Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 187 The third generation of Spider-Man is in the same frame!

"John! John! Don't sleep!" Li Cheng was in a daze when he heard someone calling him.

"Have you got off work?" Li Cheng opened his sleepy eyes and yawned.

"What's the next shift, a big event just happened in New York, do you know?" said the fat policeman who woke Li Cheng.

"What's the big deal? Is it important to get off work?" Li Cheng reached out and grabbed the water cup beside him, and stood up to get the water.

"Aliens have invaded New York!" said the fat cop.

"What?" Li Cheng stopped, "When did it happen?"

"Just now!"

"Just now?" Li Cheng was dumbfounded at the moment. After counting the time, it was time for Loki to come, so this alien must be the one who led the Zetarians to invade New York.

But why is it silent, no movement at all?

"Where are the aliens?" Li Cheng put down the water glass and pressed his face to the window, "How does this look like it has been invaded?"

"It's not here, it's on the mountain." Fatty excitedly took a picture of his phone in front of Li Cheng, "Although that mountain is far away from the city, no one goes there, but you don't know that the movement was so great that the sky was split open. Now, mechanical whales are flying in the sky. There is also a guy who will strike thunder and use thunder to strike those mechanical whales..."

"It's indeed a Zita Rising." As soon as Li Cheng heard this description, he knew that it was a Zita Rising who didn't run away.

"You said that these aliens are really rubbish. They invaded New York once, and they didn't get hurt. Instead, they were killed by the people of the earth!" The fat policeman said happily, "You know who they are. Are you fighting aliens? Although there is no accurate information yet, but according to the clips exposed on the Internet, there must be a playboy Stark, and he can do so many armors. Oh, There's also a green giant who just rips the alien in half with its mouth, which is just too brutal."

"Oh." Li Cheng replied.

"Oh?" The fat policeman quit, "Damn it, aliens invaded the earth, how do you react to such a big thing?"

"Well." Li Cheng's response was as succinct as ever.

"Hahaha! We won! We won!"

"No one died, it's a huge victory!"

"From this moment on, the whole universe knows that our earth is not easy to mess with!"

Li Cheng was calm and seemed to have no feelings, but all the superheroes on Wuming Mountain were very excited.

Although the victory in this battle had long been expected, when the victory really came, everyone was still excited.

Those are aliens!

"According to the original plot, although we won the battle of New York, the victory was very difficult. The whole of New York was reduced to a battlefield, with countless casualties. But just now, in the victory we won, no one died, not a single house. It wasn't destroyed! Even the children in the next door neighbor didn't cry!" Nick Fury said loudly, with a black cloak, "This shows that the future can be changed! We know the future ahead of time, and we are very If we beat Loki beautifully, then we must be able to beat Thanos beautifully!"

"That's right." After the victory just now, Steve Rogers' confidence in the future has also greatly increased, "We can all defeat Thanos who had no room to answer the question, and now we have the room to answer the question, knowing the future ahead of time, we must You can also beat Thanos, just like Loki today."

"Such a major victory, how can we do without a party?" Tony Stark exclaimed, "Nick Fury, the Avengers, get on with this mess! Don't get drunk or go home!"

"Yes, leave the aftermath to me..." Nick Fury received a call before he finished speaking, and then his expression changed.

"Sir, what's wrong?" Phil Coulson asked. "What happened?"

"The Mind Scepter is gone." Nick Fury's face became extremely ugly.

"Is it Loki?" Steve Rogers thought of Loki for the first time.

"It shouldn't be him. He was always there during the battle. After the battle, he was taken away by Thor immediately. He didn't have time at all." Clint Barton said.

"That's the Mind Gem." Tony Stark's face was also very ugly. "Without it, how can we create visions?"

"Tony, I've always disapproved of creating hallucinations. Maybe, this is God's will." Bruce Banner looked much calmer.

"Bruce, we've seen the video, we know why Ultron was born, and we know how the illusion is made, so we can create a 100% illusion, and we won't make a Ultron because of mistakes."

"I still think it needs to be carefully considered."

