Martial World

Chapter 2151 Soul Tears

Chapter 2151 Soul Tears


Crystal clear tears dripped on Lin Ming's face, and gently shattered. ∈♀,

In this bewildered world, the sound of teardrops shattering is incomparably clear, as if it came from a different time and space.

This is a tear of soul.

Some souls will leave tears when they feel sad and hurt...

Seeing the tear of the soul shattered, Sheng Mei smiled miserably, she knew how pale the tear of the soul was in this situation.

Because...there's no going back.

Moreover, even if the time came back, the result would be the same, because the environment at that time was a dead end for Lin Ming...

In the midst of lamentation, the physical joy brought by the union with Lin Ming seemed to be slowly fading away.

At this time, Shengmei's soul has been completely silent.

She watched helplessly, that the only man in her life who had been involved in love and hatred, after all, slowly lost all the original soul and the power of life under her own help...

He is already extremely weak, like a star that has completely dimmed after burning himself out.

At that moment, Sheng Mei felt that her soul was as cold as a piece of ice.

She looked at the sleeping Lin Ming, who was already completely useless. She felt as if there was a knife in her heart, slowly cutting the flesh and blood in her heart with a knife...

At the last moment, she left a strand of her own origin spirit in Lin Ming's body, but she knew how slim the possibility of this strand of spirit being to play a role was...

This means that Lin Ming is finished.

She personally destroyed this man with whom she once wanted to go far away from the world and completely jump out of the doomsday vortex...

It's over before it started...

She waited silently, like a barren tomb in her heart, she actually only waited for a few hours. To her, it seemed as long as millions of years.

At this time, Lin Ming, who was sleeping, woke up faintly.

He looked at Sheng Mei with a miserable smile on his face.

The fragrant grass is full of grass, and the breeze is blowing. The two looked at each other like this, and time seemed to freeze into eternity at this moment.

After an unknown amount of time, Sheng Mei finally spoke up.

It is still the words that Shengmei once said. Now, Shengmei listens as a bystander.

"Do you hate me..."

This didn't seem to be asking Lin Ming, but it seemed to be a torture from Sheng Mei's own mind.

"What reason do I have to hate you? Without you, I am afraid that I would have been killed by Piao Yu, and now I am a cold corpse, I should even say. In the hands of the Great Brahma God King..."

In the past and present, Sheng Mei remembered every word of Lin Ming's answer.

She was silent, listening, and every sentence of their conversation back then echoed in her ears. She can repeat it word for word...

Until Lin Ming said, "You are really unscrupulous, in order to achieve your goal of cultivating eternal life. Your own sex can be used as a tool. In the world of mortals, there are women who sell their sex for money, you and them , what's the difference?"

The words that scolded Sheng Mei as a prostitute caused a lot of uproar in Sheng Mei's heart back then, but I listen to it again today. There was nothing in her heart, only a sigh.

Maybe there really is no difference, the same can't control their own destiny, the same sad ending...


Shengmei knew that it was all doomed. No matter how you do it again, it's the same result.


Sheng Mei saw that her body had smashed away, leaving Lin Ming lying on the ground as if he had died, without the slightest bit of life...

Her soul did not leave with her body, but stayed in Tianyan Continent, watching Lin Ming.

This time, Sheng Mei was a little stunned.

How can this be so?

Sheng Mei didn't know, but slowly, her heart trembled slightly. She had been watching Lin Ming for several days in Tianyan Continent.

He still didn't leave with his body.

Faintly, she had a feeling in her heart, could it be...

Can you see with your own eyes what Lin Ming has experienced over the years? Back then, because of the existence of the Soul Emperor, she couldn't track Lin Ming at all, and since she left Tianyanxing, she went to the dark abyss.

But now, in a dream, she got such an opportunity.

What she saw in the dream, what happened to Lin Ming, could it really have happened?

Sheng Mei suddenly thought of this, but finally slowly shook her head.

