Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 35: Magical effect

The dragon snake's horn, this piece of infinitely useful, with the blood of the beast and dragon, "short like a wooden stick, finally entered the Jiulong furnace under the control of He Yiming.

When the Horn of the Dragon Snake really entered the Kowloon Furnace, the power of the surrounding fire suddenly rose.

Even the three dragons seem to be part of the attention of this thing.

Slowly, the Horn of the Dragon Snake came to the piece of the weapon that was about to be formed. A huge force slowly ran over the J11 of the Dragon Snake, and the dragon's horn began to collapse. It turned into countless dust, and it slammed down from the rain.

However, all the dust is the most precious thing, and they all fall on the weapon that will be formed, and there is no waste at all.

After doing all this, the whole weapon of the gods suddenly burst into dazzling light.

Although it is inside the Kowloon Furnace, there are three giants in the side of it, although there is a vast expanse of fire in its body.

However, at this moment, this weapon of the gods can't wait to show the world its own brilliance.

I don't know how long it took, and the huge glory finally disappeared.

When the brilliance was completely annihilated, a long sword suddenly appeared in the void of the Kowloon furnace.

He Yiming's eyes were slightly bright, and his spirit quickly retreated from the Kowloon furnace.

When he opened his eyes, He Yiming reached out and reached a small point in the five elements of Guanghua. He suddenly expanded in an instant and penetrated the five elements of Guanghua and came to He Yiming's hand.

This is a long sword. The sword is black and it seems to be unremarkable.

However, after seeing the light it has shown in the Kowloon Furnace, He Yiming will never think so.

He tried to enter a piece of gold into it, and suddenly the black sword had a wonderful change.

The black above the sword, the race began to retreat quickly, and the bright light swayed out. He Yiming quietly felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night god, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world The most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal family will kill the gods of the gods of the throne, seek the devil, arrogant world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou Dynasty God will kill the **** of the gods and seal the throne to seek the devil. The world’s most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou’s royal family with this strong light, his face has suddenly changed, and it becomes extremely interesting in the next moment.

He stretched out a hand and shook a few times in the light, and the more surprised the face was, the more intense it was.

In the end, his mouth suddenly showed a happy smile, just like what is the best thing to laugh, and became unhappy.

This weapon of the gods is indeed a metallic soldier.

If there are no two materials that He Yiming has taken out, then this weapon of the gods, even though it has been tempered by the Kowloon furnace, is at best a slightly better one. Nothing for life, or for those who have only a glimmer of hope to advance to the Supreme, the rest of the Supreme will not look at it.

However, at this time, the weapon of this **** is very different.

After adding the black iron, its hardness and flexibility have been incredibly improved. Perhaps, its sharpness is not enough to make it cut off other weapons of the gods, but his hardness can be guaranteed, unless it is an artifact, or a fake creature like a counterfeit artifact, otherwise you want to It is also impossible to cut it.

Of course, the most special place of this weapon is not the anti-day treasure of the mysterious iron, but the corner of the dragon snake.

The Horn of the Serpent is one of the most mysterious items in the world.

On the way to forging the weapon of the gods, if you add a little dragon snake's horn, then there may be magical variations.

Although not every time there is a possibility of success, and even after success, it may not be able to achieve satisfactory results.

However, this time it was undoubtedly a success, and the weapon characteristics obtained also made He Yiming feel extremely ridiculous at the shock.

This long sword, if it is used in the gold system, then it will burst out like a hot sun.

In the battle of the Sayādaw level, a little ray of weapons can be said to be a lot. Even if you don't use infuriating, you can shine with the power of the weapon itself.

Of course - this kind of light in the battle of the Sayādaw level, in addition to a good look, it has no effect.

However, the long sword in the hands of He Yiming is obviously different.

The class i1 released by it has the confusing effect of destroying the sensory ability.

At the thought of this role, He Yiming remembered the most promising rising star in the Dashenzhong capital city, which is the most provocative hero of the 6th family. He is best at the two exercises, namely coagulation and Distortion.

Coagulation is no more, this magical practice with a bit of evil is far from being able to learn.

However, distortion is not the same, this method is extremely powerful, and can even affect the transmission of light.

No matter what level of master wrestling, if you can't determine the true position of the opponent, then the final result will definitely be less fierce.