"What's the point of saying this now, the scepter is gone." Nick Fury strode to the helicopter aside, "Everyone, it seems that this party is going to be postponed."

Nick Fury thought that the stolen scepter would be difficult to find, but he did not expect that he would find the clue immediately. According to the surveillance, he could clearly see that it was Ant-Man who stole the scepter!

The method of stealing is also very simple, that is, first become smaller, come to the scepter, get the scepter, then become smaller and leave.

Nick Fury didn't blame the soldiers guarding the scepter. It's normal for them to see things like Ant-Man who can get smaller.

"Guys, although this guy is the same as me, he is definitely not me!" Scott Lang immediately distanced himself after seeing the surveillance, "I swear, that's not me!"

"Don't be nervous," Steve Rogers said to Scott Lang. "When the Zetaris came, you were taller than a mountain. We saw it. We knew it wasn't you."

"Could it be Hank Pym?" Nick Fury aimed his suspicions at Hank Pym.

"What's the use of him taking the Mind Scepter?" Tony Stark said.

"Only Hank Pym has the Ant-Man suit, no matter who that person is, he will definitely not be able to get rid of it." Nick Fury said, "It seems that I have to face his hateful face again. already."

The voice fell, and the surroundings suddenly became pitch black.

Nick Fury is all too familiar with this kind of darkness, this unique space that is clearly pitch-black but does not affect the vision at all. There is only one place, and that is the answering space.

"After half a year, the answering has finally started again." Nick Fury said with a lot of nostalgia.

It was precisely because of the existence of the answering space that they defeated Loki so easily.

With this victory, Nick Fury is taking the answer space very seriously.

Looking around, there are also a lot of people in the answering space this time. The heroes who just participated in the New York Battle on Wuming Mountain were all present.

Even Thor and Loki, who have returned to Asgard, are there, and Stephen Strange and Little Spider who have gone on a tour...

and many more!


Why did this guy come in too?

"Mom Fack! Did you make a mistake?" Nick Fury couldn't hold back his incarnation as Mama Fack. "Loki also entered here?"

"Don't be so shocked, okay? We are comrades who fought side by side." Loki grinned at Nick Fury. "Where is this? Why did I come here? Is this in my head?"

Loki's eyes fell on Wanda Maximoff, "Hey, witch, are you playing with my head?"

"Loki, Wanda is on Earth, and you are in Asgard, do you think it will be her?" Wanda Maximov still answered, but Thor spoke first.

"Do you know where this is?" Loki asked Thor.

"Didn't you keep asking me how I knew you were coming to Earth? Didn't you always wonder why everyone knows so much about the Zitarians? It's because of this." Thor didn't have any reservations and explained the answer space to Loki again.

"Interesting, there is actually such an existence in the Nine Realms." Loki laughed at the time, "I remember, when my father exiled you, I went down to find you, but you seem to have known that I was coming. It's also because this answering space leaked my future, right?"

"That's right."

"My dear brother, this is your fault. Since you found such a fun place, why have you kept it from me?" said Loki.

"This, where is this?" It wasn't just Loki who was unfamiliar with the answering space, but also Peter Parker.

He just grabbed all the blue frames while dunking on the basketball court. He was thinking about how to tell Uncle Ben when he came here suddenly.

It was daytime before, but it was pitch black here!

But it doesn't affect the vision at all!

Suddenly, Peter Parker's body was very clever, and an inexplicable feeling hit his heart. He turned around immediately and saw a young man who looked ordinary and very ordinary looking at him, and that person was also shocked.

"you are the same with me."

"You're Spider-Man too."

Peter Parker and Peter Parker spoke almost simultaneously.

"I thought I was the only Spider-Man in the world." Seeing the same kind, Garfield's Peter Parker smiled happily, and he extended his hand to Toby's Peter Parker, "Hey, hello, I'm Peter Parker. Parker."

"Hello, I'm Peter Parker too." Toby's version of Peter Parker held Garfield's version of Peter Parker's hand.

"Are you also called Peter Parker?" A weak voice came from the side, "I'm Peter Parker too."

As soon as the two versions of Peter Parker turned his head, he saw a ten-year-old child standing beside him, looking at him with big eyes.