Maybe even if you see it, it's just imaginary.

In this secret realm of the Demon God's Tomb, no matter how powerful it was, it would be impossible for him to learn Lin Ming's memories, and then let himself be in it.

But even so, Sheng Mei watched silently.

She wanted to see everything Lin Ming went through afterward, even if it was just what she imagined.

Years change, spring and autumn come.

Sheng Mei silently waited beside Lin Ming, like a ghost guarding the tomb.

In this wilderness, Lin Ming seemed to have fallen into a permanent sleep. His body was covered with fallen leaves and dust, and even grass grew on the soil.

Sheng Mei has a heavy heart, but is extremely patient.

She waited, and waited.

Until one day, Lin Ming slowly, slowly, opened his eyes...

Sheng Mei's heart froze, and the brilliance on her face changed slightly, showing the instability of her soul at this time.

She saw that Lin Ming stood up silently, and the rustling dirt and weeds rolled down from him. In this scene, it was as if Lin Ming had climbed out of the grave.

Lin Ming left, not knowing where to go.

Sheng Mei followed silently.

She followed him over mountains, rivers, and seas until she climbed a mountain that looked like the edge of a sword.

On the top of the mountain, Shengmei saw two swordsmen who, in her opinion, were completely just starting out on the road of martial arts, and they were fighting at the top of Jianshan Mountain.

"It's an old friend that Lin Ming met in the mortal world!"

Sheng Mei looked at Lin Ming's eyes and understood this meaning from his eyes.

She saw the two swordsmen fighting fiercely in mid-air, and after the competition, Lin Ming and the two swordsmen were drinking and chatting in the room.

In Sheng Mei's view, these two swordsmen were as light as dust. If it wasn't for Lin Ming, she would not have the slightest interest in listening to them.

However, after listening, Sheng Mei was a little surprised.

The words spoken by the two swordsmen actually contained an inexplicable truth.

Especially what a swordsman in Tsing Yi said, that set of insights about the peak of martial arts, made her feel as if her heart was touched by something——

In this world, there are endless peaks, but there is always a mountain, the highest, I will keep looking for it, my vision is limited, I may never find it, but I will continue to climb, because I climbed a peak , the horizons will be wider, so that I can see where the higher peaks are, I will climb down again, re-climb the new peaks I find, and repeat...

The words of the swordsman in Tsing Yi reverberated in Sheng Mei's ears for a long time, and even she herself felt inexplicable feelings because of the fighting spirit contained in these words.

This fighting spirit actually applies to her.

And a later discussion about wine and life made Shengmei feel even more waves in her heart——

"Taste spicy and know the mellow aroma, and realize the mystery when you are very confused."

Sheng Mei was completely stunned when the blue-clothed swordsman who had been drinking until he was drunk said these words.

It's not that the mood in the words itself is so profound, but in the dream, she suddenly heard these words that could not have appeared in Shengmei's imagination, but her heart trembled rapidly.

She had an inexplicable feeling, that is, maybe everything she saw in the dream might not be fake, but Lin Ming's real experience back then!

The various place names in the mouths of the two swordsmen, the description of Lin Ming's life, everything was full and vivid.

Those sentimental perceptions, I have never had.

The insights of warriors are not like the literati who can write splendid articles on a whim, but the philosophy of life that is really summed up through their life and experience.

It can be said that these insights are their martial arts.

The martial arts of the two blue-clothed swordsmen have a strong mortal color, and in Shengmei's mind, it is completely impossible to have the strange understanding that these mortals have.

What's more, these insights are obviously related to alcohol. Shengmei doesn't drink alcohol herself, so how can she forcefully imagine the mood of alcohol and life in her dreams?

Could it be that everything in front of her was not something she imagined, but what Lin Ming really experienced back then?

Thinking of this, Sheng Mei was shocked! (The third update of No. 29)

...(To be continued..)

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