Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 231 Iron Man: I Don't Time Travel When I Die

As the prompt sounded, a golden light arrow suddenly appeared in the air, and the next moment, the light arrow fell into Clint Barton's body.

"Is that one an arrow that can go through walls?" Scott Lang asked.

"It's not." Clint Barton said, "The arrow just now wasn't a specific arrow, it was a sign that space gave me this ability. The arrow I shot was still an arrow of matter, but now I have this This ability allows arrows to pass through objects at will."

"The domineering and the arrow through the wall can only be said to be terrifying." Natasha Romanov said.

"If you can go through walls, doesn't that mean you can kill Hulk?" Steve Rogers said, "Hulk's skin is invulnerable, but if your arrows can go through walls, they should go straight through. His skin, shot in his heart, so Hulk..."

"If this is the case, the Hulk can indeed be killed." Bruce Banner said solemnly.

"Bruce, you don't have to worry about this, my arrow can never be aimed at you." Clint Barton said quickly.

"This is a good thing. If the Hulk gets out of control one day, there will be a solution." Bruce Banner said as usual.

At this time, the space lights up and the video starts playing.

At first, it was Steve Rogers who leaned there and said to Natasha Romanoff, "I'd rather cook for you myself, but you look miserable enough."

"Are you here to do the laundry?" asked Natasha Romanov.

"Come and see friends, too," Steve Rogers said.

"Obviously your friend is very good," said Natasha Romanoff.

"When I was crossing the bridge, I saw a group of whales," Steve Rogers continued. "With fewer boats, the water was clear."

"In the Hudson?" said Natasha Romanoff. "If you're going to tell me to look good, I'll hit you in the head with a peanut sandwich."

"Sorry, old habits are hard to change." Steve Rogers smiled, walked over, and sat across from Natasha Romanoff, "I keep telling everyone to let go of the past and move on, and some people do it, but we no."

"If I let go, who will do these things?" Natasha Romanoff said with her legs folded on the table.

"Maybe these things don't need to be done," Steve Rogers said.

"I didn't know anything before,

And then I had this, this job, this family. "I've become a better person because of that," says Natasha Romanoff, "even though they're gone, I'm still trying to be a better person." "

"I think we both need some personal life," Steve Rogers said.

"You come first," said Natasha Romanov.

"Is anyone there, I'm Scott Lang!" At this time, the surveillance camera suddenly showed someone shouting at the door, "We met at the airport a few years ago, in the German airport, I was the one who got bigger, I was wearing Without the mask, you may not recognize me."

"Is this the previous information?" Steve Rogers stood up in surprise. After all, in his cognition, Ant-Man disappeared with the snap of Thanos' fingers.

"Ant-Man! I know you know me," Scott Lang yelled, still there. "I need to talk to you."

"That's the front door," Natasha Romanoff said.

"Have you two studied quantum physics?" Scott Lang asked a very high-level question as soon as he came in.

"Only a little understanding." Natasha Romanov said.

"Okay, that's it." Scott Lang explained while gesturing from the side, "Five years ago, just before the Thanos thing happened, I entered a place called the Quantum Realm. The Quantum Realm has It's its own microcosm, and to get in you have to be very, very small. Hope, she's mine...she should have pulled me out, and then the Thanos thing happened and I was stuck in there already."

"Sorry, that must have been a long five years," Natasha Romanov said.

"That's the problem, it's not long." Scott Lang said, feeling hungry, took a sandwich and took a bite, "For me, it's only five hours, the laws of the quantum realm are not the same as this world. Again, everything is unpredictable."

"Scott, what do you mean?" Steve Rogers asked.

"What I'm trying to say is," Scott Lang explained as he ate his sandwich, "in the quantum realm, time works differently, and the only problem right now is that we don't have a way to locate it. But what if there was a way? I've been thinking about this, what if we could figure out a way to control this disorder and locate it in it? What if we had a way to get into the quantum realm at one particular point in time and come out at another particular point in time? Like before Thanos snaps his fingers."