"You're Peter Parker too?" Garfield's version of Peter Parker reached out and touched the head of his younger brother Peter Parker, "Isn't it a coincidence that there are three Peter Parkers at once."

"It's more coincidental that I'm also Spider-Man." Peter Parker, the younger version of the Netherlands, said with a small head, "Of course not now, but I will be in the future."

"Spider-Man in the future?" Toby's version of Peter Parker smiled, "This is a very interesting sentence, how do you know that you will be bitten by spiders in the future?"

"So Spider-Man became Spider-Man because he was bitten by a spider?" asked Peter Parker, the Dutch version.

"How do you know you're going to be Spider-Man if you don't even know how we became Spider-Man?" asked Garfield's Peter Parker.

"Because this is the answering space, everything is possible here." A voice came, and the three Spider-Man turned around and saw a middle-aged man in a brand-name suit and a mustache walking over.

"Question space? What is this place?" asked Garfield Peter Parker. "Who are you?"

"My name is Tony Stark, Peter Parker, welcome to my world." Tony Stark asked, "I don't know your world, is there Iron Man?"

"Iron Man? Who is that?" Garfield's Peter Parker shook his head. "Never heard the name, but you just said 'our world', 'your world', what does that mean?"

"It means a parallel universe. Where you are now is actually not your original universe, but a parallel universe, our universe." Tony Stark said, "In your universe, there is no Iron Man, no spider. Spider-Man has started to fight for peace. In my universe, Peter Parker is still a kid, and of course he will become Spider-Man in the future, just not yet.”

"It's not April Fool's Day," Toby's Peter Parker said, looking at Tony Stark. "Your joke isn't funny."

"Joke?" Bruce Banner also came over, "I just heard you mentioned that Spider-Man became Spider-Man after being bitten by a spider, are you both?"

"That's right."


Both editions of Peter Parker affirm this statement.

"What do you think is the probability of a person being bitten by a spider? What is the probability of being bitten by a spider to develop superpowers?" Bruce Banner asked, "The birth of Spider-Man is an accident of an accident, more It's hard to hack. Now there are two, um, three Spider-Man appearing at the same time, do you think this kind of thing is possible?"

"Impossible," Garfield's Peter Parker said, "but that's more believable than going to another world."

"Kid, I know this is ridiculous, and I know you don't believe it." Steve Rogers said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, you will believe it all sooner or later."

"wellwellwell." Nick Fury walked over in a trench coat, "I didn't expect that two friends from other universes would come here this time, let us express a warm welcome to them."

"Hello, Peter Parkers." Natasha Romanov, "I have to say that your presence surprised us."

"Hey, the god of Asgard is here, what are you doing around those little devils!" Loki shouted on the side.

[The question and answer starts now, please prepare for the answerer]

[The first question, what did Scott Lang do to get the Ant-Man suit from Hank Pym? 】

[a wins the heart of Hope Van Dine]

[b Hank Pym was robbed while shopping at the supermarket, and the road saw the injustice and saved Hank Pym's life]

[c sneak into Hank Pym's house and steal]

[d picked up Hank Pym's wallet and offered to return it]

"I asked Hank Pym and he didn't know Scott Lang, so I've always wondered how the two came together," Fury said.

"I'm also curious, I don't know Hank Pym at all." Scott Lang said, "I don't know why I have his suit and become Ant-Man."

"This c can be ruled out." Clint Barton said, "If someone comes to my house to steal, I will definitely teach him a lesson, how can I give him something?"

"Ant-Man suit is extremely important to Hank Pym, he broke with S.H.I.E.L.D. because of Pym's equation, and I can't imagine why he would give such an important thing to a thief who stole it from him." Steve Rogers said.

"It doesn't matter what the Ant-Man suit means to Hank Pym, the point is that I can't do anything like stealing!" Scott Lang shook his head, "c can definitely be ruled out. And a can also be , I'm married, I have a lovely daughter, how can I win other people's hearts?"

"Scott, I don't think this is necessarily true." Tony Stark said, "Who can say about feelings, maybe you just fell in love with Hank Pym's daughter at first sight."