Although after the promotion of the innate powers, when they are fighting each other, most of them will use the secret method to lock the breath of the other party. However, when they really fight, the situation on the field is ever-changing, and some of them are ridiculous. Get rid of the magical effect of breath tracking.

If the sword is suddenly used at that time, and the power that can be swayed with each other, the holding will be unparalleled.

He Yiming gently waved his long sword, and the gold system was more powerful.

The light of the sword is also strong, and the whole room is filled with this light. Even the five-color brilliance of the five-line ring seems to be inferior.

Of course, this does not mean that the power of this sword has passed the five-line ring of imitation artifacts, but only the different effects created by He Yiming's infuriating size.

After playing for a long time, He Yiming shook his head.

Although this sword is rare, but to be honest, if this sword is not the weapon of the first time he forged, then he definitely can't talk about the word.

This is purely a personal feeling. Anyway, he does not feel much about the weapon of the sword.

Of course, the most important thing is that the weapon of the gods that he cares about is not the sword, but the six water-related materials that can be used infinitely.

Only by melting those things together, He Yiming will be interested in this.

The wrist was shaken a bit, and the five elements were taken into the body. Then he stood up and gently opened the door.

Outside the door, one hundred and eighty are still standing quietly. Far away, there are two disciples of Tianchi who manage this place. They looked at the hundred and eight, seemingly waiting for his call.

However, if you want to communicate with people on a hundred and eight, this difficulty is too big. Even if He Yiming has never reported this luxury, let alone other people.

When the two disciples saw He Yiming coming out, they couldn’t help but glimpse together. Their faces all showed strange colors. It seemed that they were puzzled by He Yiming’s appearance at this time.

However, they immediately showed a faint color, although under the cover of their efforts, this change of expression is not obvious, but what kind of character He Yiming is, naturally at a glance to see the mystery.

The two men looked at each other and nodded each other. One of the people immediately turned and left. It was definitely to inform Yang Lan. The other person is a respectful salute, saying: "He respects adults, do you need to take a break?"

He Yiming nodded slightly. "A little rest."

The person's demeanor is more respectful, saying: "Please go to the lounge with the 100-members. The small one will prepare another material for you. After you have finished the rest, it will be no later than refining.

He Yiming is awkward, and he is inexplicable: "Why are you preparing another material?"

The man was suddenly stunned and frightened.

He Yiming looked at him carefully, and then remembered his expression, and his heart suddenly disappeared. He smiled and said: "I understand, you thought that my forging failed."

The man’s head was cold and sweaty, and the vest was soaked, and his head was lowered, and he did not dare to look up.

After a while, he said sternly, "He respects the horse, the horse has a hoof, and the person has a miss. Even if it is a powerful high-level forge, there will be failures, you don't have to worry about it."

He Yiming snorted and did not speak. He saw Yang Hao rushing in.

He hasn't come here yet, it's a long laugh, and the Taoist worker "He respects, please follow me for a while, then I will not be too late." He said as he flew to the place like a fly. First, I took a look at the disciple, and then said; "This kid is nonsense, you are a lot of adults, don't be surprised."

He Yiming smiled and watched Yang Hao’s cautious attitude. He was really speechless.

The sword of the black skull was held by him on his hand, and it was close to the side of the clothes. If he accidentally observed it, it would be difficult to see it.

And as a member of He Don't say that the two disciples, even Yang Lan, did not dare to look at each other for a long time, so I did not see it is justifiable.

Slightly shaking his head and turning his wrist, this sword has been taken in his hand.

Yang Lan originally wanted to explain the second sentence. I didn’t expect He Yiming’s wrist to turn over. It was a long sword in his hand.

He was awkward and his face changed greatly. He thought that after He Yiming advanced to the Supreme, he became moody and wanted to kill.

However, he immediately thought that even if He Yiming wanted to kill, but against himself and a child of the district, it is not worthy of his use of atomized soldiers.

Moreover, more importantly, as far as he knows, the hero of He Yiming does not seem to be a long sword.

His face changed a few times. He saw He Yiming holding a long sword and no longer had the next move. He suddenly knew that there must be a reason.

His eyes swept over the black sword, an extremely ridiculous, and even incredible thoughts flashed through his mind.

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