"Wait, are you talking about a time machine?" Steve Rogers summed up Scott Lang's meaning succinctly.

"No, no, of course not, of course not a time machine." Scott Lang quickly denied, "It's more like..."

"That's right, it's a time machine." Scott Lang thought about it and couldn't find a better way to say it, "I know, it's crazy, but I've been thinking about this, there must be a way, it's crazy already."

"Scott, I can get an email from a raccoon," Natasha Romanoff said. "So, nothing is 'crazy.'"

"Who are we going to discuss this with?" Scott Lang asked.

Who else could it be?

Everyone's eyes fell on Tony Stark.

Sure enough, everyone in the picture appeared at Tony Stark's house. When everyone arrived, Tony Stark was holding a little girl of a few years old, his daughter Morgan.

When a friend came to visit, Tony Stark let Morgan play by himself first, while he listened to Scott Longsay about his crazy time travel.

"No, we know that sounds crazy," Scott Long said finally.

"Tony, after all this, is there anything impossible?" Steve Rogers asked.

"Quantum fluctuations reach the Planck scale and lead to Deutsche's point of view." Tony Stark handed Steve Rogers a few glasses of vegetable juice. "Can we agree on that?"

"Thank you." Steve Rogers took the vegetable juice.

"In layman's terms, you can't go back here," Tony Stark said.

"I'm back," Scott Lang said.

"No, you just happened to survive," Tony Stark said. "It's a one-in-a-billion cosmic fluke. Now you want to do it... how do you say it?"

"Time theft," Scott Lang said.

"Yeah, of course, time theft, why didn't we think about it before?" Tony Stark said. "Oh, because it's so funny, it's a pipe dream."

"The Infinity Stones are in the past," Steve Rogers said. "We can go back and get it."

"We can snap our fingers and bring everyone back," Natasha Romanoff said.

"Or make things worse, right?" Tony Stark asked rhetorically.

"I don't think we will," Steve Rogers said.

"Sometimes I really miss your optimism," Tony Stark said. "However, it is useless to have high hopes if there is no reasonable and feasible solution to the so-called time theft. I think the most likely consequence is that we perish together."

"Not as long as we strictly follow the rules of time travel," Scott Lang said. "Like, no talking to your past self? No betting on sports?"

"I have to interrupt you, Scott." Tony Stark interrupted Scott Lang, "Are you really going to tell me that your plan to save the universe is based on Back to the Future? ?"

"No." Scott Lang shook his head.

"Very good," Tony Stark said. "You just made me worry a little bit, because that would be nonsense. Quantum physics doesn't work like that."

"Tony, we have to fight," Natasha Romanoff said.

"We fought, but we got to this point," Tony Stark said.

"I know you have a lot of concerns, you have a wife, you have a daughter, but I also lost people who were very important to me, a lot of people," Scott Lang said. "Now, we have a chance to get her back, Get everyone back and you tell me you even…”

"Yes Scott, I don't even want to try." Tony Stark interrupted Scott Lang again, "I can't do it."

"Mom asked me to save you." At this time, Morgan ran over and threw himself into Tony Stark's arms.

"Good job, you saved me." Tony Stark picked up Morgan and said to Steve Rogers and others, "I really hope you're here to ask me other things, anything. I It's really nice to meet you, I just..." Tony Stark stood up holding Morgan, "By the way, I prepared lunch for six people."

"Tony, I understand," Steve Rogers said. "I'm happy for you, really. But this is our second chance."

"My second chance is here, Captain," Tony Stark said. "I can't risk her."

As soon as the space darkens, the video ends here.

"Tony, your daughter is very cute," Steve Rogers said first. "I'm happy for you."

"I'm very happy too." Tony Stark grinned. "It's a strange experience to know what a daughter looks like before she's born."

[The eleventh question begins, please be prepared. 】

Soon, the eleventh question began.

[Excuse me, when the Guardians of the Galaxy killed Egg, who put the bomb next to Egg's brain? 】

【A Rocket Raccoon】

【B Peter Quill】

【C Groot】

【D Gamora】

[If you answer this question correctly, you will be rewarded with a multifunctional portable spaceship. If the answer is wrong, the life expectancy will be deducted by one year. 】

"Spaceships can be "portable", and the answer space really has everything." Thor couldn't help but say.