"Absolutely impossible!" Scott Lang said angrily, "Tony, do you think everyone is like you? Tell you, it's impossible for me to do that kind of thing, a exclusion!"

"Okay, a rule out, so why are you excited?" Tony Stark said.

"Then only b and d are left." Phil Coulson said, "Compared with the two, b may be bigger, right? After all, it is the Ant-Man battle suit, so important thing, no matter what. Are you willing to take out the life-saving grace?"

"That's right, I think it's ridiculous to give me the Ant-Man suit just because of a wallet." Scott Lang made a choice, "I choose b!"

【wrong answer! Deduct one year of life! 】

"Wrong? Is it really because of a wallet?" Scott Lang was stunned. "Is there something very important in his wallet? Did he put Pym's equation in his wallet?"

"How can something like that fit in a purse," Phil Coulson said.

"Then why did he give me the Ant-Man suit because of a wallet?" Scott Lang said. "There must be something very important to him in the wallet, more important than the Ant-Man suit."

"Scott, if b is wrong and you say d, can't it be a and c?" Natasha Romanov asked.

"A and c are absolutely impossible. I will not betray my wife, and I will not steal." Scott Lang said, "So, it can only be d."

In fact, many people present said in their hearts that you will not betray your wife, but are you sure that your wife will not betray you, but no one said these words in the end, and now the family is happy, this is not a good word to say Suitable.

"I see!" Scott Lang was thinking about it himself, but he thought of a reasonable reason, "Hank Pym's wallet, or there are things related to him and his wife, such as photos or the original A token of affection. It's worthless to other people, but it's extremely important to Hank Pym."

At this time, there was light in the space, and the video began to play. At the beginning of the video, Scott Lang walked into a room with a bag on his back, and Louis was stirring eggs there, and asked casually, "Scott, what's the matter? Aren't you at work?"

"Yeah, got fired." Scott Lang said listlessly.

"Damn, they figured out who you are." Louis knew what was going on right away.

"Yes." Scott Lang put his bag aside on the sofa.

"Buzz Robin's always been an eye-catcher, bro," Lewis said.

"Buzz Robin never jokes around," said Dave, who was sitting at the table.

"Would you like some waffles?" Louis asked.

"Okay, give me some." Scott Lang happened to be a little hungry too.

"By the way, he's Kurt. He's been in Folsom for five years. He's a computer genius." Lewis introduced Scott Lang to Kurt, who was playing with computers there.

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you."

Kurt and Scott Lang had a simple exchange of words.

"Who are you?" Scott Long's eyes fell on Dave.

"Dave," Dave said to Scott Long in his unusually brief introduction. "Vista did a great job with that vote."

"Vista's ticket?" Kurt also came to the spirit, "Yes, I heard about this robbery."

"Strictly speaking, I didn't rob them," Scott Lang corrected on the side. "Robbery usually involves threats. I hate violence. I call it theft, and I'm a snitch."

"You mean you're a bitch." Dave summed it up in a classic way.

"Okay." Scott Lang didn't explain much.

"They're overpriced, don't they? Millions." Louis came over with the waffle. "Scott exposed them and got fired." Louis continued cheerfully, " Guess what Scott did? He hacked into the security system and gave the millions back to the clients who got hacked."

"Posted all the bank records online," Dave added.

"And then he drove their Bentley into the swimming pool," Louis continued, singing double reed.


Scott Lang put his fork down and looked at Louis. "What are you doing? Why are you telling these people what I did? What are you trying to do?"

"Okay." Louis didn't go around any further and stated his purpose, "My cousin discussed with someone two weeks ago, a simple and perfect little job."

"Don't even think about it." Scott Lang refused without hesitation, not even listening to what it was.

"No, no, wait!" Louis hurriedly said, "That guy has absolutely no appetite for you."

"No!" Scott Lang still refused, "I'm a novice buddy, I don't want to go back to prison."

"Just one of those millionaires with high severance pay, the perfect target for Scott Lang," Lewis said.

"I don't care, I quit." Scott Lang still refused.

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