be the result, I wouldn't have felt here from thousands of miles away, traveling day and night in a hurry."

Some warriors carefully observed the ancient trees with great reluctance, only to find that the ancient trees were indeed empty.

There was no strange fruit that they imagined they had ignored.

The empty ancient trees also meant that their visit here this time was a complete waste of time.

I wasted several days and even tried hard to get to the bottom of the lake, but in the end I got nothing.

This makes many warriors find it unacceptable.

But I felt helpless.

Who makes them weak and unable to compete with the girl?

Therefore, some warriors slowly accepted this regrettable result and began to leave gradually.

Some people who were very unwilling even flew directly into the void, constantly shuttling through the huge tree canopy, trying to find an undiscovered strange fruit.

The final result was naturally disappointing.

Because there is no longer any strange fruit on the ancient tree.

"I really can't understand how it is possible for such a huge sacred tree to bear a strange fruit?"

However, although no strange fruit was found on the ancient tree again.

But some warriors were very surprised. After all, such a huge ancient tree, its huge canopy could almost cover the sky and the sun, covering the entire lake.

However, there is only one strange fruit on such a huge ancient sacred tree, which makes people feel surprised and suspicious.

After all, at least there were three strange fruits on the ancient tree that appeared last time.

But there was only one fruit on this ancient tree, which made everyone feel very strange.

However, although some people felt strange about this, they could not imagine at this time that there was actually more than one strange fruit growing on this ancient tree!

Instead, hundreds of strange fruits grow.

The reason for the current situation is entirely because someone got there first and took most of the strange fruits into his own pocket.

In the end, only this single strange fruit was left as the "tinder"!

This strange fruit appears again.

Although it caused a huge shock in the entire martial arts world.

But it seems that the thunder is louder than the raindrops.

Although it attracted more warriors than last time, there were more than a dozen strong ones in the realm of martial arts masters alone.

There are even four strong men in the martial arts grand master realm, including even a hidden martial arts grand master who has just revealed his strength.

The number of ordinary warriors below the martial arts master level is even more numerous, almost tens of thousands.

And such a scale of warriors has brought together almost half of the powerful people in the entire martial arts world.

However, it started with such a huge momentum, but I didn't expect that it would end in such a silent way.

The fierce battle for fruits that some people expected did not happen at all.

Of course, this is because there is no chance of it happening.

After all, the only strange fruit has been directly taken away by a girl who is strong enough to defeat the heroes.

And how could the remaining warriors fight a fierce battle against the empty ancient sacred tree?

In other words, there is no more treasure to fight for, what else can they fight for?

Therefore, although many warriors were unwilling to do so, they had no choice but to accept this result in the end.

Many warriors gathered here also began to gradually leave and return home.

Some warriors, however, did not choose to go home, but continued to search for new secret realms in inaccessible places throughout the world.

According to their thinking, if they can discover a new secret realm before others, they can naturally enjoy the treasures in this secret realm alone.

It will not be like this time, not only attracting countless strong men, but also attracting girls with the strongest strength in the entire martial arts world.

In the end, the only strange fruit was taken away by a powerful girl.

Others are wasting their time and getting nothing from a bamboo basket.

Therefore, everyone who is trying to find a secret place has a thought in their mind, that is, no matter what, if they can really discover a new secret place, they will never reveal the location and information of the secret place.

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