"Why a spaceship." Peter Quill was a little disappointed, "I have a spaceship now, even if I don't have it, I can get it in other ways."

"The reward of the answering space should not be as simple as you think." Tony Stark said, "There is a multi-functional description in front of the portable, and this spacecraft must have other uses."

"If it can really have a better effect, then I will feel better." Peter Quill said.

"I'm not sure whether you can answer correctly." Loki sneered aside, "No matter how good the reward is, you have to answer correctly."

"Isn't Egg the father of Quill, why did he kill Egg?" Scott Lang said.

"I don't need to ask, Egg is not a good person." Nick Fury said, "In the previous video, when Yondu mentioned Egg, he clearly wrote 'he is a bad guy' in the face."

"Is my father really a bad guy?" Peter Quill looked at the title blankly, even though he didn't want to admit it, the title was clearly written, they killed Egg.

"This question is very strange, what is a bomb placed next to Egg's brain? Did the Guardians of the Galaxy enter Egg's body?" Steve Rogers said, "Could it be that Scott and the Guardians of the Galaxy were working together? "

"Isn't that impossible?" Scott Lang said. "Apart from fighting Thanos, I don't seem to have much interaction with the Guardians of the Galaxy, right?"

"Could it be that Egg is big?" Thor turned and asked Peter Quill, "Quier, your father was a giant, a giant giant? Put a bomb on his head to kill him?"

"How is that possible!" cried Peter Quill. "How could my mother marry a giant!"

"Quil lived on Earth when he was a child. If his father was really a giant, how could he be silent?" Phil Coulson said, "If a giant appeared on Earth, it would have been known to the world. "

"But if it's a normal-sized person, why put the bomb next to the head?" Thor couldn't understand. "If you want to kill a person, just throw the bomb next to your head. Why does it have to be next to the head?"

"Thor, not next to the head, but next to the brain." Clint Barton corrected.

"It sounds like this Egg has a super big head," Thor said.

"Maybe, this Egg doesn't mean Quill's father, Egg, but the planet Egg?" Tony Stark put forward another conjecture.

"Kill a planet?" Bruce Banner said. "This statement is also very strange. Could it be that this Ego star has life?"

"Raccoons can talk and trees can play games. If a planet has life, I don't find it strange." Stephen Strange said, "There are too many strange things in this universe."

"It should be killing Egg Star," Peter Quill said. "It's unbelievable to kill a person and put a Sesser bomb in your head."

"Kill a man?" Natasha Romanoff said, "Quier, why do you think your father is human? Remember when you held the Infinity Stones before? Thor said that humans will die if they take the Infinity Stones, that Luo Nan was also amazed by this. But if your father is not human, and you have half inhuman blood, then you can take the Infinity Stones and not die that explains it.”

"Natasha is right, Quill, your father should not be human," Thor said.

"Not a man, what is that?" Peter Quill asked.

"Who knows, with half his blood, you can hold the Infinity Stone in your hand, then he must be extremely powerful, maybe he has the ability to grow bigger and smaller," Thor said, "If he becomes very, very big, Then it would make sense to put a bomb in his head."

"Forget about putting bombs in your head, let's look at the options first." Peter Quill said, "I think Groot should be the first to rule it out. Before Yondu asked him to get the fins, he was a liar. If it's broken, he just doesn't understand."

"With Groot's IQ, I don't think it would be difficult for him to put a bomb on him," Phil Coulson said.

"It's possible Rocket Raccoon, he's small and agile enough," Tony Stark said. "It's easier for him to do it than a human."

"Quail, what do you think?" Steve Rogers asked. "Can Gamora and you, both of you, be bigger than that raccoon?"

"I think it should be me, whether the Egg to kill is my father Egg or the planet Egg, it's definitely yes, it's all about my father." Peter Quill said, "In other words, , This is actually my business, the Guardians of the Galaxy are just involved in me. For something as dangerous as putting a bomb, I will come in person."

"I choose B!" Peter Quill made his choice.

【wrong answer! Deduct one year of life! 】

wrong answer.

"Unfortunately, the portable spaceship is gone." Nick Fury looked regretful.

"Even if there is, it's not yours. What's the matter with the expression you seem to have missed by a hundred million?" Stephen Strange asked.

"I can make a deal with Mr. Quill!" Nick Fury said, "Quell doesn't like this spaceship, but now there is no spaceship capable of interstellar travel on the entire earth, I am very rare about this thing."

"If you have something good that I like, I don't mind trading." Peter Quill shrugged, "But as you can see, this question is wrong, and the spaceship didn't get it."

"I didn't get it, but I think the transaction can actually continue." Phil Coulson said, "Mr. Quill, if we provide financial resources, do you have a channel to get the spacecraft?"

"How do you think my own spaceship got here? Picked it up while shopping in the universe?" Peter Quill said.

"Fury, I don't think you need to worry about this." Steve Rogers said, "The earth is too fragile now, and the level of technology is far behind other planets. Now the earth is not ready to enter the interstellar."

"I agree with what the captain said." Bruce Banner said, "We have seen how dangerous the universe is. Not to mention a lunatic like Thanos, there are constant wars between planets. If the earth really enters the universe, it will also attract What about such a war?"

"Okay, let's leave this thing alone." Nick Fury was persuaded.

At this time, the space lights up, and the video starts to play.

In the beginning, Peter Quill walked with a man with a white beard, who was undoubtedly Egg.

"Now, you have to readjust your attitude towards life." Egg said as he walked, "Everything around us, including that girl, is temporary, we are eternal."

"Wouldn't eternity be boring?" Peter Quill asked.

"You're not bored with a purpose, Peter, that's why you're here," Egg continued, turning a corner, "I told you years ago how I used a constant urge to find life, but What I didn't tell you was that I finally found other life. But that made me..." Eagle paused, thought for a while, and said, "Very disappointed."

Peter Quill turned his head and glanced at Egg, not knowing why he was disappointed.

"I've since realized that my innate desire to find other life was not what made me who I was." Egg walked up to Peter Quill and said, "Peter, I found the meaning of life.”

Saying that, Egg stretched out his hand and clicked on Peter Quill's eyebrows. The universe suddenly flashed in Peter Quill's eyes, and he saw a scene he had never seen in his life.

"I saw it." Peter Quill looked like a dream. "Eternal life."

"I call it expansion, that's my goal." As soon as Egg stretched out his hand, one after another planet appeared in the sky, "Now, this is your goal too."

"Beautiful." Peter Quill hadn't come out of the shock.

"I spent thousands of years, I implanted my clones in thousands of planets, and I want to complete the only ultimate goal of life." Igo stood there and said while simulating with a model, "Keep multiplying, Keep spreading, covering the entire universe, until everything becomes me."

"Another guy who is interested in the universe!" Seeing this, Tony Stark couldn't help it. "What's wrong with our universe, who has offended, and why are so many people staring at it?"

"This one wants to 'eat' the universe instead of destroying it, and it's finally different from Thanos," Steve Rogers said.

"I guessed that Quill's father was definitely not easy, but I didn't expect to be such a 'big guy'." Stephen Strange said, "He lived thousands of years, and his life is eternal. , he can still create things out of thin air, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a god."

"This Egg looks like a human, and I'd like to know how to put a bomb in his head," Scott Lang said.

"You also said that he 'looked' like a man, which is definitely not what he really looks like." Bucky Barnes said.

"I'd like to know why Quill wanted to kill Egg," Tony Stark said. "Just because Egg wants to devour the universe?"

"Eternal life, can this Egg live forever?" Loki said.

"From the video, it seems like this." Thor said, "He can actually achieve immortality!"

Even for the gods, they will die, as strong as Odin, and now it is on the eve of his death, and now there are people talking about eternal life in front of them.

"I'm afraid this Egg is really a god." Thor murmured.

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